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Selectmen Minutes 12/17/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – December 17, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Debra Davidson
Call to order: Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
6:00 –DPW Supervisor, Kevin McDonald – Mr. McDonald updated the Board with how things have been working out at the Highway Garage.
·       Tree lighting – Deb asked if a path could be plowed to and around the tree for the tree lighting before Saturday.  McDonald indicated this would get done.
·       Snowplowing sidewalks – McDonald received a letter from a resident who was not happy with the snow being pushed onto her lawn.  Discussion followed, it was decided the sidewalk will continue to be plowed; Kevin will go talk to the resident.  Matt Blanchard has been doing the MT and is working out very well.
·       Slip Road – McDonald received a letter from two residents on Slip Road concerned with the plowing on Slip Road during the last storm.  Kevin will go discuss the letter with the family that has the concern.
·       East Road drainage – Davidson received an e-mail and forwarded it to McDonald regarding a culvert that was installed last year.  The culvert was supposed to make the drainage problem better, has made the problem worse.  McDonald will contact the resident and discuss the situation to see how to rectify the problem.
·       Future Storms – In the event of a storm before someone is hired, McDonald mentioned he has a couple people who will help out.  There have been several applications for the DPW position.  Part-time wage was discussed.  Jeff Tarr & Gabe Robertson both know people who would be able to work part-time as well.  Discussion followed.  No decisions were made.
·       Questionable invoices – McDonald explained he wasn’t comfortable signing off on invoices he did not have anything to do with.   He did not order the products, and has no idea of what is coming while going forward with this problem.  The 35% restocking fee and expense of shipping the product back to the company was discussed.   There are items that will be sent back, they are the absorbent pads and the salt neutralizer.  Other items have been paid for.  Selectmen recommend, Florida Attorney General or Better Business Bureau be contacted and report these companies.   He will keep one of the degreasers and one of the salt neutralizers.  Any future shipments from these companies will NOT be accepted.  A sign will be posted at the DPW Garage indicating if there is no one at the garage UPS, FEDEx or any other postal delivery needs to go to the town office.  The central office, as well as the DPW employees will refuse these particular companies.  
·       FEMA Funds – Selectman Kullgren motioned to authorize DPW Supervisor, Kevin McDonald to spend an amount not to exceed $13,500 of the remaining FEMA funds accordingly, a bid would not be required for maintenance items.  Seconded by Adams.  Discussion followed.  Several purchase orders were presented and signed.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

·       Meeting House – An electrician has provided an estimate for electrical updates at the Meeting House.  A full panel would need to be installed, it is currently fuses.  The cost would be approximately $2,000.00.  Davidson will ask Mrs. Mayer what she thinks about it, if either one stove would be sufficient or are two stoves necessary for the Meeting House.  McDonald suggested locking the kitchen in the future.
·       Projects – Discussed projects for 2010
·       Budget – Discussed the proposed 2010 budget, and where to go with it.  McDonald did not develop the budget; he would like to discuss exactly what makes up some of the line items.
·       Road Tax – McDonald discussed the possibility of charging a minimal fee for registered vehicles, the funds would pay for the repair of roads.  Davidson will look to Merrimack for advice, as well as defer to the BAC to look into this.  McDonald stated he is excited to start a road management plan.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the December 10, 2009 minutes as written.
Sign Documents:
The following documents were signed:
A/P invoices   
A/P checks
Credit Application for – allowing for the purchase of energy efficient light bulbs, fixtures etc.
Old Business:
2010 budget proposals – this was tabled until a later date.
New business:
Mail - Misc. Mail was reviewed
Walkway lights – Davidson explained the Board needs to sign the credit application, and then one set of two led lights will be purchased.  If they work out then more will be purchased for the walkway in 2010.
Apartments – 19 Sawmill Road –
·       Windows – The windows will have plastic put on them tomorrow, Matt Blanchard will get the product and plastic all 21 windows.  
·       Furnace repair – Discussion followed regarding there is no working furnace at this property.  Davidson will contact Rymes to get a copy of the previous owners quote for the furnace repair.  Davidson will also contact Allen & Mathewson and have the repairman come look at the furnace and prepare a bid for us.  Selectman Adams will look into the possibility of a used furnace to replace the broken one.  Adams will not do any of the work at the property or receive any compensation for looking into the used furnace.

·       Shoveling – The downstairs tenant has indicated he will be able to do the snow removal for the walkways at the property.
Office Heat – The heat in the central offices has not been working properly.  Davidson was instructed to check the vent in the Police Chief’s office.  Also, she should have Allen & Mathewson look into this; the vent is at the end of the main steam vent.
Insurances – Workers Comp, Health Insurance rates.  Davidson has researched insurance prices.  Currently, Primex is a significant savings for health insurance and property liability, she is waiting to hear from Marian Alese to see if we could get an even better rate if cooperatively enroll with ConVal.  
Auditor – Davidson reported, town auditor, David Clukay passed away last weekend.  A letter of condolence and flowers will be sent to the office of Vachon & Clukay.
Library chimney – Davidson discussed what transpired with this week with the Library chimney repairs.  The chimney was very damaged; WRB has photos showing the extensive damage that needed repair.  Discussion followed.  Adams would like to have DPW Supervisor look at the chimney before any repairs are done.  Selectmen are not supportive of using the Library Roof CRF for this repair.
Policies – Selectmen are going to review policies after the New Year.
Adjournment - With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.  The next Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for January 7th, 2010.