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Selectmen Minutes 06/11/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 11, 2009 – 6:05 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order:  Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm
6:15 – Chief of Police, Brian Giammarino – Giammarino was present to provide the Board with an update of the Greenfield Police Dept. and what has been happening.
  • Statistics – Giammarino noted that between January until June there have been 919 calls for service; 480 Motor vehicle stops, five (5) accidents, eleven (11) arrests and thirty four (34) criminal cases that will be prosecuted.
  • Grants
  • Department of Justice - the police department has again received a grant from the Department of Justice for 2009, the grant is for $3,000.00 to cover patrol at Greenfield State Park – the grant will cover a Greenfield Officer at detail rate, the officer will primarily be on a bicycle, using the cruiser if arrests take place.  The grant is for non-compliance of alcohol use.
  • State Park - As a result of riot a couple years ago, there is another grant for $1,824.00.  This grant is for specific dates & times to be arranged with the State Park; again the officer will primarily be on the bike.
  • COPS Grant – The grant has been submitted; they have received it and are reviewing the grant.  Giammarino stated he has not heard anything definite yet.  Giammarino stated he is hoping that when they review the grant, they look at the town as having so many tax exempt properties, creating a need for a third full time officer.  He is hoping they will take that into consideration.  Giammarino went on to say that Greenfield is unique compared to other communities for reasons of exempt properties, the State Park and the mountain, which is heavily used for hiking.  There will be no decisions until February or March, but it is being reviewed.   
  • Budget  – Giammarino reported he has expended 40.7% of the Police budget, he feels that is pretty good considering the spending freeze.  He would like to purchase Officer Roberge a new bulletproof vest, the vest he is using is 6 years old and he would like to have assurance the vest is up to standards.   The cost is approximately $500.00; no grant funds are available for this type of a purchase.
Kullgren asked Giammarino if he could save 5% of his budget, Giammarino stated he would like to save 10%.  Kullgren explained about the State cutting revenues and how it affects the Town of Greenfield on a local level.  Kullgren noted he is prepared to make a motion tonight to have all Departments save 5% of their budgets.
Decision:  Kullgren stated he is in favor of purchasing a new bulletproof vest for Officer Roberge, as it is a vital piece of equipment for police officers.
In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Adams to enter into non-public for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter – Seconded by Kullgren and Day. Voted (3-0)
Motion by Adams to enter out of non-public at 6:47 pm.  Seconded by Kullgren and Day.  A brief discussion followed.   
Decision:  To accept the check from the US Marshall for work performed by Giammarino, while acting as a US Marshall, and to further authorize the Town of Greenfield to pay the $27.18 towards Medicare, with Giammarino being reimbursed upon receipt of the check from USMS.
6:45 - Mary Jenson & Joe Ellis – Recycling – Mr. Ellis introduced Mary Jenson as his friend and further discussed the position she holds at Keene State College; she is licensed to run any landfill in the State of NH.  
Ms. Jenson noted that it is a very nice looking facility in Greenfield, looks very efficient.  She made some recommendations for improvements.
  • Driveway reconfiguration
  • Establishing a compost pile
  • The brush pile is great
Jenson went on to say the current balers are good, but access to a high-density baler would allow for more recyclables.  She explained that because the Town bales tin & plastic together, the Town is only getting the price of plastic.  An analysis would need to be done to determine the time of regaining the expense of purchasing a high-density baler.  She is not sure of the cost of a high-density baler at this time.  Would be able to do more with tin cans with a high-density baler.  Aluminum  & Iron can sit until the price increases.  “Scrap It” is a well-established company, giving higher prices on metals.  Those are some suggestions of how to gain revenue with the purchase of a new baler.  Discussed ideas.
Jenson explained she has done research on pay as you throw – it is a tough decision for each community, there is not a lot of incentive to encourage recycling, but would be asking those to pay for what they throw away.  It would most probably increase recycling because residents would be paying to throw bags away.  She would need to do a review of our hauling fees.  The “Smart Program” offered through NRRA would make it very easily analyzed; the software is downloadable and easily usable.  
Selectman Kullgren asked if Matt Blanchard knew of this presentation?
Ms. Jenson stated that yes he did.
Jenson discussed it was nice to see the scale, composting will help to greatly reduce trash.
7:00 – Road Agent, Duffy Fox – To discuss the future plans for the highway department, as well as his position.
