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Selectmen Minutes 05/06/2010
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – May 6, 2010 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Minutes:  Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order:  Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
6:15 – Gould Hill Residents: Ed Anderson, Steven Chichoine, Paul Renaud, Lydia Kennedy, Kevin O’Connell, Sid Anderson, Janet Renaud, Sara & Colleen O’Connell.  All residents voiced concerns regarding a recent Gould Hill clear cut.
Kullgren followed up from the previous meeting since Selectmen Adams & Kullgren have viewed the site.  Kullgren reported he has spoken to Attorney, Christine Fillmore from the Local Government Center (LGC).  They discussed RSA 227-J:9 – paragraph 7 that specifically refers to the Basal Area law, which is enforceable by the local government.  The Town should notify the Director of Forest and Lands.  The Director will enforce the uniform statewide compliance.
Kullgren discussed RSA 227 –J:10 referring to the Slash law, this statute governs the enforcing of punitive fines.
Day has spoken with the Town Forester, Karla Allen who has spoken to Forest and Lands Director, there is an infraction and Allen will be present at a Selectmen’s Meeting to report what will be done and how the Department of Forest & Land will handle the situation.
Mr. Anderson voiced concerns about the possibility of the recent cut having created a liability for huge boulders letting go and causing further damage.  Being a safety issue is a concern also.
Discussion continued regarding safety matter, the Selectboards jurisdiction, boulders, stumps and more.
Anderson asked what is the next step.  Adams reported the next step would be the meeting with Town Forester, Karla Allen on May 20th at 7:00.
Adams reported he and Kullgren did go up to Gould Hill and the cut is quite invasive.  Again, the situation has been discussed with the LGC.  Adams asked if the residents have spoken with the property owner.
Mr. Anderson from 104 Gould Hill Road reported he did not, as there was an incident that took place and he was not comfortable with approaching the property.
Kullgren asked if this meeting was being governed by Roberts rules.  Adams stated yes it is. Kullgren asked that everyone in attendance please identify himself or herself.

6:30- Katherine HeckBlueberry Jamboree; Playground
·       Jamboree - Mrs. Heck discussed the Blueberry Jamboree for 2010.  The mission statement remains the same.  In an effort to build an appropriate playground for the children of Greenfield, the Jamboree Committee will become a subcommittee of the Oak Park Committee.  This has been discussed with the Oak Park Committee and they are supportive of this; the GIVers will also work with these committee’s to add to the playground.  Both the Blueberry Jamboree Committee and the Playground Committee will be provided appointments as a subcommittee of the Oak Park Committee.
Motion by Day to establish the Blueberry Jamboree Committee as a sub-committee of the Oak Park Committee.  Seconded by Kullgren.  No further discussion.
Voted:  3 – 0 in the affirmative.
·       Playground – Mrs. Heck discussed the playground infractions at Oak Park.  The playground was inspected in 2009 by the Local Government Center, Risk Management Inspector.  This Committee is working towards rectifying any issues and improving the overall state of the playground.  Sand has already been added, providing proper base for adequate mulch.  Grant opportunities are currently being researched.
Mrs. Heck discussed establishing a Playground Committee as a sub committee of the Oak Park Committee
Motion by Day to establish a Playground Committee as a subcommittee of the Oak Park Committee.  Seconded by Kullgren.  Discussion followed if the board would approve payment for the mulch for this project.  Selectmen would approve such a purchase.
Voted:  3-0 in the affirmative.  
7:00 –Plowshare Farm– R9-72-2 - Kimberly Dorn & Donat Bay – Ms. Dorn updated the Selectboard with how they have proceeded in the last year.  They have worked on updates with State laws, worked with the Department of Health and Human Services, presented before legislature for vote for changing type of facility.
·       Abatement – Selectmen were provided a recommendation letter from Avitar regarding this property tax abatement.  The abatement needs Selectmen’s approval or denial.  Ms. Dorn indicated the property taxes have been paid and they would like to withdraw the abatement application.  They would like to begin renegotiating the payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT).  They have agreed to pay the town and county portion of taxes in their PILOT agreement.  Selectmen agree to this offer.
·       PILOT Agreement – Administrative Assistant discussed the legality of the Board entering into an agreement for multiple years.  She was instructed to check with the Local Government Center to validate the legality of a multi-year PILOT.
·       Summer party - Plowshare Farm summer party is scheduled for Saturday, July 3rd from 3-7 pm.  All Greenfield residents are welcome.
Action:  Ms. Dorn & Mr. Bay should come before the Selectboard within a week or two, if possible, with a definitive negotiated PILOT for 3-5 years if approved by counsel.

7:30 – Michael BlaireNH Fast Roads presentation – Mr. Blaire provided an extensive history of the program, briefly stated. This project will be funded through Stimulus money.  It is being completed in conjunction with help from the NH Community Development Finance Authority, the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation, thirty-four towns of the Monadnock Region and  The goal of the project is to ensure that businesses, institutions and residents within the region have an adequate infrastructure to support jobs and economic development.  Broadband has become essential in developing the economic strategies in rural areas.  Mr. Blaire will provide an article for the Spirit to inform residents of this program.
Selectmen thanked Mr. Blaire for his presentation and look forward to learning more about the project as it progresses.
8:00 – Administrative Assistant
·       Office Recommendations - Deb Davidson presented the Board with recommendations as to Office Restructuring and an Efficiency Plan.  In general, the town has dedicated employees.  All working towards common goals.  A few areas of improvement to be considered.
o       Invoices, purchase orders, payroll etc. must be submitted by noon on Monday prior to the week it is needed.
o       Budgetary accountability
o       Monthly departmental meetings with the Board
o       Monthly staff meetings between department heads
o       Weekly departmental updates with the Administrative Assistant
o       Administrative Assistant will continue to oversee the lifeguards, Oak Park scheduling and administrative duties relating to each.  However, programs that residents should request, once approved by the Selectboard shall be spear headed by the resident requesting the program.
o       Selectmen availability at least one day/week
o       All employees are encouraged to continue education within their field of expertise.
o       Selectboard meeting agenda’s strictly followed.

