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Selectmen Minutes 04/09/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – April 9, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order: Chairwoman Day called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
6:30 – Mark Stetson – Avitar – Mr. Stetson was present at the request of the Selectboard.  He proceeded by describing the process of how Avitar arrived at the assessments they are today, and he reminded the Board that all data is still preliminary.
The company verified sales, interviewed owners when possible, and walked through verifying data that they had.  Qualified and/or unqualified sales were reviewed.
They then looked at qualified sales, starting with vacant properties, determined what the base building site value is (the land), preliminarily determining a 2-acre building site has a value of $54,500. They then reviewed lots with excess acreage and analyzed the values.  
Then they looked at developed sites.  They had many conversations with realtors and used the cost manuals to determine what the base rate for buildings should be.  Then they analyzed the values again.  A preliminary base value for buildings was determined to be $72.00.
When sales are reviewed, a two year period of time is used.  The sales have changed significantly in the last two years.  Avitar reviewed the markets and a decrease of 1/2% per month is what was determined.  The Town does not have good sales figures after 9/30/08.  They did not continue with this trend, because there weren’t many sales, however they may re-determine values if more sales take place in the near future.  They need to be careful in comparing Greenfield to neighboring towns.  The data they currently have is only a model for Greenfield, it needs to have in town data, so that the values of other towns won’t affect Greenfield assessments.
They have reviewed the median ratios from April 1, 2007 through the current years sales – Stetson reviewed and discussed ratio, sales, antique homes and values of homes on the market with the board.
It should be noted that values of properties and land are pretty close to the 5-10% decrease which was originally expected, though considering variables of each property does reduce or increase some properties differently.
Mark stated he would like to have final figures as soon as possible, however they can be changed up to the time of second billing.
Selectmen thanked Mr. Stetson for his presentation.
7:00 – Diane Boilard – Ms. Boilard was here to discuss the use of the stimulus funds. She said that gives great information, but not where to actually get the grant documents.  Boilard gave a briefing about the stimulus session that was held at the University of NH.  Both Deb Davidson and Diane attended this program together.  The program was not very informative.  Boilard said that she mailed a letter to all the State representatives; Paul Hodes, Jean Shaheen and Judd Gregg.  She expressed her appreciation for this program as well her frustrations. Boilard stated she would continue to research this until she finds something positive.   

Boilard asked if we are all set to move forward on insulation?
Discussion followed, Selectman Adams stated we had discussed getting a price for the insulation, boiler etc.,
AA Davidson will work on preparing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to put into the papers.
Funds from the stimulus continued to be discussed.
It was agreed an RFP for both a boiler & insulation should be prepared.  There will be a public hearing on this topic.
What is actually qualified for stimulus funds will be researched (i.e. generator, painting, window repairs etc.)
Boilard asked what the status on the parking lot light was. Discussion followed: Selectmen would like Matt Blanchard to have the bids by the next Selectmen’s meeting, Davidson will notify Blanchard of this.
7:15 – Michael Sparling – Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church - Sparling updated the Board as to the arrangement with the church and the lease.   However before he got started Sparling wanted to report that Cavender Road is in great shape –Selectmen would like Duffy to get the signs up that were previously discussed ASAP.
Sparling said that the Church has voted to move out of the Meeting House; The Church is temporarily relocating to Crotched Mountain, at Carter Hall.  The lease expires today.  Sparling requested that the lease be extended for two more months.  They would like to have the first service at CMRC the 2nd Sunday in May.  The reason they are requesting the extension until June 9th is that they will need the time to move their belongings.  They would like an agreement to read that the sanctuary furnishings may remain until such time the Town believes they need to be removed or the Church has their new building to move into.  The question arose that if they are not in the building, what would happen in the event of a request for a wedding or funeral to be held there?  They realize they may have to pay a rental fee for the space in the event of a wedding/funeral.   It was decided that if Reverend Osgood was aware of the fees he could handle that.  Some traditional events, (i.e. the ice-cream/pie social) would like to continue, and they asked if they would now have to rent the building for the day or can they work out an agreement for no fee.  It was agreed by all that there are some minor items that need to be worked out.  
