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Selectmen Minutes 05/31/2012
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 31, 2012 – 4:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Chairman Robert Wimpory; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectwoman Debra Davidson
Staff: Town Administrator Patt,
Public: Ken Paulson

The meeting was called to order at 4:34 PM by Chairman Wimpory.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:
§       A/P Check Manifest
§       A/P Checks
§       Wastewater Checks
§       A/P Invoices
§       NH Retirement payment
§       Approval of Selectmen Minutes
§       Department of Revenue Administration disallow letter
§       Avitar right of way letter
§       Crotched Mountain Lease review
§       Timber Tax reminder letters
§       Insurance Co-Pay updated amounts

4:30 PM: HealthCare contract with Schoolcare

At 4:35 the Board reviewed the Schoolcare healthcare contract and executed the agreements.

5:00 PM: DPW Supervisor Murray : Non –Public meeting
At 5:00 pm DPW Supervisor Murray requested a non-public meeting with the Selectmen under RSA 93-A: II b; the hiring of any person as a public employee.  Chairman Wimpory made a motion to enter into non-public session, which was seconded by Selectwoman Davidson and passed on a roll call vote of 3-0. At 5:25 the Board voted to end the non-public session on a vote of 3-0. It was noted that an offer of employment had been authorized for the DPW Highway Equipment Operator position at a starting rate of $16.50 and, after a successful 90 day review, an increase to $17.00 an hour. The Town Administrator was instructed to follow up with the candidate with an offer letter.
5:30 PM: Review and Approval of Documents

The Selectmen reviewed the A/P Check Manifest, signed and approved A/P checks and Wastewater checks, and A/P Invoices. The Selectmen approved the NH Retirement payment, reviewed and signed timber tax reminder letters, the affidavit of tax lien, and reviewed the health insurance co-pay update form for the new employee healthcare plan year starting July 1st.

A letter from the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) was reviewed. The DRA has reviewed all of the ‘documents, warrant, budget, minutes and official ballot’ of the Town of Greenfield 2012 Town
Meeting and advised that the amendment from the floor on warrant article 15 “to allow for the unspent money to be held over for up to five years for the purpose of road reconstruction” is disallowed per RSA 32:7, VI; annual appropriations shall cover one fiscal year unless, “the amount is appropriated under a special warrant article and is explicitly designated in the article and by vote of the meeting as nonlapsing”. The Town will not be able to carry over any unused funds from this article. Any remaining unspent funds at the end of the year will lapse to the general fund. However, in the case of any remaining funds, a warrant article could be placed on the warrant next year to appropriate any lapsed remaining funds from the unreserved fund balance for funding of highway road reconstruction. The Selectmen reviewed the letter and felt that the Town would not have any issues spending the road reconstruction monies in 2012 given the amount of roadwork necessary.

A review and discussion regarding the Crotched Mountain Foundation lease of the old Town Office building was initiated. During the course of the conversation it was noted that the amount of the improvements on the building are greater than the building’s assessed value and that in the future it was likely necessary for the Selectmen to reign in any additional improvements to the building.

Selectwoman Davidson inquired if the Board of Selectmen in the past had discussed the Teng property and if there was a plan in place to sell the property. The answer was that there has been discussion and it was likely to be sold at some future date as determined by the Board.

Selectwoman Davidson indicated that a resident had inquired if Zephyr Lake road would be getting any paving or reconstruction this year. The answer was that Zephyr Lake road is slated to have a portion of the road shimmed and there is a small amount of the road that may get paved if there is enough product from the asphalt purchase.

6:00 PM:  Presentation on Uplift Festival

Jessica McCollough came before the board to talk about an upcoming music festival that is being scheduled at Oak Park in July. There was a discussion on the cost of renting the park and the Selectmen agreed to rent just the kitchen on the preceding Friday night so that the festival coordinators could be ready for Saturday opening.

6:45 PM: Jeff Wing – Baseball clinics and Variety camp

Jeff Wing came before the board to finalize a series of baseball clinics and a variety camp using Oak Park over the course of the summer months. Mr. Wing answered several questions from the board and outlined that ConVal had requested that he include language on his flier indicating that the clinics were sponsored by a non-profit organization. The Board agreed to having the clinics and variety camp under the umbrella of the Town’s recreation department but asked Administrator Patt to determine the best way to work with Mr. Wing; whether his involvement would be as a temporary employee or as a contractor.

7:15 PM: Personnel Policy review and revision

A discussion about Sick and Personal time was held as there were technical difficulties encountered in the transition from the original personnel policy to the recently revised personnel policy. The difficulties were the result of the limitations of Quickbooks, which does not provide an ability to track for personal days or holidays. The Board agreed that the policy manual could be revised in several areas that would result in better policy definitions and would not require any additional changes be input into the accounting software.

Calendar of upcoming meetings

The Selectmen’s meeting regularly scheduled for June 14 will be moved to June 12th at 4:30 PM.
The Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for June 28 will be moved to June 26th at 4:30 PM.

8:30 PM: Adjournment

There being no further business, Selectman Wimpory moved to adjourn the meeting.  Selectwoman Day seconded.  The motion carried 3-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s minutes.

_______________________    _______________________             ______________________
Robert Wimpory, Chairman    Karen Day, Selectwoman             Debra Davidson, Selectwoman