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CDBG Public Hearings 07/23/09
                                           TOWN OF GREENFIELD
                                      CDBG Application

Public Hearings
July 23, 2009
7:00 pm 

Present:  Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectmen Adams & Kullgren
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes.
Donna Lane, Administrator for Community Development Block Grant
Michael Redman, representative for Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center

Selectwoman Day opened the public hearing at 7:00 pm

Administrative Assistant noted there are informational packets available for the public.

Community Development Finance Authority Funding  - Community Development Block Grant funds are available to municipalities through the NH Community Development Finance Authority. Up to $500,000 annually is available on a competitive basis for economic development, public facility and housing projects and emergency activities that directly benefit low and moderate-income persons. Up to $12,000 is available for feasibility study grants.

This is a proposed application to the Community Development Finance Authority for up to $500,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds.  The town will retain up to $25,000 of the grant for administration costs and sub grant the remainder to Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center for site work in support of the construction of 26 units of affordable housing for primarily low and moderate income households.

This project conforms to Greenfield’s Housing and Community Development Plan’s Goal of: Encourage a varied stock of safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing for persons of all age and income groups. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Funding request: is $500,000

Mr. Redman reported the Selectboard is familiar with the project, as CMRC was before them one year ago to ask for support from the Planning Board, ZBA and the BOS.  Mr. Redmond continued to discuss the project and discuss the financial aspect of the project and the economic times.  With the use of Stimulus funding, NH Housing Finance Authority requested CMRC, to resubmit an application for this project.  With the current status of the economy, the cost estimation has been significantly reduced due to re-estimation of the project.  This is the same project that was previously approved and continues to be intended for people with low – moderate income and/or those with disabilities.  They are anticipating many people wanting to reside in this facility.  They are also seeking funds from CDBG, that being the purpose of this meeting this evening.

Chairwoman Day asked if there are any public comments. There was no public comment at this time.
7:09 Chairwoman Day motioned to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

7:09 Selectwoman Day motioned to open the second Public Hearing. Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

Housing and Community Development Plan - Discussion followed updating the Housing and Community Development Plan.  
This project conforms to Greenfield’s Housing and Community Development Plan’s Goal of: Encouraging a varied stock of safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing for persons of all age and income groups. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Every three years this plan must be updated, that is the purpose of this hearing.
The Town must follow the CDBG rules and regulations

Chairwoman Day asked if there are any public comments. There was no public comment at this time.

Reporter for the Monadnock Ledger, Josh bond asked where the Town stands with a percentage of workforce housing.  At this time the Board did not have that calculation, however, with this project being built at Crotched Mountain it improves the percentages of workforce housing standards.  As anyone is welcome to reside in this unit, not only those working at CMRC.

7:13 With no further questions, Chairwoman Day motioned to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

7:14 Selectwoman Day motioned to open the third Public Hearing. Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan -
Although this project does not involve any displacement or relocation of persons (or businesses), if the Town were to undertake a CDBG project which involved displacement or relocation they would be required to follow this plan.  The plan outlines the measures they would take to find comparable, suitable housing for persons (or businesses) displaced or relocated.

Chairwoman Day asked if there are any public comments. There was no public comment at this time.

7:15 With no further questions, Chairwoman Day motioned to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

7:16 Selectwoman Day motioned to open the third Public Hearing. Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

The Crotched Mountain Foundation’s Adult Daycare Project – Report of the Crotched Mountain Foundation’s Adult Daycare Project, located at the old Town Offices at 14 Francestown Road, report of the current renovations project, which is partially funded through CDBG funding, is behind schedule.
The building is of historic significance and getting NH Historical Preservation’s approval
took longer than expected.  Specifications for the proposed work item: a handicap lift,
exterior siding, rear entrance, windows, roofing and/or a new oil tank are being prepared so that they can be put out to bid shortly.   Construction of the project to begin in the fall.

Chairwoman Day asked if there are any public comments. There was no public comment at this time.

7:19 With no further questions, Chairwoman Day motioned to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

7:20 Selectwoman Day motioned to open the third Public Hearing. Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

Crotched Mountain Wastewater Upgrade - The Crotched Mountain Foundation’s Wastewater Upgrade Project located on the Crotched Mountain campus, partially CDBG funded, is substantially complete and will be final complete shortly.

Chairwoman Day asked if there are any public comments – comment from Mr. Redmond that the State has encouraged visits from various entities, as this is known as an exemplary project how to build wastewater systems on a steep slope.

7:15 With no further questions, Chairwoman Day motioned to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted: 3-0 in the affirmative.

Selectmen vote motion by day to adopt the Housing and Community Development Plan.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams ; 3-0 affirmative

Selectmen Day motioned adopt the Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan.

