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Selectmen Minutes 09/17/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – September 17, 2009 – 5:30 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order: Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
5:30 – In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (c) reputation - Selectman Adams motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Day & Kullgren.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.
5:45 - Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative.
There were no decisions made.
6:00 – Selectmen motioned to open the Tree Bids There were four bids received for this job.
  • Jungle Jims Tree Service - $38,600.00 – 4-6 weeks to complete the project, takedowns must be tagged by Town.
  • Robblee Tree Service– $14,500.00 – 151 hangers from design. Trees, removal of seventeen hazardous trees (6 inches to 11.9 inches in diameter) and the removal of eight hazardous trees (12 to 23.9 inches in diameter).
  • Northeast Tree & Stump removal – $24,000.00 – all limbs, hangers and hazardous tree removal as outlined in the Town bid specs. The bid will be increased to a price of $32,000 if they raise the height of the hangers to 18’.
  • Keene Tree Service $18,875.00 – bid per Town of Greenfield specification sheet.
  • Wally’s Tree Service – $20,500.00 – This bid does not include currently downed debris, except for that on East Road.
Selectmen reviewed the sealed bids as presented.  Town Forester, Karla Allen stated that all the bids received were done so by reputable tree services.  She assured the Selectmen that any of them would be acceptable and professionally completed.  
Discussion followed regarding the bids.  Selectmen will hold a deliberative session at their next Meeting, September 24, 2009, to make the decision as to which company they will award the bid to.  
Action item: Administrative Assistant will fax three bids to the Town Forester for review and advisement.

6:30 – Library Trustees – Maryanne Grant, Jami Bascom, Eric Leonardi were all present.
  • Budget issues – Chairwoman Day asked where the Trustees stand with the request of a 5% savings, a total of $300.00.
Mrs. Grant stated she would like to discuss that she received information from Catherine Shaw indicating that book order invoices have not been processed since August.  Mrs. Grant further expressed this is very upsetting, stating as Selectman Kullgren had stated in past, this was not a mandate but a request.  They did not touch the book budget but they have cut the budget.  According to State Statute the Trustees have the authority to oversee the budget for Library, not the Board of Selectmen.  Mrs. Grant asked why these invoices are not being signed?
Selectman Kullgren responded by stating the invoices are Net 30 days.  Kullgren reiterated that the Board had asked the Trustees to determine what they would cut and then come back to the Board. That has not happened, the Board did not approve the invoices because they were waiting to hear from the Trustees.
Selectman Kullgren asked for the budget changes, Trustee Leonardi explained the changes.  Leonardi stated they would not cut the book line, these books were previously ordered.  They have made an honest effort to work with the Board and have cut where they can.
  • Library Thermal Imaging Report – Chairwoman Day asked the Trustees if they have reviewed the report.
Mr. Leonardi replied that they did, and it was very extensive and impressive.  They have discussed this with Bob Marshall, they all agree this is something to include as a Capital Improvement Project; setting up a Capital Reserve Fund for these repairs.  
Chairwoman Day expressed that a concern for her is, when the two buildings were put together the job seemed to have some areas that could have been better constructed.  
Kullgren stated the report shows the addition is less insulated than the older portion.  
Mrs. Grant asked if there was a final or periodic walk through by our Building Inspector, and if there was why was this overlooked.  Leonardi discussed the infractions and they all seem to be able to be resolved reasonably.
Chairwoman Day stated she has concerns that the same company is doing the roof, she further stated she isn’t comfortable.
Mrs. Grant replied by saying she would like to give Bill Harper a chance to discuss the report with the Trustees, she is meeting with Mr. Harper next Wednesday to discuss the report.  At that time she will ask Mr. Harper if he would attend the Selectboard Meeting on September 24, 2009 to discuss this matter.  Mrs. Grant will get back to the Administrative Assistant before the meeting.

