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Selectmen Minutes 03/26/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – March 26, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Aaron Kullgren Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order: 6:00 pm Chairman Kullgren called the meeting to order.
Kullgren made a motion to elect Karen Day as the chairperson for the ensuing year.  Seconded by Selectman Adams.  Discussion followed.  Voted:  2-0 – Day abstained – Day is the new acting Chairperson for the ensuing year.
6:30 – John Erdman – Mr. Erdman met with the Board to discuss the BCH Gymnasium update, recreation activities & utilizing lifeguards in a cooperative manner.  
Mr. Erdman discussed the progress on the gymnasium, which is scheduled to be complete probably in early September.   With the completion of the gymnasium, it may bring opportunities that could be beneficial for both Barbara C. Harris and the Town.
Examples, though not limited to what is discussed at this time, of what their role could be in conjunction with working with Greenfield Recreation are volleyball, basketball, aerobics, karate, and more.
Other opportunities to cooperatively work together could include, yet not be limited to:
  • Waterfront – Sunset Lake – The Board and Mr. Erdman discussed working together on waterfront activities, shared lifeguard duties and more
  • After school programs, working with children
  • Weekly senior meals
Kullgren noted the waterfront seems to be of the most urgency and further discussion will take place in the near future.  Mr. Erdman and Deb will get together and discuss in what direction to move with these ideas.
7:00 – Fire Chief, James Plourde and several Fire Dept. members – Chairman Day opened by stating the Board would like to go over town meeting and some of the issues that transpired that day.
Day stated the first item they would like to address was why the Selectboard was not notified that the fire department did not receive the grant for the fire truck, until Town Meeting.  It was a surprise to all and not the best way to have found out.
Plourde stated that his schedule was so busy he overlooked passing on the information.  He stated he would apply for the grant again this year.  He was notified around the 28th of February.
Day stated the second item was the situation with the Forest Firefighters Fund –
Plourde stated that he didn’t know what the fund was for or why it was set up.

Day mentioned a meeting, which was held at the fire station in October, in which this matter was specifically discussed.  At that time, Chief Plourde was supportive of changing the use of the account to be incorporated with the Capital Reserve Fund – otherwise the Board was prepared to ask the voters to support $20,000.00 to be placed into the account.  
Deb mentioned the correct way to handle an article in future would be to withdraw the article, not to make it appear that there was some sort of withholding of information, as took place at Town Meeting.
Plourde didn’t want the funds to be procured for a vehicle and then not having funds for firefighters in the event of a forest fire.
Discussion continued to follow.
Jim Plourde indicated he would like to discuss the letter sent to Al Burtt.  Plourde stated he wished he had been notified personally, rather than by receiving a copy of the letter in his mailbox.  The letter and the situation were discussed by the Fire Department  Board, and the board is united in having Mr. Burtt remain on the rescue team.
Discussion followed regarding emergency rescue calls, volunteerism and the department as a whole. Discussion took place about insurances for rides, chimney cleaning (1 x) and pool filling; they would like to know if they have their own alternative insurance could they perform these tasks.  Deb will check with the Local Government Center to see what they say.
Sign Documents:
A/P invoices & checks were signed
An agreement with Cal First for financing of the Loader was signed.  Motion by Kullgren to sign the financing agreement and to enter into finance the loader for 7 years at 4.85% interest.  Seconded by Adams & Day – no discussion followed - voted affirmatively (3-0)
Elderly Exemption – Two denials were signed
Appointments – Kullgren made recommendation to appoint Lee Leblanc to Cemetery Trustee and Trustee of Trust Funds.  Seconded by Day and Adams.  No discussion – voted 3-0
Old Business:
Carbee tax update - discussion followed on procedure.