Selectmen vote to approve the submittal of the application and vote to authorize the Chairman to sign and submit the application, and upon approval of the CDBG application, further authorize the Chairman to execute any documents, which may be necessary to effectuate the CDBG contract.
All votes passed in the affirmative 3-0

Adopted: July 23, 2009

The Town of Greenfield commits to the following goals to meet its Housing and Community Development needs:

Goal: Encourage a varied stock of safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing for persons of all age and income groups. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Encourage economic development activities to increase quality industrial and commercial development.  Encourage the expansion and retention of employment opportunities for residents. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Encourage municipal and private water and wastewater systems that are safe, sanitary and that meet DES regulations. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Preserve and promote the town’s historically and culturally significant structures. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Goal: Promote activities that protect the health and safety of residents and visitors. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

As a matter of policy, Greenfield will minimize the involuntary displacement of households from their neighborhoods.

These goals are consistent with Greenfield’s Master Plan and Ordinances.

Any federal CDBG grant funds awarded to address any of these goals shall be expended consistent with national objectives and shall, at a minimum, provide improved housing in accordance with Section 8 standards, be used for public facility projects, employment opportunities, or feasibility studies.  All CDBG funded projects, shall primarily benefit low and moderate-income persons or households, and shall not benefit moderate-income persons or households to the exclusion of low-income persons or households.

Adopted by the Greenfield Board of Selectmen on July 23, 2009.




Town of Greenfield


Every effort will be made to avoid temporary or permanent displacement of an individual due to a CDBG project undertaken by the Town.

However, if the situation should arise, the Town of Greenfield will comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, to any household, regardless of income, which is involuntarily and permanently displaced.

If the property is acquired, but will not be used for low/moderate income housing under 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, the displacement and relocation plan shall provide:

Comparable replacement housing in the community within three (3) years of the commencement date of the demolition or rehabilitation;

A description of the proposed activity;

The general location on a map and appropriate number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be demolished or converted to a use other than as low and moderate income dwelling units as a direct result of the assisted activity;

A time schedule for the commencement and completion date of the demolition or conversion;

The general location on a map and appropriate number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be provided as replacement dwelling units;

The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units;

The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will remain a low and moderate income dwelling unit for at least ten (10) years from the date of initial occupancy;

Relocation benefits, including reimbursement for moving expenses, security deposits, credit checks, temporary housing, and other related expenses and either:

1. Sufficient compensation to ensure that, at least for five (5) years after being relocated, any displaced low/moderate income household shall not bear a ratio of shelter costs to income that exceeds thirty (30) percent, or:

2. A lump-sum payment equal to the capitalized value of the compensation available under subparagraph 1. above or a Section 8 certificate of voucher for rental assistance provided through New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority.

The right to elect, as an alternative to the benefits in subparagraph 2. above, to received benefits under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; and

The right of appeal to the director of CDFA where a claim for assistance under subparagraph 2. above, is denied by the grantee.  The director’s decision shall be final unless a court determines the decision was arbitrary and capricious.

Subparagraph (2) a. through g. above shall not apply where the HUD Field Office objectively finds that there is an adequate supply of decent, affordable low/moderate income housing in the area.


The Town of Greenfield anticipates no displacement or relocation activities will be necessitated by this project.  Should some unforeseen need arise, the Town certifies that it will comply with the Uniform Relocation Act and Section 104 (d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.

NAME: ________________________________

TITLE: ________________________________

SIGNATURE: ___________________________

DATE: July 23, 2009


To the best of my knowledge, the data in this application is true and correct, and this application submittal has been authorized by the TOWN OF GREENFIELD, New Hampshire.  The TOWN OF GREENFIELD will comply with all federal and state laws, rules, regulations and requirements, including those in PART CDFA 300 - CDBG Administrative Rules.

Furthermore, I certify that:

The municipality affirmatively furthers fair and affordable housing; and
Where applicable, the proposed project is consistent with the municipal master plan, the Housing and Community Development Plan (HCDP), the Residential Antidisplacement & Relocation Assistance (RARA) Plan and that all planning and zoning requirements have been met; and
Where applicable, the municipality shall provide adequate funds to operate and maintain the public facility or improvement after the completion of the project.   

____________________________            ________________________________
Name of Designated CEO:                         Title:

_____________________________           ________________________________
Signature                                       Date


State of New Hampshire
County of Hillsborough
On this 23rd day of July, 2009 before me Donna Lane, the undersigned officer, personally appeared ________________________________, who
acknowledged him/herself to be the ______________________ of the _________________________________, and that he/she, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing certification for the purposes therein contained.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                Notary Public/Justice of the Peace
Seal    My Commission expires: ____________     
                       TOWN OF GREENFIELD
CDBG Application
Public Hearing
July 23, 2009
7:00 pm

Community Development Block Grant funds are available to municipalities through the NH Community Development Finance Authority. Up to $500,000 annually is available on a competitive basis for economic development, public facility and housing projects and emergency activities that directly benefit low and moderate-income persons. Up to $12,000 is available for feasibility study grants.

This is a proposed application to the Community Development Finance Authority for up to $500,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds.  The town will retain up to $25,000 of the grant for administration costs and sub grant the remainder to Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center for site work in support of the construction of 26 units of affordable housing for primarily low and moderate income households.

This project conforms to Greenfield’s Housing and Community Development Plan’s Goal of: Encourage a varied stock of safe, sanitary, decent and affordable housing for persons of all age and income groups. (Short-term and Long-term goal).

Funding request: up to $500,000