Selectmen “liked what they saw”.  

·       Crosswalks - Davidson discussed a resident called asking if Selectmen could write to the State asking for the crosswalks to be repainted.  A letter will be sent to the Dept. of Transportation.
·       Slip Road – Davidson discussed a resident has reported concerns of unreasonable speeding on Slip Road.  The resident asked that the Selectboard ask the Police to monitor the road during the hours of heavier traffic, rather than just during the daytime when traffic is light.  Selectmen recommended a memo be sent to the Police Department regarding this matter.
·       Sunset Lake – The Beach will open the week of June 22nd; swim lessons will begin in July.
o       Lifeguards - Davidson reported she has met with Forrest Barwood & Kaitlynn Sweeney; both previous lifeguards would like to return for the 2010 season.  Davidson reported she had agreed to rehire both lifeguards, as well as at least one additional lifeguard will be hired.
o       Concessions - Sweeney & Barwood both suggested concessions remain, as parents and children seem to enjoy having the option of purchasing concessions at the beach.  Selectmen will consider this.
o       Lessons – Lifeguards suggested charging a fee for the lessons, the thought is this may provide a better commitment from parents.  Selectmen will not support charging for swim lessons.  Selectman Kullgren noted it was voted several years ago at a Town Meeting to offer free swim lessons to all Greenfield residents.  Until rescinded at a Town Meeting vote, free swim lessons remain in effect.
o       Fees  - A fee of $75.00 beach usage, for non-residents, was discussed.  Selectmen support this.
o       Ordinances - Lifeguards will enforce the following ordinances, they may request assistance from the Police if necessary:  No toys, sand toys are fine.  Dock test before any young children will be permitted to swim out to the dock.  There will be no floaties or lifejackets allowed.  Carry in/Carry out beach, fines will be enforced.
o       Lifeguard Chair – the seat will be extended so both lifeguards can sit on it at the same time.
o       Backboard – a new backboard will be purchased.
o       Beach Sand – fresh beach sand will be delivered this season.  All permits will be applied for and in place before the sand is delivered.

Approval of Minutes:
Selectmen approved the minutes of the April 8, 2010 & April 22, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting’s as written.   
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
A/P checks
A/P invoices
Appointments:  John Gryval-III, EMD and Peter Hopkins, Asst. EMD; Robert Marshall, Alt. Library Trustee
·       Demand for Rent - Austin Tenney; Allison Cook & Richard Matthews
·       Power of Attorney – Authorizing PRIMEX as the Town reimbursable agent for Unemployment Compensation.
·       NEM Holdings – Buyers premium payment request 7.5% - $9,750.00
Old Business:
Painting: Administrative Assistant has tried to contact the painter, who painted the buildings in 2002, investigating if the lead paint has already been removed. He has not returned the call as of yet.
Town Seal: Administrative Assistant discussed the Town Seal is an official seal of the Town, only to be used for Town business.  Chairman Adams will notify Mr. Davenport.
Public Hearing: May 20th at 6:30 pm. – re: STAG funds
Intent to cut: Administrative Assistant reported the State met with Zach Lavoie today, it was reported Mr. Lavoie has two weeks to submit proper paperwork on three cuts (R9-46, R9-46-2, R4-27).  The State will follow-up on this.
New business:
Mail: Selectmen reviewed the incoming mail.
Notice of claim: Administrative Assistant informed the Board of a recent notice of claim for damage to the F550 highway truck.
Memorial Day Parade: Administrative Assistant asked Chairman Adams if he has a portable microphone that can be used for the Parade.  Adams stated he has one he will let them borrow.  Administrative Assistant informed the Board that Adele Hale has volunteered to spear head the function; she suggested if any of the Selectboard would like to help Adele, she would appreciate the assistance.  Two veterans have offered to help; Adele is the coordinator of the parade.  GIVers will, until further notice, annually do the Ice-Cream Social.

4 Slip Road: Administrative Assistant updated the Selectboard as to a recent conversation between Maureen Soraghan of Upton & Hatfield and herself regarding the closing of the Slip Road property.  Everything should be final by August, all documentation signed and new ownership to be taken over the property.
Oak Park: Adams reported there are some water problems at Oak Park; the pump is not working at the park. Adams suggests we contact the Washwell Company and get the problem taken care of.  Adams will contact the Washwell Company and schedule the repairs.
Selectmen’s Advisory Committee update: Kullgren reported at the recent meeting it was discussed what accomplishments they would like to see for 2010. Equalized valuations – Article 8 funding formula; Budget & property committee will start a sub committee – the task of the committee will be to review the appropriateness of the calculations and provide a report.  SAC is looking at the possibility of regional assessing.  Other items on the articles discussed were Article 5 small schools vs. makeup of the district.  Article 2 has to do with the Board make up and the number of members from the community. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 25th
Lunch: Kullgren discussed the amount of time allowed for lunch breaks is the selectmen’s call.
Evaluations: Selectmen will have their personnel evaluations for department heads (Administrative Assistant, DPW Superintendent, Police Chief, Recycle Supervisor, Tax Collector, Treasurer) prepared for the meeting on May 20th.  Departments will be scheduled the first week in June, having employees complete their own evaluations by June 3rd, prepared to discuss them with the Board.
Adjournment:   With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 6:00 pm.