New business:
Parking Lot lighting – Tabled until Matt receives two more quotes
Recreation - Deb reported on how things with the recreation activities are going
Recreation Coordinator Job Description – A draft job description has been provided for the board to review. No decisions made at this time.  The Board will review the job description at the next meeting.  The position will be advertised in the newspaper within the next week – Deb will forward the Draft to the Recreation Committee.  The Board would like to meet with the committee for a short meeting either next Monday or Tuesday at 7:00 pm.  Deb will e-mail the committee to see which day would be best for everyone.
Raft  - Deb has been researching rafts - The Selectboard discussed having a community day and coordinating building a raft.  Discussion followed, Deb will get prices for building a raft from Belletetes.
Little League – Moving forward nicely – three coaches are taking the Smart Coach certification, no children have signed up for majors.
Fishing class – Hope Eagelson will be teaching a two-day fishing class for 7-11 year olds – more information to follow.
Recreation Committee
  • Recreation Committee minutes - Selectmen reviewed and discussed the most recent Recreation Committee minutes.  
  • Meeting with Recreation Committee - Selectmen would like a meeting with the Recreation Committee to discuss the part-time Recreation Director position; the position needs to be advertised very soon.  
  • Resignation - The Board reviewed the resignation of Conrad Dumas as Chairman of the committee.  Motion by Day to accept the resignation of Conrad Dumas as Chairman of the Recreation Committee.  Seconded by Kullgren and Adams.  No discussion followed – voted 3-0 to accept the resignation.  A letter to Mr. Dumas will be sent out.
Stimulus funds – Deb reported that Diane Boilard & Deb will be attending the Economic Stimulus Conference that will be held at UNH, on April 7th to learn more about the Stimulus Energy Funds that will be available.  We will proceed with the energy plan in anticipation of the stimulus funds
COPS Hiring Recovery Program – Selectmen reviewed information provided by Chief Giammarino requesting hiring a 3rd police officer through this COPS Hiring Recovery Grant program. Discussion followed - the Selectmen are concerned about retaining the full time officer and adding the expense to the budget after 3 years.  Selectmen would like more information on this program before Chief Giammarino applies for the program.
Holiday Food baskets – Deb stated she will be out of the area when the baskets are ready to be delivered, she further asked the Board for their assistance in delivering the baskets.  Discussion followed, Deb will ask two residents who need to do some community service if they would deliver the baskets.
Spring Ice Storm Clean up – Selectmen reviewed an e-mail received from Pelagia Vincent – discussion followed – Selectmen will send a letter to Mrs. Vincent.
Flags – Discussion followed regarding either purchasing smaller flags or if we purchase the larger flags there needs to be a means to keep the flags from ripping, as they have in the past.  Selectmen made the decision to purchase smaller flags.
Spending Freeze – The spending freeze will remain in effect until further notice, essential items only to be purchased. Discussion followed.  Selectmen would like to see a projected management plan from Deb, Catherine & Katherine before a decision as to when the spending freeze should be lifted
Monadnock Mountaineers – The length of the contract was discussed.  Selectmen would like to see a 5-year contract, and then the contract can be revisited at the end of 5 years.
Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church – Selectman Adams reported the GCCC has decided they will not be renewing a lease with the Town of Greenfield.  They will be holding their services at Crotched Mountain.  Discussion followed.  As of April 9th, the Church will be month to month until further notice.
Avitar Data – Selectman Kullgren presented a disk from Myron Steere with the updated property values – Brief discussion followed as to what appears to Mr. Steere to be inequitable assessments on some of the more prestigious homes in town, and how this could affect our tax rate.  Deb was instructed to review the data and have Mark Stetson meet with the Board of Selectmen in two weeks at 6:30.  – Mr. Steere would like an evening appointment with the Assessor; Deb will contact Avitar and have them contact Mr. Steere to set this up.
Meeting House Railings - Motion by Kullgren to instruct the highway crew to repair the railings at the Meetinghouse within the next two weeks.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  No discussion followed.  Deb was instructed to notify the Highway Department of this decision.
Adjournment:  no further business meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm – the next Selectmen’s meeting will be Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 6:00 pm.