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Selectmen Minutes 01/29/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – January 29, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order:
6:15 - RSA 91A:3 II (a) Personnel – Motioned by Chairman Kullgren to enter into non-public to discuss a personnel matter.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  
6:25 – Motion by Kullgren to enter out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  
Brief discussion followed regarding the employment of Joseph Rice.
Decision:  Selectmen are in agreement that Joseph Rice, being an at will employee, is no longer employed by the Town of Greenfield effective January 27, 2009.  Mr. Rice will be given any accrued vacation time he has earned upon his final paycheck.
6:30 – Mike Sparling – The Church Lease was discussed.  The time frame of use of the Meeting House was discussed the time will be from 2:00 am – 1:00 pm
Motion by Kullgren that the Board of Selectmen approves the lease agreement between the Town of Greenfield and the Greenfield Covenant Church as amended.  Under Section 1b – they will have use of the building on Sunday between the hours of 2:00 am – 1:00 pm; Section 5 shall be 1:00 pm -  Seconded by Day.  There was no further discussion – Vote:  Day (yes); Kullgren (yes); Adams (abstained) – voted: 2-0 with1abstention
Approval of minutes:
Minutes of 1/13/08 Selectmen’s Meeting were approved as written
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
  • A/P
  • PSNH Pole license
  • Quarterly CDBG paperwork
  • Veteran Exemption – Denial - Guinn
Old Business:
Budget - Selectmen worked on the 2009 proposed budget – while working on the budget the Selectmen adjusted a couple budgets, one is the building inspector.  The removed office hours from his budget reducing the bottom line by $3,900.00.
Treasurer position – appointments to be scheduled 2/19/09

New Business:
Town Clerk - Selectmen reviewed an e-mail from Bernie Bryant of American Steele Erectors, regarding vehicle registrations.  Selectmen asked Town Clerk,  Dee Sleeper, to meet with them before she left for the evening to discuss this matter.  Ms. Sleeper stated she had told Mr. Bryant around the 5th of January the computer system would not let her do the registrations, he needed to go to the Title Bureau in Concord, upon doing so the Title Bureau did something on their end to their computer, which then allowed the Town Clerk’s computer system to complete the registrations.
Dee asked about raises, she wondered if they were merit or cola – She went on to say that if they are being given basked on merit then she wants more money.  She feels she has been working very hard.  She doesn’t understand how they determine their raises.  
Selectmen changed the budget to reflect $7,000.00 for the Deputy and $7,500.00 for the Town Clerk.
Underground Storage Tank – Deb discussed the conversation she had with Russ Hixson of Allen & Mathewson regarding the possibility of removing the UST and replacing it with two 330-gallon tanks.  Allen & Mathewson can take the tank away, but he isn’t sure if the town has room for two 330-gallon tanks.  He will meet with Deb in the next week or two and discuss this further.  No decisions made at this time.
Accounting procedures – Selectmen discussed the importance of changing the accounting procedures due to ACH payments, payroll, transfer of funds etc.,  
Selectman Kullgren motioned to change the procedures and to allow Deb the authority to sign documents and authorize transfers up to $100,000.00, anything above that must have at least two Selectmen being notified.  Seconded by Day – no discussion followed.  Voted:  Unanimously in the affirmative.
Adjournment – With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectboard meeting will be on Thursday, February 05, 2009 at 6:00 pm.