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Selectmen Minutes 01/13/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Tuesday – January 13, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairman, Aaron Kullgren, Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order: Day called to order at 6:00 pm.
6:15 – Dorene Adams, Katherine Heck – To discuss PTO matters –
Mrs. Adams opened by stating the first matter she wanted to discuss are the “Winter Wonderland” Banners – Adams asked if they could be put up this year.  The Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed to this.  They will be brought to the central office for Matt and Danni to put up as soon as possible.
Mrs. Adams discussed a recent meeting with Neal and Agneta Brown regarding the Winter Carnival – She further discussed options of activities – could the highway crew snowblow a small area for skating, then could the Fire Dept., spray water to a day or two before the event to make it a smooth skating area.  If possible could the highway maybe snow blow a little maze if possible.  After some discussion, it was decided that Deb would talk with Duffy if he say’s its ok, then it’s a go.
Adams asked for permission to clean the back stage at the Meeting House.  After some brief discussion the Board decided that it is not Mrs. Adams responsibility, the appropriate employee that should do it and will be instructed by Deb to do so. She would also like to organize the basement kitchen also.  Selectwoman Day suggested Adams coordinate with the Woman’s Club before anything is done.
Katherine Heck spoke to the upcoming Blueberry Jamboree  – She would like permission for her and Mrs. Adams to be allowed to coordinate the function, the would like to get together with the Jamboree Committee and get the Jamboree going.  Both Mrs. Heck & Mrs. Adams presented the Board with a plan and the mission.  A copy will remain on file for review by the public.  They are not asking for funds from the Town for start up, a portion of profit will be returned back to the Town, and the non-profits putting the event on would also keep a portion.  They can negotiate the percentage after the Committee is up and going with a concrete plan in place.  Lengthy discussion continued to follow regarding permission to use the park, getting the committee up and going, and negotiations for a profit for the town.
Day stated that she would like the Recreation Committee to be involved.
Katherine Heck stated they aren’t asking to be appointed, they are asking for permission to get together with the committees and move forward and to deem this an annual town event.  Whereas it was organized under the supervision of the previous Recreation Director, there needs to be someone who can move forward with the Boards permission.
Selectman Adams stated he knows these two women are very organized and able to get things accomplished, he is supportive of allowing them to move forward and start the process for this event to take place.
Maryann Grant asked what would the role of a “Director” be with this change in involvement.  Mrs. Grant further stated, she that it was the mission of the Recreation Committee, and most on the committee also thought it was the directive to devise a job description and work with the new director, not coordinate events.  
Kullgren motioned to appoint Katherine Heck and Dorene Adams to be in charge of the Jamboree until further notice.  Seconded by Day.  Brief discussion followed – Day stating she wants assurance they communicate with the Recreation Committee.  Heck stated of course they would, this is a committee that represents the community.  Voted:  Kullgren - yes; Day – yes; Adams abstained from voting.  Voted in the affirmative.
Deb to get appointments prepared to sign at the next meeting.
Chairman Kullgren had to leave to attend the School board Meeting, this is a very important meeting as the topic of the meeting is the $43 million dollar budget.
6:45 – Dr. Khowe, Chief Giammarino – To discuss speed limit on Cavender Road – Dr. Khowe is speaking on behalf of all the residents on Cavender Road.  He presented the Board with a petition to lower the speed limit on Cavender Road.  There is a lot of concern with safety of the road and would like the Board to address this matter.  Dr. Khowe has spoken to the Chief, and Chief Giammarino is in agreement, Khowe stated he has asked the Chief to patrol more often.  Khowe stated he would appreciate it if the Board would seriously consider reducing the speed limit.
Giammarino stated he agrees with Dr. Khowe and would like to see the speed limit lowered to 25 mph and keep it at that speed. Police will patrol the road more aggressively, they haven’t been very aggressive on town roads and will spend more time doing so.  Giammarino discussed the number of stops this year being down, and again the Police Department will step up the enforcement of the speed limit in residential areas in town.