Chairwoman Day stated she would like to discuss what Fox has for anticipation of the roads in Town and what he would like to see happen
Fox replied that his major concentration is on paving, drainage & ongoing graveling of dirt roads
  • The facility is an issue.  
  • Higher demand for sand in the winter, access is even harder to come by
  • Town equipment is in good shape; crew is also in good shape
Day asked about culverts, and what that plan is.
Fox responded that the 5-year plan is about 70% complete.  There are three other major projects in the works, and the culvert at South Brook on Slip Road will need replacement very soon.
Day asked Duffy for a written list of what has been completed and what still needs addressing.
Fox said he and Deb will get together and go over the list, as well as, what he is aware of that is coming up for replacement in the future.
  • Salt/Sand Barn - A salt/sand barn would be more efficient if the material was under cover, eventually due to environmental issues the town will be forced into building a salt barn.  The town could get something complete by next year if it got started this year.  Discussion followed about the 18 acres available to expand the DPW area.  The Town needs a larger garage; currently they have to leave one truck outside.  Discussed logistics of where the DPW shed should be and what some options are.  Pole barns, outside heating sources, larger garage, salt/sand shed etc. were all discussed.   No decisions were made.
  • Ongoing - Ongoing matters are the roadside trees are growing in, and there is an abundance of clean up and trimming that should be addressed.  There are a lot of hangers; the highway crew believes they can remove the old hangers for a reasonable amount of money.  Most of the brush is cleaned up.
  • Brush – The brush pile at Oak Park will be removed in the next couple weeks, Fox would like to cut down and dispose of some trees that are in need of removal at Oak Park.  Selectmen approved this request.
  • Summer projects – $45,000 is needed to pave the remaining 2,000 feet of last year’s projects.  Fox asked if there is funding for this.  
Kullgren discussed governors counsel might not be providing revenues as we anticipated; therefore there could be a shortage of revenues at the Town level.
Duffy asked about the FEMA funds and if he could use them.  A brief discussion followed regarding the FEMA funding, Deb or Catherine will have to get the exact figure to Duffy before any decision can be made.
Kullgren discussed that due to the governors counsel deliberation of the state funding, the Selectmen are asking for a 5% reduction of the expenditures from the highway budget.
  • Khowe letter - Dr. & Mrs. Khowe’s letter was discussed  – Duffy explained that their well is in the Town’s right of way – This will also be discussed on Thursday, June 18th, and the Khowe’s will be notified, as well as letting the Khowe’s know the road signs are on order, they haven’t arrived yet.
  • Cavender Road Bridge – Duffy noted that the bridge hasn’t been taken care of at this time, after Duffy looked at the bridge, it doesn’t seem to be a concern to him at this time.
Selectmen would like to have a work session next week with Duffy to discuss the summer projects plan.  They will all meet at 6:00 pm on Thursday.
7:15 – Greenfield Rec. Committee –
  • Minutes – Chairwoman Day asked about the minutes from their last meeting, and reminded them the minutes must be submitted to the central office within 144 hours of the close of the meeting.  The minutes from the April meeting were received in the office today.

  • New Hire for Recreation Coordinator – Chairwoman Day mentioned to the Committee that Stephanie Lamothe, of Forest Road was interviewed and offered the job as Recreation Coordinator.  This was a very hard decision for the Board, as there were very good candidates.  Mrs. Lamothe will be invited to be at the Selectmen’s Meeting on the 25th at 7:00 pm for a meet and greet with the Recreation Committee.
  • Summer waterfront
  • Concessions – Deb asked the Recreation Committee to recruit volunteers, as the lifeguards are hired to guard the beach, not sell concessions.  This year the concessions will not take priority, the guards will be there to watch the water, only selling concessions if there are two guards and the beach is not very busy.  Discussion followed regarding concessions at the beach and the concessions at Oak Park.  Discussion regarding selling food at the park and allowing the volunteers to keep a portion of the proceeds followed.   Rhonda Cilley discussed her concerns about time of swimming lessons, lifeguards not watching water, lifeguards taking too much time away from watching the beach to oversee the concessions.  Discussion of having the ice cream truck stop by the beach on weekends followed.
Deb explained the swimming lessons would be held between 2-3:30 in the afternoon.  This was discussed with the head lifeguard who feels it will be a better time, as children won’t be as cold, they will have had their lunches and maybe have a better attention span.  Lessons will be FREE to Greenfield residents only.  Deb reiterated, the concessions will not be the priority of the lifeguards, it is essential that volunteers step up and help out with this or the concessions may not even be offered.  Deb will discuss the possibility of the ice cream truck stopping by the beach, this was a great idea.