Mr. Leonardi believes the town funds would be better spent watching the contractor rather than putting it out to a new bid process next year.
Selectman Adams stated the problem with the roof is the insulation was not done properly in the first place.  Adams expressed his expectation that Mr. Harper will correct the problem properly at no expense to the town.
Selectman Kullgren recommends a meeting Tuesday, September 29th, at 6:00 pm.  This meeting should be held at the Library with Mr. Harper, Code Officer, Peter Hopkins, the Board of Selectmen, Library Trustees, the Town Energy Committee & the thermal imaging specialist, Mr. Banks.  This will allow everyone an opportunity to review the report and discuss a concrete plan.  
Action Item:  Mrs. Grant & Administrative Assistant will arrange for this meeting on September 29th at 6:00 pm.
  • Library Roof – Selectmen were presented with the contract for the roof repairs, it is awaiting the Boards signature.  
7:00 In accordance with RSA 91 A: 3 II (d) – legal - motion by Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative.
7:12 motion by Kullgren to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes. Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative.
Decisions:  Administrative Assistant to contact legal counsel.
7:15 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) personnel – motion by Day to enter into a non-public session Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative.
7:25 – motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative. Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  Voted 3-0 affirmatively.
Decision: To authorize Matt Blanchard to hire Austin Tenney as a permanent part-time employee and to further authorizes a 3.75% increase in wages for Mr. Tenney.  This increase in wage is the equivalent to 37.5 cents/hour.
7:24 – Conrad & Ellen Dumas – Mr. Dumas opened by discussing the letter the Selectboard sent to Mr. & Mrs. Dumas, they would like to discuss it.  Upon receipt of the letter from the Board, Mr. Dumas contacted Ms. Davidson and requested a meeting with the Selectboard.  Mr. Dumas read a letter that he and Mrs. Dumas presented to the Board of Selectmen.  (This letter is on file in the Selectmen’s Office).
Chairwoman Day asked Mr. Dumas if he would like to discuss the agreement between, former Road Agent, Duffy Fox and himself, he references in his letter.
Mr. Dumas stated they had an agreement with the former Road Agent, “…he could fill the ditches to the culvert just south of his home.  Mr. Fox did not want to remove the culvert, causing expense to the Town.”
Day stated, there was never a copy provided for the Town.

Former Road Agent, Duffy Fox was present and stated he did give Mr. Dumas permission, as Mr. & Mrs. Dumas owns the property on both sides of road.
Mr. Dumas asked why the Board was not made aware of this arrangement, as Mr. Ellis was well aware of the agreement.  Mr. Dumas also asked why the Board never spoke to Mr. & Mrs. Dumas?
Discussion continued.  
Mr. Fox explained his understanding of the history of the road and the installation of culverts, gravel etc.  This is why Fox told Mr. Dumas he could have permission to take care of the culvert.  This permission was granted in 2006,  Fox thought everyone was aware of this permission, and that somewhere it must have gotten lost.
Mrs. Dumas explained the culvert in question is a hazard to traffic and does nothing; water would have to flow uphill for this culvert to be efficient.  
Mr. Fox stated when he looked at the culvert it was dry.  Spring run off has the greatest amount of water and the culvert was dry this past spring.
Selectman Adams stated he appreciates this being brought before the Board; there have been culvert problems in the past.  Adams would like to go look at the culvert.
Mr. Dumas stated he feels targeted with the amount of effort that was put into the letter from the Board.  There are significant drainage issues in other areas of Slip Road and the Board seems more concerned with a flat area on the road.
Selectman Kullgren asked what the problems on the road are?
Mrs. Dumas explained that if the Board walked the road, they would then see the safety issues.  She went on to explain her concerns for the safety on Slip Road; other residents have culverts at their driveway they never clean.  This causes water buildup; road washout, driveway washouts and these matters are not addressed.
Selectman Kullgren commented that prior to Mr. Fox’s retirement, drainage around town was discussed extensively.  Mr. Ellis has been acting in Mr. Fox’s stead, making decisions.  Kullgren further stated that they (BOS) probably did not take necessary background steps to research this situation and he apologizes.
Mr. Dumas stated they are concerned for road safety, and are passionate about this matter.
Discussion followed regarding safety, culvert cleaning and other matters.
Mr. Dumas wanted the Board to discuss the mowing, they don’t understand it, as it is an area that feeds their sheep, their lawn has been mowed by the Town.
Mr. Kullgren read a letter from the NH Local Government Center discussing this situation.
Mr. Dumas stated he doesn’t hold a grudge; the town needs to maintain the road safely.
Mr. Ellis stated that the Town only owns the roads where there are subdivisions.

