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Selectmen Minutes Informational Meeting RE: Monadnock Mountaineers 04/30/09
Town of Greenfield
Informational Meeting RE:  Monadnock Mountaineers
Thursday, April 30, 2009 – 7:00 pm

Chairwoman Day Called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Present:  Selectmen Adams & Kullgren; Several Town residents.

Day asked Administrative Assistant, Davidson to report where the meeting had been duly posted.  Davidson stated it had been posted in the Monadnock Ledger/Transcript, on the Town Website, at the Post Office and at the Town Office.

Day went on to explain what the purpose of this meeting was for and then introduced Cheryl Jessie, President of the Monadnock Mountaineers.

Jessie explained the Mountaineers are a youth sports program.  The Pop Warner Football Organization had left New Hampshire, they are returning but are not affiliated with the Monadnock Mountaineers.  This program serves 18 communities, those being Greenfield, Hancock, Francestown, Bennington, Antrim, Peterborough, Dublin, Sharon, Temple, Hillsborough, Deering, Jaffrey, Rindge, New Ipswich, Mason, Greenville, Wilton, Lyndeborough

Jessie went on to explain:

  • There are football players and cheerleaders.  
  • New laws have changed the guidelines to a grade based program (3rd grade – Jr. high)
5 teams – 18 children/team
There are no longer high school teams
Program runs from August – October – August practices are M, T, Th, Fri. 5:30 –8:00 pm. Once school starts practices are until 7:30 through September.
Expecting practices and games to be run similar as they were last year.

Resident Clifford Russell asked why did they choose Greenfield for the home field?

Jessie:  Conval became a problem – Oak Park is a perfect set up.

Lenny Weeks asked about off road parking?

Jessie:  They realize there were some problems last year and assured Mr. Weeks that the parking will be addressed.

Conrad Dumas asked what is the number of Greenfield children participating in the program.

Jessie:  approximately 18%, there are 6-8 Greenfield children that play football.  Jessie commented that Greenfield is a great town, she grew up here, the park is a wonderful facility and is excellent for this type of activity.

Ted Jarest introduced himself and asked to answer the “why Greenfield” question.  He commented that Greenfield has a great set-up, a good field.  When they practiced at Conval use of the field was limited, as Conval always took precedence.  Jarest restated that they would care for the field.  The Mountaineers will invest into the upgrading of the fields, as well as improvements to the overall park.

Jarest went onto say that back in December when they first approached the Selectboard the plan was to upgrade the soccer field, install lights, irrigation and seed the fields.  The Board realizes this will reduce the expenses for the Town significantly.  They will enforce NO parking on Route 136 and Forest Road. They have to speak to the DOT regarding the triangle.  They would like to pick up additional parking on Cross Road. Signs will be placed and removed each time the Mountaineers use the field.

Jessie added that they would like to pick up the field by the gazebo for practice.

Jarest discussed
  • Fertilizer would be 100% organic; there will be NO chemicals.
  • Lighting is essential for practice.  Currently they rent portable lights.  They will install low-density lighting with deflectors to deflect the lights to the fields.  Lights will either be computerized or turn on/off by timers.
  • No cost to the Town.  Lighting improvements to the park are in the Oak Park Committees Capital Improvement Plan.  Oak Park Committee provided a lighting survey to the Mountaineers; the survey would be re-reviewed before anything is done.
  • 5-year plan was discussed.
  • Mountaineers have a completely new committee, new officers.
  • Rude children were discussed and parents will police this.  There is a zero tolerance for bullying.  The comments about bullying children have been verified, are unacceptable and will be addressed.  This is taken very seriously by everyone involved and will not be tolerated.
Jessie mentioned as a result of the economic times, the lights and irrigation might be difficult to install for a few years.

Agneta Brown asked what was the agreement regarding the concession and bathrooms.

Jessie stated they have met with the Oak Park Committee, whose Capital Project plans are in sync with the Mountaineers plans; the OPC was supportive of this venture.