  • Non-residents – Concerns were voiced of non-residents using the beach.  Discussion followed, the Police will be asked to monitor this more closely.  Maryanne Grant stated she feels emphatic that the concession stand not take precedence over the safety of children or anyone swimming at the beach.  
Decision: Deb will check into the health laws & legalities of the concessions; the Recreation Committee will research who will be willing to volunteer.
  • Raft &/or dock research –Discussion of the various options rafts and/or docks followed.  Mike Borden had presented the Board of Selectmen with a plan to build a raft for the Town.  Selectmen will make a decision on the raft this evening.
Kullgren motioned not to transfer the funds for the transfer dated 5/14/09 and to further utilize the funds for the purpose of purchasing a raft.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  Voted (3-0).  No funds will be transferred at this time.
  • Playground Equipment - Maryanne Grant asked about the playground equipment and comments of the playground being unsafe followed.  Kullgren noted last year the Town was provided an assessment of the equipment from LGC, which gave the playground a 95%.
  • Goal posts – Speaking on behalf of Conrad Dumas who could not be present tonight, Lori Weeks asked where the soccer goal posts were.  Kullgren stated he gave his word they will be replaced by next Thursday.
Selectmen would like to meet at Oak Park next week at 7:00 to review Oak Park & the playground equipment.  The Recreation Committee was invited to join them.

7:30 – GIVers -  
  • Community Garden – Chairwoman Day opened by discussing questions that have been brought before the Board regarding the Community Garden, the property being town property, Day discussed the concerns need to be addressed.
  • Walking dogs – Concerns that dogs are not allowed to be walked out in the garden area any longer.  Neal Brown responded that they would never stop anyone, mountain bikers, dogs, walkers or anyone from entering the property, it is public property.
  • Not open to all – Brown responded that is not true, if someone doesn’t have $50.00 they can still have a lot, just not a box.  There is a $5.00 membership fee, which everyone felt was very reasonable.
  • Water – Day commented the Town is paying for this; therefore there is a minimal cost to the Town.  Brown responded by stating there is not much water being used.  In a prime week the hose might be used 3 x/week per frame for 15 minutes at a time. Discussion followed.
Diane Boilard stated there are four (4) beds for the food bank; there is a give back to the community who allowed this garden be available.  In the future the GIVers would like to have a plan to procure funds to make beds available to those who cannot afford them.
  • Liability – It was questioned who the liability would fall on if there was to be some accident at the garden.  After research it was found, provided there is no negligence, the liability would fall on the town.
  • Oak Park Workbee   – Adele Gagnon discussed the Oak Park Workbee to be sponsored by the GIVers, the Workbee is scheduled for Saturday, June 20th between 8:00 am –12:00.  Adele asked permission to put flyers around town.  Selectmen granted permission.  Adele mentioned she would put the Workbee on the signboard after this Saturday.
8:17 – John Gryval
School Board - With regards to the School Board, Mr. Gryval discussed the Communications factor is big.  Discussion followed that the meet & greet meetings have not worked; it was suggested combining a School Board Meeting with the BOS meetings.   Kullgren suggested hold a School Board meeting in Greenfield.  Gryval will mention this to the School Board and get back to the BOS with the decision.
Discussion followed regarding the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee and the meeting they had with the School Board –
  • Gryval’s seat on the negotiation committee was discussed.  
  • Access to the SAU committee, a representative of the SAC felt the Selectmen should be able to speak to any SAU member at any moment.  This did not pass.
  • Stimulus money was discussed – Gryval stated he is fundamentally not supportive of creating new positions with the stimulus money
  • Articles of agreement committee – this will be put on hold until the fall
  • Negotiations with teachers continue to move forward
ZBA – Mr. Gryval updated the Board on ZBA happenings.

Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the minutes of May 14, 2009, May 21st & the May 26th (non-public) Minor changes were noted.
Sign Documents:  Selectmen signed the following documents
  • A/P invoices
  • P/R
  • Letters
  • Updated Cash Receipt policy
  • Release of elderly lien
  • Intent-to-cut – R1 - 16 & 17
  • Vacation Request – Matt requested the week of June 22, 2009
  • Oak Park Rentals –
  • 6/20/09 – Graduation Party
  • 7/25/09 – Birthday Party
  • CDBG Warrant #6
  • 2008 tax lien – the tax collector presented the signed 2008 tax lien, one copy was presented to the Administrative Assistant to have on file.