Mrs. Dumas discussed her concerns as historically the trees have been very badly mowed; she doesn’t want to see that continued.
Mr. Dumas asked that in the future could communication take place with them, they do not want the road to be widened without their permission.
Mr. Fox explained the road width, requirements to be met in order to comply with FEMA, road traffic count, and the Planning Commissions requirements.
Chairwoman Day stated that she agrees there are requirements, however she and Mr. Fox interpret the requirements differently.
Selectmen all commented they appreciated the Dumas’ coming before the board and apologize for their part in this situation not being handled properly.
No further discussion on this matter.
8:15 pm – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c ) reputation – motion by Chairwoman Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren and Adams.  Voted 3-0
8:30 pm – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Kullgren and Adams.  Voted 3-0.  
No discussion
Decision:  The Board instructed the Administrative Assistant to contact Ms. Markum at the Greenfield Commons and discuss this matter with her.  Davidson was further instructed to contact the back up police officer.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the September 10, 2009 minutes as written with changes by Chairwoman Day striking one sentence.
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the A/P invoices
Selectmen signed Payroll
Boilard Building Permit – Selectmen reviewed comment from the Planning Board having met and discussed a couple issues surrounding this permit.  Overall the Planning Board was in favor of this application, they do want written assurance the Selectmen are comfortable with public access, release of liability documents being in place and setback requirements.  These concerns were discussed by the Planning Board and were a concern by one Planning Board member.  In the past, Adams has done the plumbing for Ms. Boilard, he wanted this disclosed, she has not asked him to do it for this project as of yet, however Adams did want that disclosed publicly.
Selectman Kullgren would feel more comfortable with the Fire & Rescue viewing the location and would like to get their approval.  Adams will contact Peter Hopkins and arrange for a viewing. Peter Hopkins will be asked to be on the agenda next week.

Old Business:

New business:
Misc. Mail review
Budgets – Selectman Kullgren has done a preliminary 2010 budget to try to keep the numbers reasonable.  Items addressed:
  • Playground & equipment
  • Recreation Revolving Account needs to have funds transferred
  • Capital Reserve Funding for projects approved in 2009 needs to be transferred by years end
  • Tax Rate
  • ConVal payments
Recommendation by Kullgren for Administrative Assistant to speak with Peterborough Town Administrator to evaluate what the facts are with Peterborough allegedly not paying their school payments.  Greenfield payment will be made, a letter will be included in the payment informing the SAU of our concern, and the importance of all towns in the ConVal District meet their payment requirements on time.  Adams & Day support this recommendation
Mountaineers –  A decision as to where the flagpole will be placed needs to be made.  Adams stated he was at a game, the games seem to be going well and the noise didn’t seem to be too loud. A decibel meter was on site, which proved the noise was well within the Town Ordinance.
Phone Service – Selectmen reviewed and discussed a new phone service proposal for 2010, this proposal was presented via memo by Catherine Shaw. Discussion followed stating this would be a good capital item; this will remain tabled for review at a later date.
Security – Chairwoman Day brought up the importance of a security system for the Town Office. Discussion followed.  Selectmen authorized the Administrative Assistant to contact NHLGC insurance to see what they recommend.
Adjournment:   With no further business, the Board adjourned at 8:45 pm.  The next Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for September 24, 2009 at 6:00 pm.