Adams asked who is speeding; especially with the fact the road doesn’t go anywhere.
Giammarino stated this is a good question, it is a lot of the residents themselves, but it could be just about anyone.
The scheduled date for a public hearing to discuss the speed limit and reducing the speed limit will be scheduled for Thursday, February 26th at 6:30 pm.
7:00  – Sheldon & Scott Carbee – Mr. Carbee wanted to discuss the sewer system, its initial installation and the progression it has moved with.  He wants to be re-assured he will get two separate bills in 2009 for the two lots and that the Long block will be separate.  
Mr. Carbee stated he has concerns that there is no grease trap for the Town, which the only grease trap is the one they installed.  Scott Carbee presented a plan of their septic system that was installed prior to the town system being installed.  Requesting the town pay to pump the grease trap and bill whomever is running the restaurant.
The board will review the wastewater policy and get back to Mr. Carbee.  Deb read the portion of the policy that clearly states the traps are to be pumped regularly by the property owner, and the sewer commissioners (a.k.a. Selectmen) can request to review the cleaning schedules at any time.
Scott Carbee noted that there have not been any Sewer Commissioner meetings; he stated they need to do this annually.  The policy states it needs to be reviewed periodically.  The Board will hold a meeting within the year 2009.
Another item Scott Carbee wanted to address the size of the sewage pipes – he believes they are too small, they have a choke down, the size of the pipe goes from a 6” to 4” and back to 6” he believes it will fail eventually.  Scott also discussed there are properties (not Carbee’s) that are not hooked into the system and the laundry soap from the apartment goes into the brook.  The Board stated this will also be looked into and they will get back to Mr. Carbee. Administrative Assistant was asked to send Mr. Carbee a copy of the wastewater policy.
Mr. Carbee updated the Board that they are working on the other matters discussed last week and they have an appointment on January 26th with the Planning Board.
The Board thanked Scott & Sheldon Carbee for coming to the meeting.
7:30 - Administrative Assistant – Deb updated the Board with Parks & Recreation information, reporting that ballet is continuing on Mondays 1-3; a new exercise class will be offered, with enough interest, the class will be held at the library.  Selectmen stated this sounded great, there will be a 15% user fees (as is ballet), and we will take care of sign ups.  Deb discussed the Monarch ticket offer; this will be put on hold until a director is hired.
Approval of minutes:
Minutes of 1/6/08 Selectmen’s Meeting were approved as written.
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
  • Invoices
  • Form 486-4 “application for annual installment of state grant”
  • CDBG Payment request #1
  • Covenant not to sue – EPA Former Wastewater Site
  • 2009 Cartographic Contract
  • Pole License Petition
  • Letters of banking service
Old Business:
Budget review was tabled until next week when all three Board members are present.
New Business:
  • Treasurer position – this matter was again tabled – Deb was instructed to arrange interviews
  • Mail - Mail was reviewed
  • 2009 Town Warrant – A DRAFT Town Warrant was presented to the Board for review
  • Selectmen’s Town Report – Deb suggested some possibilities for the Selectmen to write about in their town report.  It was agreed Day will get together a list and will discuss her thoughts in detail at the next meeting.
  • Town Gardener - Maryann Grant discussed she will be submitting her resignation for Town Gardener; she will also submit her proposal as a volunteer.  Maryanne will continue to maintain the town signs and the cemetery entrance.  She discussed her ideas for the signs, Selectmen were supportive of her suggestions.

  • Insurance Claims - Recent insurance claims filed were discussed.  Deb reported there is one claim for water damage at the Library and one claim where a highway plow hit a Fairpoint vehicle.  Mr. Grant suggested installing heat tape at the Library, Deb was instructed to ask Matt to look into this.
  • Meeting night change - Selectmen discussed changing their meeting nights to Thursdays beginning January 29th.  All were in favor of this.
  • Website - Deb was instructed to get information on the website vs. outsourcing it to a new organization.  Deb to report on this next week.
Adjournment - With no further business meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.  The next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 6:00 pm.