Motion by Kullgren extends the GCCC lease for two months, through June 9th, 2009. The sanctuary shall remain in tact with its furnishings, and further the sanctuary and main hall will continue to be used for agreed upon events.  Those events to be determined at a later date.   Furnishings shall remain until it is agreed upon at a future date, by the Town, to remove them.   Seconded by Chairwoman Day.  Adams abstained.
Discussion followed.
Voted:  2-0; in the affirmative, with Adams abstaining from the vote.  Motion passed.
7:30 - Monadnock Mountaineers – Ted Jarest & Cheryl Jessie were present to update the Board of Selectmen as to the status of the agreement; a review of the DRAFT working document was presented to the Board of Selectmen.
Several residents were present to hear what is being proposed.  Resident Ronald Russell was present earlier and voiced several concerns he had as an abutter regarding allowing the Monadnock Mountaineers to use Oak Park as their home playing ground.
Day explained that residents are concerned about noise

Adams had a list of concerns from an abutter–
  • Noise, the abutter voiced concerns that the Spirit cheer (cheerleaders) is extremely loud.   The question was asked if the cheer could be relocated to the other side of the field. Ms. Jessie stated they would move the cheering to the other field, away from homes.  It was further stated they would abide by the Town of Greenfield ordinances.
  • Sprinkling of chemicals there is a concern for the aquifer
  • Fertilizer run off from the fields was another concern
Irrigation - Ted Jarest discussed the irrigation of the field, he stated that John Hopkins had provided the Mountaineers with a study that was done 4-5 years ago, and they will thoroughly revisit this study.  They will keep in mind the shape of the field and the water that would need to be used.  A study will be done to assure this will not affect the aquifer.  What they are looking at for is an irrigation system that would be much smaller than larger fields use.  Also, field number one is the field that would have the irrigation, #2 & #3 wouldn’t be touched.  They do realize the ultimate decision does remain with the Board of Selectmen.  Ted Jarest stated that the majority of the fertilizer would be organic, once established the field will hopefully be at 100%.  If the fertilizer is not organic, it will be a normal home type fertilizer, not any harsh chemicals as used in larger fields or golf courses
Parking - Mr. Jarest discussed parking & traffic, there will be no parking on State roads, not even during practices.  There will be no on-road parking allowed at anytime.
Practice time & games – The time the field is used would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday until 8:00 pm.  When the season starts, practice is only 3 nights and is usually finished by 7:30.  Games are held on weekends between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Lighting – Adams asked who is going to pay for this?  Jarest responded that the Mountaineers would pay for the lighting.  It will be entirely their responsibility to pay for the lighting, as well as to get it up and running.  They would like to use the park, upgrade to a degree and have it benefit the Town, the Oak Park Committee & the Mountaineers.
Kullgren commented he thinks a public hearing should be held before any decisions are made.  Also he wanted to discuss the code of conduct.  We have been told that children are fairly mean to Greenfield residents while practices & games are happening.  It was stated that often there are children who are not supervised, and foul language and bullying does take place.  Cheryl Jessie stated there is a code of conduct for both the children & parents to sign.  She had never heard of the siblings behaving inappropriately.  She will address this concern.  This is very disturbing to both Jarest & Jessie, as they had not heard of this and will have parents supervise the siblings.  Jessie stated they do want the Board to realize this is the same organization, but a completely new board and they will address the matters at hand appropriately.  They are all willing to do whatever it takes to comply with the Board of Selectmen and the Town of Greenfield.
Jarest discussed the playground and the fact the Mountaineers want to upgrade it, as the current equipment is not up to date and is unsafe.  
Resident, Norman Nickerson had concerns about the lighting.  He reminded everyone the Town does have a lighting ordinance and would like to have this ordinance adhered to.
Jarest responded by stating that he agrees, lighting is a huge issue.  They will get the minimal amount of lighting allowed.  Again, they will have an analysis done before any permanent lights would be installed.

