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Selectmen Minutes 06/25/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 25, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Kathy Carpenter
Call to order:  Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.  
6:10 Appointment of Officer Roberge to Corporal
The Selectman warmly support the promotion of Officer Roberge to Corporal.  Chief Giamarino talks about Officer Roberge’s history and commitment to the town of Greenfield.  Officer Roberge’s mother is present and presents the Corporal Badge to Corporal Roberge.  
6:22pm  Selectman Kullgren moves that all town department budgets are frozen with a 5% reduction effective immediately.   Discussion: it is prudent to freeze budgets due to the loss in excess of $95,000 of state funds.  The shared revenue and block grant loss is approximately $95,000 as a downshift of shared revenues listed in the LGC write-ups.  There has been some correspondence between the BOS and state representatives.  There has been some interest a meeting with the BOS as well as the town to discuss changes in the state budget.  It is likely that the reduction could last for two years.  A memo with the revised budget needs to go to each department and spell out why there will be a freeze/reduction and point any questions to Deb Davidson or the BOS.  Vote 3-0.  The motion carries.  
6:30pm - Introduce of new Rec Coordinator, Stephanie Lamothe
The Selectmen officially announce that Stephanie will be the new Greenfield Recreation Coordinator.  The Selectmen congratulate Stephanie and invite her to the retirement party for Duffy Fox Saturday June 27, 2009 so that she may be able to meet the townspeople.  Stephanie talks about several ideas she has regarding recreational activities for the town.  She plans to meet with the Recreation Committee, first she has some ideas she wants to discuss with the Selectmen.  The Selectmen are pleased with Stephanie’s ideas and the frugality behind them.  Stephanie would also like to get involved with the Blue-B-Q as well.  The Rec Committee is present to meet Stephanie and discuss ways they can work together.  
7:01pm – Dave Buxton, New England Forest Products  - re: Dry Kiln – Mr. Buxton requested Peter Hopkins be there also.  Dave discusses plans to construct a dry kiln, he is asking the BOS if this would be considered a building or the installation of equipment.  He says that it is a piece of machinery, a person cannot live in it, work in it, it is constructed for lumber so it is large.  Selectman Adams would like to ask COE Peter Hopkins his opinion.  Peter states that there is no question that it is a building and would require a permit.  Any appeals would be to the zoning board of adjustment.  Selectman Adams asks what the advantages one way or the other to New England Forest Products.  Buxton states that this would be basically like a pole barn, on an Alaskan slab, however there will be no one living inside the building. Peter Hopkins states that the foundation proposed is very common for this type of building.   Buxton also states that if it is considered a machine it would not be assessed.  Peter Hopkins states that if in the future the structure may be used for something else, thus it needs to be built to code for a building, it is not simply a piece of machinery.  Peter Hopkins also states that a person can go into the kiln, versus just a small backyard artists kiln where a person would not be able to go into.  Selectman Adams states that is should be built like a building and follow all the codes, but the BOS would need to address if it would be assessed as a piece of machinery.  Peter states that Buxton can file an appeal with the ZBA regarding if it would need to be built to a code.  The BOS can decide from an assessor standpoint how it would be evaluated.  The kiln would be about 50’ behind the existing retail building.  In the future there will be an outside wood boiler between the two building, so that it would also heat the retail building.  Peter suggests that Buxton needs to go before the Planning Board for a PCC or site plan review, whether it’s considered a building or not.   Selectman Adams suggests that the BOS contacts the assessors for a determination regarding how the building would be assessed.
7:32pm  Health Officer for the Town of Greenfield:  The Selectmen re-appoint Peter Hopkins as the Health Officer, and Al Burt as Deputy Health Officer.
7:33pm Selectman Kullgren moves that $500 be used to provide a retirement gift for Duffy Fox.  Vote 3-0, the motion carries.  Chairman Day will contact Catherine regarding getting the check in time for the retirement party on Saturday June 25, 2009
7:38pm  The Selectman are not hiring a new DPW Director yet, it is their intention to go with a 3 person crew with part time assistance as needed.  The Selectmen may hire a new DPW Director sometime before the snow season.
Approval of minutes:
7:30pm  June 11, 2009 minutes are approved.
June 18, 2009 work session minutes are approved.
Sign Documents:
A/P invoices are signed, some invoices require further review and discussion.
P/R are signed.
Letters – Tax Collector is signed.
Oak Park Rental Agreement – 6/27/09 & 8/9/09
Memo:  Chairman Day would like to expand on the memo before its sent out.
Pitney Bowes Agreement (Chairman only):  Chairman Day states that she does not want to re-contract with Pitney Bowes.  Pitney Bowes uses a new charging system which charges the customer for the use of the system.  Chairman Day suggests the BOS looks into another company.  Selectman Kullgren suggests the BOS puts it out for bid.  Chairman Day will contact another company to get a second quote from another company.
Abatement  - R9-72-2
Old Business:
FEMA status:  What was provided was a revenue sheet, Selectman Kullgren wanted a copy of the invoicing.  There should be $98,000 worth of expenditures including wages, material, equipment, etc. The rental cost of the boom truck is not shown.  Selectman Kullgren states that the total costs need to be compared with what has been paid, once all the numbers are in.  Once that is complete, Catherine will need to come back in before the BOS.
ComCast – will be sending a rep to speak to the Board – no date set as of yet – will remain on the agenda
7:51pm  Selectman Kullgren moves  a non-public meeting, (c) and (a).  personnel RSA91A;3II(a), and legal RSA91A;3II(c).  Vote to enter 3-0. The motion passes.

8:30pm Selectmen Kullgren moves that the Board comes out of the non-public meeting, no decisions were made. Vote 3-0.  The motion passes.
8:30pm Selectmen Kullgren moves to adjourn, vote 3-0, motion passes.