Old Business:
Mountaineers Agreement –
  • Deliberation & review of agreement was discussed, the Selectmen will continue to allow the Mountaineers the same use for the season with a $1,700.00 rental fee, as in past; this will be brought before the voters in March at Town Meeting.
Perambulation -
  • Lyndeborough – The perambulation with Lyndeborough went very well.  It was discovered the town bounds were a little off, with this the Town of Lyndeborough gained a small amount of land, which includes a culvert on Russell Station Road.
  • Peterborough request – Deb is to ask the Town of Peterborough Administrative Assistant what dates they are considering.

Request for Propsal –
RFP for insulation quotes for the Town Office building was signed and will be mailed out.
Budget Freeze – Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson discussed the budget freeze.  She informed the Board that the spending freeze has had no major impact to the budget at this time.  Departments continued to make purchases with no prior discussions with the board.  Selectman Kullgren discussed the impact on the Town revenues due to the State budget.  Selectmen discussed asking departments to reduce their budgets 5% by year-end.  The potential impact the State has on the Town of Greenfield could result in approximately $85-95,000 loss of revenues.  A memo explaining this will be sent to all departments, asking for the 5% reduction of their budgets.
New business:
Misc. Mail  - Selectmen reviewed all the incoming miscellaneous mail.
Hwy Road Agent position – Selectmen will meet with Duffy and discuss how he thinks the position should be handled.
Retirement Party – Chairwoman Day stated she and her husband are donating ice cream – Day asked if we would prefer novelty or scoop. Brief discussion followed, novelty ice cream will be provided.
Recreation Office – The Planning Board would like a more secure area to store their records.  Discussion followed as to using the old recreation office for this purpose, while the new Recreation Coordinator could use the area in the Meeting Room.  
Decision:  To allow the Planning Board to use the old recreation office to store their records.
Comcast – Day discussed the thought of inviting Comcast to Town - discussion followed. Deb was instructed to contact Comcast and discuss this with them. Deb will report back to the Board.
Delays – Selectman Adams reported that the Davenports will be redoing all the culverts.  With respect to the last culvert they will replace, if the Town will allow 60’ of culvert, the Davenports have agreed to replace the town’s metal culvert.  Discussion followed.
Selectmen’s Advisory Committee – Selectman Kullgren informed the rest of the board that there is a SAC meeting scheduled for Saturday at 8:00 am in Temple.  Kullgren noted he would be at the meeting.
Lifeguards – Discussion followed of the advantages of hiring three (3) vs. two (2) lifeguards.  The hours the beach will be open with lifeguards is between 11:00 am – 6:00 pm.  Based on wages offered and hours figured, there is a difference of $828.00 from what was budgeted, Administrative Assistant Davidson asked if the Selectmen would consider either using revolving funds for the difference or moving funds within the budget to cover the third lifeguard.  Selectmen approved the hiring of three (3) lifeguards.
CMRC – Selectmen read and a recent letter from Mike Therrien regarding improvements to the Old Town Office.  Discussion followed as to where would the elevator go, maintenance, what is the total cost of operation, what is the best option. Selectmen are inclined to favor the installation of an elevator, however they would like to know more about it. Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact Mr. Therrien for more information, also what could be done with the remaining $50,000.00.
Carbee – Selectmen reviewed a letter from Attorney, Peter Bennett, Deb discussed briefly a phone call from John Teague regarding this matter.  Chairwoman Day will contact Attorney Teague and discuss what the Board believes to be in the best interest of everyone.

Adjournment:  With no further business at this time, the Board of Selectmen adjourned their meeting at 11:00 pm.  Their next meeting will be a work session only, which is scheduled for June 18, 2009 at 6:00 pm, with the Road Agent.  No other business will transpire that evening.

Action Items:
  • Giammarino to order vest for Roberge
  • Memo to Departments regarding 5% budget reduction
  • Day to contact Attorney Teague
  • BOS to meet with Joe Ellis
  • Administrative Assistant to check about the health laws & legalities of the concession stand; recreation committee will research willing to volunteers
  • Letter to Khowes
  • Administrative Assistant to contact Mr. Therrien
  • Administrative Assistant to contact Comcast