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Selectmen Minutes 12/20/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Wednesday – December 20, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
5:52 – In accordance with RSA 9A:3 II (c) Selectman Dumas motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively
6:00 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively
       Decision:  No decisions were made
6:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3II (a) Selectman Dumas motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively
7:00 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively
7:00 – Code Officer, Peter Hopkins –
Hopkins discussed the emergency preparedness & response plan that has been written for the Town.  Hopkins stated that in order to receive any State funding these reports are required to be on file in the Town.  The current emergency operation plan is out dated; there are a number of items that are in the works to bring our plan up to date.  Hopkins is going to try to get the GIVers to help him finalize the document; once it is complete he will be back before the Board asking for their acceptance of the plans.  He asked that everyone return the survey recently mailed; it will help to determine what resources are available.  He stated he would discuss this at town meeting, at the voting polls as well.
Hopkins also discussed he has heard that Gene Mitchell is putting in an office in his warehouses.  He further discussed the building is actually a condo; it houses two garages, a business & a dance studio.  There are no permits that Peter is aware of, he is looking to the Selectmen for directive.  Peter will talk with Jim Plourde & Loren White about how they feel about this, and if it is life safety matter at this point.  It is likely an inspection will be done. Hopkins will update the Selectmen as to what direction this goes.

Other Business:
·       P/R checks approval; A/P Invoices
·       Minutes - Accept Minutes of 12/20/06
·       Budget – Discuss budgetary changes that have come up
o       Recycle – Mr. Pelkey increased the recycle center contract services line item from $33,500 to $40,000 – Selectman Kullgren would like to see the tonnage from 2003-2006.
o       Ambulance - $20,263.00 – The Town of Greenfield only needs to pay $14,000 from July 2007 to June 2008.  This needs verification, Peterborough is on an 18-month budgetary cycle, Greenfield should not have to budget the full amount in 2007.
o       Workers Comp. – The insurance for workers comp was reduced to $8,307.00, down from $9,000.00
o       Revenue: Highway Block Grant - $61,984.61 down from $65,000.00
It was recommended by the auditor the town not waste time placing minor warrant articles on the warrant.  They feel that warrant articles in for a small amount should be incorporated into the operating budget, not placed as a warrant article.
·       Review Misc. Mail
·       Sign Correspondence
o       Certificate of Vulnerability Assessment & Emergency Response completion to be sent to Rural Development.  This certificate is needed for verification to RD for financial funding we have received.
o       Intent-to-cut – Borden, R6-23; Haithcock, R9-3-1;
o       Letter to Mason & Rich – RE:  2006 auditing services
o       Committal letter to Vachon & Clukay – RE: 2006 auditing services
o       Forest Fire Bill
·       Ramp – Reviewed bid from Highway Dept., to replace the steps with a ramp
·       Meeting House – Discussed e-mail from Karen Day regarding the edge of the stage being broken.  Selectmen discussed this and would like Frank to look at the damage and make a recommendation.

·       Update – Selectman Dumas reported that he spoke with the Road Agent since the last meeting; he is updating the Board of the discussion.  It is agreed to move 5 hours of Highway time to the recycle center.  Dumas stated he understands and agrees to keep the front-end loader on agenda, it is important to have this piece of equipment to load the trucks.  He further stated that the Road Agent had discussed he was disappointed with the budget committee; they did not meet with his department prior to the budget cycle as they said they would do.
Follow Up:  
·       GES/Town Mtg. – Administrative Assistant spoke with Marion Alese at the SAU Office; she said it should not be a problem using the school for our town meeting.  The multi-purpose room holds considerably more than 200 people comfortably.  If they have to pay a custodian overtime to clean up, they ask that we help out with that cost.  No further discussion.
·       Volunteers – With regards to volunteers baling & using the compactor, the Administrative Assistant spoke to an attorney from the Local Government Center who said that it isn’t a legal problem, but a liability problem.  We do not know if these volunteers have been properly trained or not?  It was recommended that the Town either contact the manufacturer of the equipment to do training OR call the Town representative from LGC and they would come to our site and do a training/safety program.   
Motion by Selectman Kullgren to have a representative from LGC do safety training for these pieces of equipment.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Dumas.  Voted unanimously in the affirmative.
Decision: The Administrative Assistant will contact LGC and discuss possible times for the training.
With no further business Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, December 26, 2006 at 5:45 pm, there will be no appointments scheduled, Selectmen will meet only to sign payroll.