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Selectmen Minutes 10/15/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – October 15, 2009 – 5:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order: Meeting called to order by Chairwoman Day at 5:00 pm
5:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) – personnel – Chairwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted: 3-0
5:45 – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  
Voted: 3-0 – No further discussion.
Decision:  Selectmen will schedule 2nd interviews, Tuesday October 20, 2009 at 6:00 pm.  They will meet with the three final candidates for the DPW Position.
5:50 – In accordance with RSA 91a:3 II (c ) – reputation - Chairwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted: 3-0
6:15 – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  
Voted: 3-0 – No further discussion.
Decision: No decision was made.
6:30 –Tenants from Slip Road, Forest Road & Sawmill Road – Selectmen invited all tenants to attend the meeting in an effort to update them of the Boards intentions for the buildings they reside in.
Tenants present:  Mr. & Mrs. Whipple, Laura Traffie, Patrick Welby, Patricia LaPree & James Maynard, Jason Lyonnais & Thomas Sullivan
Day explained to all present the reason for this meeting is to get to know who the tenants are, as well as introducing themselves as Selectpeople.
Selectman Adams reported he and Michael Borden patched some of the roof at 4 Slip Road; he is interested to see how it will be in the next rainstorm.
Day discussed the following:
·       Slip/Forest Road
o       Mailboxes - several tenants need mailboxes – the Town will not receive or deliver mail to anyone.
o       Town office needs phone numbers & addresses
o       Auction on Slip & Forest Road properties is scheduled for November 14, 2009 at 10:00 am.  The qualified bidders would like an opportunity to visit the interior of the apartments and the entire building at 9:00 a.m.  The Board asks that everyone cooperate with these efforts.
o       Public Service Accounts – The Town pays for 6 meters. Tenants pay for their meters. See memo  
o       Recycle –There will be no dumpster provided, all tenants MUST recycle.
o       The town will be responsible for the plowing until title changes hands after the auction.
o       Rents must be paid by 1st of the month.
o       Tenants are responsible for their electricity.
·       19 Sawmill Road –
o       Selectmen have no intention of selling right away, it will be sold eventually.
o       Rents must be paid by 1st of month.
o       Tenants are responsible for the electric.
o       The Town will be responsible for the plowing.
o       Furnace – Administrative Assistant will check with the Community Action Program (CAP) to see if there is funding.  No guarantee of a furnace being installed.
o       The Town needs keys to the building.  Must be provided within 5 days.
·       Questions from the tenants
Ms. Traffie asked about the leaking roof at 4 Slip Road.  Adams will follow up and verify that the leak is repaired.
Selectmen will return $100.00 of Ms. Traffie’s security deposit, as her rent was reduced $100.00 due to the problems in the apartment.  Traffie asked about winter parking.  Selectmen noted they could park at the municipal parking area on Forest Road.
Mr. Welby discussed his concerns about the leaking roof and their appliances.
Adams will arrange to visit the property and see what can be done.  In the event of emergency, all tenants should contact Jarvis Adams.  Adams provided his phone number to the tenants.
Ms. Traffie stated she would like to have notice if the building needs to be entered.
Tiles to be replaced at Welby & Traffie apartments, a new stove and refrigerator will be provided.

Ms. Traffie asked what the probability of a purchase on November 14.
All Selectmen replied it most likely would be sold.
Ms. Traffie discussed concerns she has with the apartment.
Mr. Whipple noted to the Board that the stove & refrigerator in his apartment is his, in the event that he moves he will be removing them.
Mr. Lyonnais noted due to the date the property on Sawmill Road was deeded; he paid his October rent to Mr. Geisel.  
Day stated that was fine, future rental payments will be paid to the Town.
Selectmen thanked everyone for taking the time to meet and discuss any questions or concerns they had.
7:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) – personnel Chairwoman Day motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted: 3-0
7:30 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted: 3-0
No discussion, no decision.
7:20 – Recreation Coordinator, Stephanie Lamothe –
·       Revolving Account -  Mrs. Lamothe discussed ideas for use of the funds in the account, while doing the budget she noticed there is no line item in the budget to fund programs.
Kullgren explained the program funds were removed to encourage use of the Revolving Account.  
A Playground Committee is being established, Lamothe would like to have a percentage of the funds used to fund a playground.  Lamothe discussed what type of playground, costs etc.
Neal Brown discussed any interested parties need to come together and make a plan to move forward with the plan.
Day discussed the revolving account is supposed to revolve; the Board wants to see this happen.  Day would like to see the programs at least break even.
Lamothe discussed she is struggling with when to charge when not to charge for activities.  
·       Budget – The proposed 2010 budget has been significantly reduced. She added a line for programs. Discussion followed regarding where she moved funds from to create the program line item

·       Skating Rink – Selectmen support building a skating rink – 50’ x 100’ would be approximately $1,000.00. Funds from the revolving account could be used for this item.
Funds are available for grants for projects, like a skating rink if it is located at Oak Park.  
Budget Committee Chair; Bruce Dodge asked who would take care of the maintenance of the rink.
Lamothe thought maybe the Highway could when they plow the track.
Administrative Assistant will look into signage for a skating rink and liability of a skating rink.
Lamothe would like an estimate for removal of trees and putting down some bark mulch at the playground.  This will be put on hold until spring.
Approval of minutes:
October 8, 2009 minutes were approved as written.
Sign Documents:
·       A/P invoices
·       A/P checks
·       P/R checks
·       Letters
·       Abatement – 4 Slip Road/771 Forest Road
·       CDBG Request for payment
Old Business:
Budgets – Tax Collector could not be here, BOS to work on 2010 proposed budget during the week.
Town Office Safety – Tabled until the Chief of Police can be present.
Selectmen’s Advisory Committee – A joint meeting with the School Board and the SAU Leadership Team will be held on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. at 7:00 p.m.

New business:
Mail - Misc. Mail was reviewed
Amended Minutes - Children’s Librarian, Chris Tarrio requested the minutes of October 1, 2009 be amended to reflect the following:
Motion by Day to amend the minutes of 10/1/09 to reflect:
“In conjunction with the GRD, the Library is partially sponsoring the Hampstead Players for the Christmas Carol on December 19th”
Mountaineers – a resident who stated that the noise at 7:00 am on Sunday was immense and intolerable called Kullgren on Sunday.  Mountaineers will be made aware of this.
Red Cone Old Bennington Road – Kullgren asked what the cone is for?  Adams responded that is where the road washed out, Adams had a cone and he put the cone in the spot.  The Cone is gone.  
Water Rights – Delay’s Harvester – Adams discussed assuring that Mr. Davenport knows that the town has a water rights on the parking lot.  Before they tar they need to let the Town know.  The Board would like to identify the position.  Mr. Davenport has asked if he could build a gazebo on the wastewater spot.  Allowing for music, shows etc.  Administrative Assistant will check with Jim Cruthers.
Legal Bids – schedule meeting with the ZBA, Planning Board and the two law firms who returned a request for proposal (RFP) next week @ 6:15 & 6:45
Oak Park – Administrative Assistant asked if the Town should drain the water at Oak Park?  John Hopkins will be contacted about this.
Slip/Forest Road Properties – The vacant apartments will continue to keep the electric heat on low to avoid any pipes freezing.
Legal Matters – Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact John Teague to have a warranty deed and a memorandum of understanding ready for the auction on November 14, 2009.
Adjournment:  With no further business, at 8:40 pm motion by Day to adjourn the meeting.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2009 at 5:45 pm for a non-public session.  Following that the meeting the next open meeting will Thursday, October 24, 2009 at 6:00 pm.