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Selectmen Minutes 10/29/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – October 29, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order:
6:30 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) – personnel Chairwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Vote: 3-0
7:30 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Vote: 3-0
No decisions were made
7:35 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) - personnel Chairwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Vote: 3-0
8:30 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Vote: 3-0
No decisions were made
9:15 – Selectmen had a deliberative session regarding legal counsel.  
Motion by Day to enter into a contract continuing legal services with Upton & Hatfield, LLC for the upcoming 3 years.  Bart Mayer & Matt Serge will be counsel contact for the Town of Greenfield.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.
No discussion followed.
Voted:  3-0
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the October 22, 2009 minutes as written
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed A/P invoices
Selectmen signed P/R checks
Selectmen signed Letters
Selectmen signed two Intent to Cut – R2-11 Crotched Mountain; R7-21-1 MacKay (Selectmen would like an opinion regarding having a road bond).
Selectmen signed documentation allowing an escrow to be set up for one of the tenants at LongBlock.

Old Business:
Town Office Safety – tabled
New business:
Selectmen reviewed the miscellaneous mail.
Personnel Policy review – Selectmen voted to remove section 9.3 in our current personnel policy.   Change 11.1 procedures for emergency services working on holiday to be time and ½ not double time and a half.  Seconded by Adams and Kullgren.  Voted unanimously 3-0.
Reviewed Assessing proposals – Discussion followed – Deb will contact ask Reider for the breakdown as a level funding. Avitar will be asked to do a breakdown for hourly work.
Letter from Leslie Vogal was reviewed.  Ms. Vogal is holding an event to release her new children’s CD, she has asked if the Board would consider waiving $500,000 from the insurance certificate, as she is unable to get $1,000,000.00.  Discussion followed, Voted 3-0 to waive $1,000,000 to $500,000 for this one event.
Robblee Tree has asked for a change order for the tree work, there were 252 hangers to be cut, the additional fee and the additional clean-up will bring the total cost of the job to $20,500.00.  Even with the change order, Robblee Tree is still far below any other proposals.
Drainage pipe – Adams discussed the misunderstanding between Peter Davenport and the Town regarding the purchase of the pipe for the drainage on the town portion of the property.   Francestown Sand & Gravel stated that they would waive the fee of the pipe in lieu of the town replacing what was used.  Additional gravel was needed; the town will assume the cost of the material, which is $990.00.  The Town will get a price for the pipe, there is approximately 120’, with the municipal discount it will be quite a savings, the pipe will be sent directly to Francestown Sand & Gravel.
Landlord/tenant matters  
·       Leaking roof – In an effort to stop the leaks, Adams will put tar on the roof.
·       No oil – 100 gallons was delivered.
·       No rent – 4 tenants have not paid their rent, three for October, one has indicated they will not be paying in November.  Selectmen would like to begin the evection process.
·       Income/expense report for Slip/Forest road – Currently there is $600.67 of positive cash flow, however with the oil delivery that will most likely put the buildings in the negative. Adams asked what charges have incurred.
Tax Rate – Sandra Rourke will set the tax rate on Tuesday @ 11:00 am; Deb to send out reminders for the Selectmen.
Lyndeborough Perambulation – The following dates were suggested by Lyndeborough, all dates are Saturdays - November 7th, December 5th   December 12 at 9:00 am.  December 5th may be best.
Request for 3 vacation days – Selectmen approved this request.

Delinquent Taxes – Kathy Valliere would like to invite Mr. Belmore to a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss delinquent taxes.  Selectmen would prefer Valliere to begin discussions with him before having him come in to meet with the Board.
Selectmen reviewed an e-mail from the Treasurer.  If necessary the Board will suggest holding the school payment.
Legal Services – Selectboard discussed legal services, the Town will remain with Upton & Hatfield. Administrative Assistant is to let Attorney Mayer know this by 3:00 on Friday.
Mountaineers – Selectmen discussed the Mountaineers.  Administrative Assistant to research if any contract with them needs to be a warrant article, there will be no funds exchanged, only improvements to the park.  No decisions were made
Administrative Assistant is to discuss with Town Counsel how to begin the eviction process.
Adjournment: - With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 6:00 pm.