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Selectmen Minutes 12/20/2012
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 20, 2012 – 4:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Chairman Rob Wimpory, Selectwoman Karen Day
Staff: Town Administrator Patt

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Chairman Wimpory.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:
§       A/P Manifest
§       A/P Checks
§       A/P Invoices
§       P/R Manifest
§       P/R Checks
§       Wastewater Checks
§       Intent to Cut R4-52
§       Intent to Cut S1-02
§       Revised Return Check Fee Notice
§       Assessing correspondence
§       Meeting House rental agreement / Family Gathering
§       Department of Safety Project 25 equipment purchase
§       PSNH correspondence
§       Dept. of Transportation, Transportation Improvement Program ltr.

4:30 PM: Meeting Open
At 4:33 PM Chairman Wimpory opened the meeting and noted that Selectwoman Davidson had another engagement and would not be present during the meeting. Chairman Wimpory noted that Selectwoman Davidson provided a letter to be read during the Supervisor Murray’s employment review.

4:35 PM: DPW Supervisor Murray – Personnel Meeting
At 4:35 PM the Board welcomed DPW Supervisor Murray. Chairman Wimpory motioned to enter into a non-public session for the purposes of discussing a personnel related issue under 91-A II a. On a roll call vote the Board voted 2-0 in favor and the Board entered non-public session. At 5:06 PM the Board voted 2-0 to exit non-public session and noted that no decisions had been made and that the minutes were sealed.
The Board and DPW Supervisor held a short conversation about 2013 projects for the buildings and grounds. There are street lights scheduling for installation at the end of DPW drive and at the recycling center. Supervisor Murray would like to redo the front steps to the Meeting House and replace the ADA ramp and move the entrance on the ramp to the right instead of having wheelchairs go in through the kitchen. Supervisor Murray also discussed some additional expenditures that he would like to make from the 2012 budget. The Board asked Supervisor Murray to bring in a list for their meeting on the 27th that provides details about the expenditures and they would look at whether they felt it could be done.

5:37 PM: Welfare Director Fiscanaro-Conway
At 5:37 PM the Board of Selectmen met with Welfare Director Leah Fiscanaro-Conway (Conway). The Board outlined their interest in speaking about several of the welfare vouchers with Director Conway. Chairman Wimpory motioned to enter into non-public session for the purpose of discussing the welfare vouchers under RSA 91-A, II c, Reputation. The Board voted 2-0 on a roll call vote and entered into non-public session. The Board concluded its conversation with Welfare Director Conway at 5:43 PM and exited non-public session on a vote of 2-0. It was noted that no decisions were made and that the minutes were sealed. The Board and Director Conway discussed several questions in the public session including; the question of whether people receiving assistance could volunteer for the Town and whether the Board could mandate an exchange of work for assistance. The Board then discussed the 2012 budget and the fact that the Welfare budget would be over budget in 2012. Lastly the Board had questions regarding the Town as a landlord in the case where properties owned by the Town could be used to house people and families that are receiving assistance. Welfare Director Conway indicated that she thought this could happen but referred the Board to legal counsel for clarification.

6:30 PM: Work Session
The Board reviewed correspondence in the reading file. The Board signed off on the A/P check register and manifest. It was noted that the bank had notified the Town that the fee for returned checks is increasing for 2013. The Board signed a revised Return Check Fee notice, with the new fee set at $43.75. The bank fee has increased $2.00.

7:39 PM: Resident S. Maloney

The Board met with resident Sharon Maloney about the recent tax deed of the Maloney property. After a short discussion, Chairman Wimpory made a motion to enter into non-public session under 91-A II c Reputation. The Board voted on a roll call vote of 2-0 and entered into non-public session. At 8:18 the Board voted to exit non-public session on a vote of 2-0. The Board noted that it was their intention to work out an arrangement with the Maloneys so that the deed to their home could be returned to them on payment of back taxes. The Maloneys were required to call the Town Administrator on January 4th to advise of progress on their end and to meet with the Board of Selectmen again on January 10th. Mrs. Maloney indicated that she was going to look at payment of the back taxes in a lump sum.

8:30 PM: Work Session

The Board began a work session at 8:30 pm. The Board held a discussion about the Selectmen’s interest in meeting with other Selectmen in surrounding Towns. The Board asked the Administrator to reach out to Antrim as part of this effort. The Board then discussed the possibility of holding an employee appreciation day. The Board indicated that the 17th of January was the best day according to their individual calendars. The Board discussed the transfer station application for part-time help. The Administrator explained that based on the background check the offer of employment had been rescinded. The Board deliberated entering into non-public discussion but determined that a general conversation could be held without entering a non-public session. The Board discussed the difficulties in finding suitable help for part-time openings. The number of hours, pay schedule, and physical requirements for the job were discussed and it was noted that there were few applicants despite having advertised in print in six different publications, and online.
The Board then discussed bids for hauling solid waste. It was noted that NRRA had a lower rate than Monadnock Solid Waste by 5.00 a ton but NRRA also charged $25.00 for each mattress. Under the advisement of the Supervisor the Administrator indicated to the Board that Monadnock had put forth a bid that was lower overall, given they do not charge for mattresses.
Lastly the Board discussed wages for 2013. The Administrator provided a spreadsheet of 2012wages for  comparison. The Board discussed merit increases for employees and decided to vote for merit increases for four of the full-time employees; Supervisor Murray, Supervisor Burgess, Assessor and Bookkeeper Shaw, and DPW Foreman Beauregard. The Board then voted on a wage adjustment for the Administrator to bring his salary up closer to the average of the Administrators for towns with 1000-1999 residents. The Board discussed the Tax Collector’s hourly rate of pay, which has not changed since she was hired in 2006, and the increases to the Town Clerk’s salary that were budgeted for 2013 by the Clerk. The Board presented the Administrator with changes for each of the employees noted and the Chair motioned to accept the changes that the Board had discussed. On a vote of 2-0 the Board voted merit increases and a wage adjustment for these employees for 2013. The Administrator was asked to advance the 2013 wage spreadsheet, with this information, to the Board at a future meeting for signature.

9:39 PM: Adjournment
There being no further business, Selectman Wimpory moved to adjourn the meeting.  Selectwoman Day seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.

The meeting adjourned at 9:39 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s minutes.

_____________________       _____________________     
Rob Wimpory, Chairman     Karen Day, Selectwoman