Selectman Kullgren asked about a practice field.
Jarest explained in the past they practiced without lines.  The area they are proposing to use as the practice area is located by the gazebo.  It would be used only for practice, unless this really takes off.  They could play 2-3 games, but it isn’t in the plans.

Ronald Russell commented that there are plans for more fields

Jarest stated basically they would be using the playing field; eventually installing an irrigation system, seeding etc., the entire field.

Jessie stated they would get more port potties, at the expense of the Mountaineers.  Jessie explained how they ran their concessions last year.  She further stated the concessions are not currently part of the contract.  It would be a completely separate agreement, if it even happens.

Jarest responded that they would rather not use the bathrooms – that is why Mountaineers would rent their own additional port-a-potties.

Neal Brown asked how bound is this organization to the concessions and using the building.

Jessie responded the organization isn’t bound to concessions, however it is a moneymaker for the program.

Lori Weeks, Representing the Recreation Committee discussed the following:

  • They (the Rec Committee) want their mission to be concessions.  Asking for no language in the rental contract for concession use by the Mountaineers.  Also asking that any verbage of concessions be removed.
  • Realizing this can be a positive venture for both
  • Not here to resist, just voice concerns
  • Asking for Police coverage
  • This park represents all parts of the Town of Greenfield
  • Asked for a calendar of events – no competition for events to be posted
Jessie stated she met with Chief Giammarino who stated he has never had a problem with the Mountaineers.

Maryann Grant – Asked about injuries and what services will be available in the event of injuries.

Jessie stated that two practice coaches are also EMT’s; during games they have to have the Peterborough Ambulance on site.

Rob Wimpory asked about insurance and further commented that any funds invested into our park by the Mountaineers are funds taxpayers don’t have to spend.

Jessie replied that they provide a certificate of insurance for the Town to have on file.

Clifford Russell commented on the noise being so loud, he does not enjoy his backyard.

Ronald Russell also commented about the noise ordinance.  Mr. Russell discussed decibel levels.  Asked what is acceptable for municipalities, stated there is a State RSA.  Asked if police have a decibel meter.

Kullgren suggested the Mountaineers ask their insurance carrier to measure the level of noise and stated he does not believe the police have a decibel meter.

Lenny Weeks stated the PA system could be heard down at East Road

Several comments regarding the PA system and the noise followed.

Jessie stated it isn’t a deal breaker; they don’t have to use it.

Questions followed about:

  • Who responsible for the liability insurance. – The Mountaineers, not the Town.
  • How many people are parking vehicles – 80-100 cars usually
  • How do they survive without concessions – Fundraising & grants
  • Pros and cons continued to be expressed
  • Trash – Mountaineers will pick up after each game
Jarest reiterated the new Board of Directors wants to improve the programs and also want to become a responsible part of the Greenfield Community.  The access road will provide 60 additional parking spots.  Mr. Jarest encourages everyone who wants to participate in the success of this program to participate.

Peter Hopkins advocated in favor of this venture, as did Michael Kavenagh.

David Gilmore asked about the dirt crossing, clarification of lighting, concerned about lighting consuming field, friendship lighting was mentioned.

Conrad Dumas stated his heart is in the soccer field, and further asked the field will become a dual field.  Mr. Dumas is leery that the soccer field will never come back?  He wants the goals replaced and doesn’t want to lose soccer.

Maryann Grant asked for a cost comparative

Jessie explained that the comparative costs equate to $1,700.00 rental income vs. $5,000.00 park improvements

Deb provided BOS with a note; Sharon Dyer is not supportive of this endeavor for the following reasons:

  • Lighting
  • Noise
  • Losing the park
  • Messes
  • Dogs
Rescue, Police, and Highway are all on Board.  Resident asked that it be in the minutes that if the Fire Department wanted to be on site for a donation, they could.

With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:45pm