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Selectmen Minutes 11/19/2009
Town of Greenfield
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Thursday November 19, 2009

6:00pm Call To Order
Chairman Karen Day calls tonight’s meeting to order.
Kathleen Carpenter taking minutes.

Peter Hopkins discusses the 4 unit home on Main Street previously owned by Ann Webster.  The BOS and Peter Hopkins agree that the house on Main St previously owned by Ann Webster was a 4 apt building, on January 26, 2009 and as long as construction permit has been received within 12 months of that date, it can remain 4 units.  The BOS are in agreement with this statement.

6:15pm  Matt Blanchard
Matt Blanchard discusses the vehicle reclamation fund.  Present is Susy Mansfield she discusses her experiences in Peterborough and with Crotchet Mountain.  This would include tires, batteries, antifreeze and tires.  In Peterborough they have a tire reclamation, its $3 per car upon registering vehicles.  Tires, batteries, oil and antifreeze must be properly managed, then the funds can be used to support management efforts up to and including salaries.  Then the recycle center would not have to charge for disposal of these items, up to 4 tires per year.  This also helps stop people from dumping tires on the side of the road.  This is not tax money, it is deductable on resident taxes.  This would have to be voted in during town meeting.  This works very well in Peterborough.  Matt will provide the BOS with a copy of the statute for a reclamation trust fund.

6:30pm RSA 91A:3 II(c)
awaiting arrival of parties

6:31pm  Old Business
CRF expenditure reversal – Discuss paid lunches to energy committee.  Trustees do not think this is a CR expenditure, should it be reversed and paid through Gen. Government Building?  The Board is in full agreement that the funds should be paid through general government building funds.

6:33pm RSA 91A:3 II(c)
Aaron Kullgren moves for RSA 91A:3 II(c) the BOS enters into a non-public meeting.  Aaron, Jarvis and Karen votes yes.  A resident came in to discuss a private matter with the BOS and asked the BOS for its advice and support.  Aaron moves to end the non-public meeting, all in favor.

7:00pm  Decision on Assessing Services Contract
Karen states that Avatar was the least expensive of the two bidders, the difference was significant.  The BOS discusses the different options as far as term.  Aaron moves that the BOS awards the Assessing Service contract to Avatar and the term is to at least to encompass the 2010 calendar year.  The board will decide if it’s a one, three or five year term contract at a later date.  There is some discussion.  Jarvis asks what were some of the resident complaints and how can they be resolved with this contract.  Karen does believe that much of the concern revolves around the way assessments were completed in the past, and that most of those issues have been corrected.  Avatar is all new people.  The motion is read.  Jarvis seconds, all are in favor, the motion passes.

7:09pm  General Business
The BOS enters into a discussion about the budget.

7:15pm  Aaron discusses that David Hall from NEM Holding as the new owner has requested access to the buildings which is chaperoned by Jarvis, but would also like to inspect the roofs to determine if any work needs to be done to stop any potential damage.  They are willing to sign a waiver to accomplish this.  Aaron moves that NEM holdings be allowed to draft a waiver letter to allow them access to the roof and all necessary building locations on the condition that Deb Davidson speaks Greenfield legal counsel to make certain this will be binding and protect the town from any liability.  Jarvis seconds, all in favor, the motion passes.   There is some discussion regarding what happens if work needs to be done.  

7:24pm  The BOS once again discusses the town budget.  The BOS reviews and discusses a job description proposal received from Kevin McDonald, DPW Director.   The BOS discusses some proposals for warrant articles for the next town meeting.  

Other Business
Approval of minutes for November 12, 2009, done.
A/P invoices, done.
Purchases, done
A/P checks, done.
Misc Mail Review, done.

8:00pm Adjournment
Aaron moves to adjourn, Jarvis seconds, all in favor, the motion passes.