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Selectmen Minutes 12/16/2010
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – December 16, 2010 @ 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Minutes: Patricia LaPree
6:00 PM: Chair Jarvis Adams called the meeting to order.
Selectman Kullgren gave a report of the most recent Selectmen Advisory Council Meeting. There was not a quorum present, so no decisions were made. The food service contract for Con-Val, the Small Schools Study Committee concerns and the funding formula for the school district were discussed. The Advisory Council requests the presence of all Select Boards, Administrative Assistants and Town Managers at the next Advisory Council meeting on January 19, 2011 to help draft a letter to the School Board. The meeting is at 7:00 Pm at SAU 1.
Action: Administrative Assistant Davidson is to provide the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan information to date to John Kiley, the selectmen’s advisory council’s representative from Temple.  
6:25 P M: Carol Burgess, Recycling Center Supervisor, was present and requested a non-public session to discuss a reputation matter. Selectman Kullgren called for entering into a non public session, per RSA 91A:3 II (c). Roll call voted in the affirmative by roll 3-0.
Discussion Followed.
6:40 PM: Selectwoman Day motioned to come out of non-public session, seconded by Selectman Kullgren and voted in the affirmative by roll call 3-0.
No decision made.
Ms. Burgess asked if she can still utilize education funds in the budget this year for educational needs in 2011. The Board suggested she pay in advance for educational needs in 2011 because funds cannot roll over into the new budget. She asked about whether rain gear can be purchased and was advised to put it in the 2011 budget. She asked to have a working computer with internet access as soon as possible and was told that the Town’s IT person will attend to this need.
Ms. Burgess also reported that she found out that the fluorescent bulbs  constitute too small a load to have NRRA pick them up, so she will ask if Tru-Value in Milford will accept her taking them there for proper disposal in small batches over time. She also reported that the Incinolet toilet is still not working and she will keep the Board informed about getting it fixed. She reported that Matt Blanchard, former recycling supervisor, had contacted the company and there is no one in this area that can fix the product.
Ms. Burgess questioned whether the scale for weighing demolition is certified by the State to generate revenue. She will call the Department of Environmental Services Weigh Master to find out if it is certified.
6:52 P M: Town Forrester, Karla Allen, on the agenda. : Present were Karla Allen, Town Forester, Neil Bilodeau of the Department of Resources and Economic Development, division of Forests and Lands, property owner Richard Parker and his mother, Nancy Parker.
Karla Allen states that at issue is whether the Parkers cutting of trees on their property on Gould Hill Road is a Department of Forest and Land or a Department of Environmental Services violation.
Neil Bilodeau stated that the clear cut at the Parker property if it is a violation, is in violation of RSA 227, which governs the basal area along public roads and bodies of water. The regulation states that the buffer zone can exceed fifty per cent of the basal area by asking for a variance through DRED or by conversion of the property. Conversion is defined as when the land is “taken out of active forest production”. Mr. Bilodeau states that Mr. Parker is not in violation of the RSA. The property that he intends to plant high bush blueberries on, and had considered but has now decided against putting an airport field (helicopter landing site) on, met conversion criteria when the house lot was cleared. There has been no violation found by Department of Environmental Services.
Selectman Kullgren stated he was happy with the independent review in this matter and feels it has progressed well to a reasonable conclusion.
Decision: Ms. Allen will draft a letter to the concerned citizens of Gould Hill area and the select board will review the letter.

Brief discussion about the removal of trees from the Meeting House: Ms. Allen recommends that all the dead trees be taken down at once to be more cost effective.

7:40 P M: Selectmen’s Approval:
December 9, 2010 Select Board meeting minutes were approved.
Sign Documents for Approval:
A/P invoices: approved and signed.
A/P checks: signed.
Treasurer memo: Town Treasurer Katherine Heck recommends closing the NH PDIP account. This recommendation was approved by the Select Board.
Transfer of Funds: From General Fund to Waste Water Account in the amount of 5,280.00 was signed by the Select Board.
Miscellaneous mail was reviewed by the Select Board:
 Assessing Firms letter signed.
NH Local Government Center exception of insurance read and signed.
CDBG closure read and signed reviewed by the Select Board:
Letter notifying the Town of Greenfield of the Wilton Planning Board considering a cell tower in Wilton. Action: Administrative Assistant to determine whether the notification has to be posted in Greenfield.
The Board agreed with the letter from Avitar that approves Lot S2-22 being changed from one parcel with this designation to two, the other being designated as S2-22-1 and be included in the deed.
Action: Administrative Assistant Davidson should post the State Education Tax warrant.
Other Matters:
Personnel Policy Updates: Tabled. Action: Administrative Assistant, Davidson needs to bring the updates to the Board.
Purchase Order Policy: Regarding Catherine Shaw’s memo to the Board, anything that is a contractual payment doesn’t need the Board of Selectmen’s signature as long as the original contract has been signed by the Board. Anything that is variable in cost needs to continue to be signed by the supervisor and the Select board is to review it. Brief discussion followed about the Capital Expenditure Policy having a policy that will authorize certain persons to be able to have authority to make expenditures up to a certain dollar amount. No decision was made.
The Board is still waiting for answers about hiring requirements.
General Government Building: Department of Public Works will take over the tasks, but will not have the funds in its budget. Action: Select woman Day will inform Supervisor Kevin McDonald of this decision.
Emergency Management Team Report: John Gryval, Kevin McDonald, Loren White, Peter Hopkins Gil Morris, and Karen Day (as select board representative) had a meeting and discussed the purchase of the generator and CodeRed. The Public hearing on 12/27/2010 will address this issue.
Kevin McDonald is interviewing for two full time positions in the Department of Public Works. An ad has been posted in the paper.
Sign Board numbers: The Board approved the expenditure of 38.00 to replace needed letters for the Town sign.
DRA Warrant Article Class: Board members cannot attend. The Board denied the Administrative Assistant’s request to attend.
Skid Steer Account: Two anonymous donations have been made to the account within the last week. These donations will keep the account active.
8:24 P M: Adjournment: The motion was made by Selectman Kullgren to adjourn the meeting, Selectwoman Day seconded the motion. Chairman Adams adjourned the meeting at 8:25 P M.
The next Select Board meeting will be on December 30 at 6:00 PM. The Board will have a work session after the Public Hearing for expenditure of unanticipated funds on 12/27/2010.