Jessie commented, that the temporary lighting they had in the past lit all of Oak Park; this will not be the case with permanent lighting.  They did want to note that the permanent lighting is quite a-ways away at this point.  Again, games are Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and lighting isn’t usually needed then.  
Resident, Conrad Dumas commented that he supports the idea of a public hearing.  This seems like a huge shift of use of this field.  He would like abutters to be personally notified and also the Recreation Committee to be notified of any public hearings.
Dumas had a second question pertaining to the soccer goals and where they are.
Jessie stated that they are going right back up, they were taken down to put up the football goals.
Dumas asked about the concession stand and the percentage of Greenfield children vs. other towns.
Jessie stated that nothing has been set yet regarding concessions, however they would pay if this is approved.  It would be a completely separate agreement.  She did not have the answer for percentage of children however; she will have that for the public hearing.
Resident, George Rainier asked if the Board could get the proposed agreement out to the public.  
Day and Jessie both stated they have no problem with that.
Discussion followed regarding a date for a public hearing.
Deb will put the DRAFT agreement and the public hearing date on the website, she will also notify abutters, the Oak Park Committee and the Recreation Committee.
Rainier asked, where the games and practices were held prior to Greenfield
Jarest commented, that they came to the Board in December or January.  When they did this, they realized the Town of Greenfield is in the drivers seat. A 3-5 year plan was put together, and they do want to make it a smooth transition with a group win/win situation for everyone.  Jarest further stated that he thinks a Public Hearing is perfect for this forum. They are not here to take the park away, they want to upgrade the park, play games and have a home base for the players.  Prior to Greenfield, they met at ConVal.
The Public Hearing date is scheduled for April 30th  at 7:00 pm at the Meeting House. Abutters will be noticed, the DRAFT agreement will be on the website.
No further questions or comments.  Selectmen thanked everyone for attending this meeting.
The Selectmen discussed their thoughts on the usage of the park by the Mountaineers.  No decisions have been made at this time.
Approval of minutes:
March 26, 2009 – These minutes were approved on April 2nd   
Sign Documents:
A/P invoices & checks were approved
Old Business:
9:00 pm – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (d) Legal matters - Motion by Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted in the affirmative.
At 9:15 pm – Motion by Day to enter out of the non-public session. Seconded by Adams & Kullgren.  Voted in the affirmative.  No decisions were made at this time.
Parking Lot lighting – Selectmen would like to have the bids in two weeks
Insurance for Fire Dept. – Deb said she spoke with Marisa Kenerson from the LGC, they will certainly work with the Town.  The Fire Chief should contact our Risk Management Representative, Ron O’Keefe and discuss this further.
County Sheriffs payments – Deb was unable to contact anyone from the County to assure the town can make quarterly payments.  She will keep trying.
Cost of materials for raft – Deb provided a list to Bruce Kullgren of Belletetes, who will be in touch with Deb with a price list.
Meeting House Railing – the Highway crew is currently repairing the railing.
New business:
Boy Scouts Camporee – April 24, 25 & 26 – Selectman Adams discussed the Boy Scouts will be cleaning up the State Park and have also offered to clean Oak Park.  There will be no porta-potties; they would need access to the bathrooms.  Discussion followed about whether a truck there should be to have the Boy Scouts load with brush.  The Boy scouts would have two crews, one at the State Park and one at Oak Park.
Adams will discuss this with Road Agent, Duffy Fox
As far as the Scouts camping at the Park, the Board approved the application.
Cavender Road Bridge  - Discussion followed regarding the bridge is for foot traffic only.  There have been horses and four wheelers crossing over the bridge.  This is a huge liability, the Highway crew would like to place a barrier and post the bridge as “foot traffic” only.  The Board unanimously supported both these requests.
Resident, George Rainier reported to the Board the street light across from the Town Office is out, and also the light on the flagpole is not working, the flag should be taken down.  This will be addressed next week.
Cal First – Deb reported that with the Town in the financial hardship it has been in for a couple years, Cal First has declined financing the loader.  Deb will check with local banks, as well as discuss this with CAT.  
Adjournment:  With no further business meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm – the next Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm.