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Selectmen Minutes 06/17/2010
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 17, 2010 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Minutes:  Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Call to order:  Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
6:00 – Weekly update from Administrative Assistant –
·       Memo – Administrative Assistant reviewed a memo with the Selectboard reiterating her conversation with Pam Brenner, Peterborough Town Administrator regarding the concerns Mr. Burtt had expressed about call volume, payments etc. regarding Crotched Mountain and Peterborough Ambulance.
o       Currently there are 11 Greenfield residents that have not paid for ambulance services.  All are going to small claims court.  Court costs are expensed to the Town of Peterborough, not Greenfield.
o       Crotched Mountain does not have any outstanding bills to the Town of Peterborough, all ambulance billings have been paid either by private insurance or the Mountain directly.  A call volume log was provided by the Town of Peterborough, as was a billing log with names redacted.  The Town of Peterborough had agreed with Greenfield that they would do the bill collection. The Town of Greenfield does not get billed twice.
Other items discussed with Ms. Brenner were:
o       Dress Code – Though the Town of Peterborough has a written dress code, it is not strictly enforced with the exceptions of NO visible tattoos or belly rings.  No short shorts.  Friday’s are dress down day.  Ms. Brenner herself doesn’t always wear a suit unless there is an important meeting.
o       Certified Beach Sand – This conversation came about as a result of a resident asking about Sunset Lake having “certified beach sand”.  Ms. Brenner has never heard of this, asked if Davidson found anything out about this to let her know.
o       Agenda & Meetings were discussed.  Brenner discussed with Davidson procedures of the Town of Peterborough prepares their agenda’s and conducts their meetings.  They meet once a month, usually for two hours.
o       Town Administrator vs. Administrative Assistant was discussed.  The differences in the positions, as well as the authority each position holds.
Sign Installation – Davidson reviewed a memo with the Board regarding installation of traffic signs throughout Town.  She provided State Statute indicating the Board of Selectmen oversees the installation of new signage, and the proper procedure for such installation requires public hearings, and input from the public.  The Blanchard Hill Road stop sign was discussed.
Anonymous donation – Davidson reported there has been an anonymous donation of signage for the beach.  The intent of this signage is to strictly enforce the beaches being for Greenfield residents & taxpayers ONLY.  Discussion followed.  Selectmen unanimously voted to accept this generous donation.  A letter will be sent to the family thanking them for their donation.
Memorial Day Flags – A resident contacted the central office regarding her husband not having a decorated grave for Memorial Day.  This was an oversight and a flag has since been placed on this veteran’s grave.

6:30 – RSA 91A:3 II (a) – personnel – Selectwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session for the purpose of a personnel matter.  Kullgren & Adams seconded the motion.  Voted 3-0 to enter into a non-public session.
8:00 pm - Motion by Day to enter out of the nonpublic session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Voted 3-0.
Decision:   McDonald to see the success of the work force training program through; Quarterly Budget Review/Reports by July; Road Survey/Evaluation Report by October/November; 5-year CIP update by October/December; Annual Continuing Education on DPW related subjects.
A Public Works Mutual Aid program was presented to the board for review.
Road signage – Selectmen reviewed the information Davidson provided them with McDonald.  McDonald discussed the Municipal Uniformed Transportation Code.  Whereas no public hearing was held with regards to the sign on Blanchard Hill Road, removing the sign was discussed.  No decision was made.  McDonald indicated there are several signs that need to be installed, he will get together a list of signs and incorporate them all into one public hearing.  No signs will be installed until the public hearing is held.  
Approval of Minutes:
Selectmen approved the June 3, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes as written.    
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
A/P checks
A/P invoices
Letters: Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church; Jeremy Gagnon
Notice to Quit – 771 Forest Rd. Apts. #2 & # 3
Oak Park Rental – GFD – Fireman’s Muster; Setaro
Old Business:
Painting- No update, McDonald should be working on this.
CMRC lease renewal, ambulance calls & security matters were tabled.
New business:
Misc. mail review
Lifeguard matter – Selectmen reviewed an e-mail from a Francestown resident.  No action is necessary.
Non-residents using town beaches – The use of town beaches is for Greenfield residents & taxpayers only.  There will be a fee of $75.00 for a 2010 non-resident beach pass.  The pass will be for the 2010 season only, a new pass would be required in 2011.
4 Slip Rd./771 Forest Road – For safety reasons it was requested to remove the bushes on Town property, on the corner of Slip and Forest Road.  This will provide for better visibility from Slip Road.  Selectmen approved this request; the bushes will be removed in the very near future.  
Action:  Selectboard unanimously approved the removal of the bushes, located on Town property at the corners of Slip and Forest Road.

PRIMEX – PRIMEX representative Carl Webber will meet with the Selectboard in July to discuss Selectboard setting goals for the Municipality.
“Loosely-knit neighborhood association” – A recent request for residents using one of the town meeting spaces at no cost was discussed.  This meeting would not be open for the public.   Discussion followed, this is a direct violation of RSA 91A (The Right to Know), after further discussion Selectmen unanimously voted against this request.  Vote: 3-0 against this request.
Special Town Meeting – Adams discussed he has contacted the Secretary of State regarding holding a special town meeting the same day as the primary election.  Adams explained to the other board members the procedures to do this type of special town meeting.  There must be a hearing held prior to the meeting, Administrative Assistant was instructed to research how to go about getting this arranged.  Also who holds the hearing, the Planning Board or the Selectboard?
Steven’s Advanced Driving – Davidson reported the driving classes are scheduled for October 5th, 6th & 7th - Davidson has contacted the Fire & Police Chief’s to determine who will be attending this course.  Police class is scheduled for the 5th & 7th; the 6th is for the Fire/Rescue.  Upon the completion of these departments taking this course, it will allow for a 2.5% savings on our insurance premiums through PRIMEX.
Mountaineers – Field rental and concessions were discussed.  As in the past the rent for the Mountaineers will remain at $1,700.00 and whatever they put into the field will be deducted.  A parent of a Mountaineer is a chef; an inquiry was made as to he/she selling goods during the four games in the fall.  Selectmen discussed this further.  This request will be approved upon submission of the rental agreement.  The parent will rent the kitchen each time for the regular rental fee of $50.00; this parent will also be allowed to keep his/her profits.  2011 Town Meeting was discussed, the Board would like to meet with the Mountaineers over the summer to discuss moving forward with a contract that encompasses more than a year-to-year lease.
Oak Park Mowing – A resident voiced concerns that the field wasn’t mowed like he/she thought it should be.  A letter has been mailed to Gagnon Landscaping.   
Emergency Management Liaison – Discussion regarding appointing a member of the Selectboard as an Emergency Management Liaison.  Motion by Adams to appoint Karen Day as the Selectboard representative and to further act as the liaison on the Emergency Management Committee.  Seconded by Kullgren.  Voted 2-1 Day abstained.  Voted in the affirmative.
Adjournment:   With no further business the Selectboard meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 6:00 pm.