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Selectmen Minutes 12/07/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – December 7, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Head/Budget Committee -  Dept. Heads reviewed their budgets, Budget Advisory Committee was present to also review the proposed budget and ask any questions of Department Heads directly.
Budget Committee Chair, Karen Day reported the committee would like to see a 10% cut for each budget across the board.  Selectman Dumas stated he would take that into consideration.
Selectman Dumas explained he would review each bottom line of each budget, if there are no questions, he would move on to the next budget.    
Fire Dept. – Upon review of the Fire Dept. budget Selectman Dumas explained that the Fire Dept. is asking for an additional $50,000 of funding for warrant articles. The warrant article for the fire truck is $295,000 with a 90/10% match.  The town would only be required to raise $29,500; if a federal grant is accepted.  If the grant were not awarded to Greenfield, the funds would be returned to the general fund.  If it were awarded, this would relieve the town from asking for a new truck in 2008, as the Capital Improvement Plan reflects.
General Government Buildings- Selectman Dumas reported this budget has been reduced significantly.  The Women’s Club has asked for a new stove & refrigerator be purchased for the Meeting House.  This will be included in the budget, which will add an additional $1000.00 to that budget.
Health Agencies - Resident, Myron Steer questioned why the increase from $390.00 to $715.00 for St. Joseph’s Hospital, he further questioned what this money was for since St. Joseph’s is in Nashua.  Administrative Assistant explained the increase is reflective of no increases since 1992, she further explained that in 2005, the St. Joseph’s programs assisted 11 families.  The programs vary from meals on wheels, to medical help, groceries etc.  For many of the housebound residents, the drivers may be the only people these residents see, it also serves as a safety check.
Highway – Selectman Dumas noted the Highway budget is increased.  The Loader, Grader and Trackless all will be done with payments in 2007, the Road Agent is asking for a new loader.
Resident, Bruce Dodge asked if the budget reflects repairs to Dodge Road.  The Road Agent responded by saying it does not; he was going to use his road reconstruction funds to repair Dodge Road.  Fox further explained that expenses required if the Town involves the Federal Government are much more expensive if the repairs are done through grant monies.  Duffy would rather use the funds in the general budget and just get the road repaired.
Myron Steere asked about the engineering fee, he doesn’t see one in the budget. Duffy stated he figures the engineering fees for the project are in the road reconstruction funds; he doesn’t break them out separately.  
Selectman Dumas asked Fox to explain the sealing & tarring line item increase.  Fox stated he has increased that line item due to a 25% increase for cost to the town.  To continue with the projects anticipated to complete he must increase this line item.   Fox further commented the Budget Advisory Committee should make recommendations where the various budgets can be cut 10%; he thinks every department has tried to curb costs.
Myron Steere asked if tarring all the roads in town makes sense.
Fox commented that is a planning board issue with impact fees needing to be assessed etc.
Legal – Selectman Dumas stated he strongly recommends keeping the $50,000.00 budgeted amount, there are several legal matters on the burner.  Selectman Rainer wants it noted the Planning Board & ZBA all increased their legal budgets as well.
Library – This budget is increased a bit, with everything that has been invested in the library; it only makes sense the budget will increase.
Myron Steere asked about the encumbered funds and are they going to be used, will the room be completed.
Library Trustee, Maryann Grant stated the room will be complete, she indicated they will be corresponding with Bill Harper to set up a schedule to follow and someone to take charge with completion.  Unfortunately, the volunteers are unable to schedule their time accordingly, or to arrange to be a charge person.
Parks & Recreation – Selectman Dumas noted this budget has decreased, he asked for any comments.
Bruce Dodge asked about the revolving fund and if it is working out.  Molly Anfuso stated, “There is an inflow-outflow that is why the budget is down”.
Kent Vincent asked about the income for the Park & Recreation.  Molly stated that the funds haven’t yet been transferred.
Planning Board – Planning Board Chairman, Dario Cararra said he would like to make a change to the budget.  He went on to explain that for years the minute taker had taken minutes gratis.  The Planning Board now has a minute taker and they need to increase clerical wages to $1,400.00; He would like to reduce office equipment from $500.00 – $100.00.  He also discussed the increase in legal is a result of the current case being taken to court.
Police – Selectman Dumas discussed there is a small increase in the Police budget.  This year we are making the final payment on the 03 cruiser; Chief Giammarino has presented no warrant articles.
Recycle Center – Selectman Dumas discussed the increase in this budget from $92,430.00 to $100,267.00.  There have been three warrant articles submitted, totaling $36,000.00 – The warrant articles are for a loading dock, 2 trailer boxes and a new skid steer, there is a possibility of the warrant articles being funded by grants of up to 40-50%.
Frank asked why the Recycle Budget doesn’t reflect his full-time position and 10 additional hours for part-time employee.  Frank discussed the part-time employee, and why he needs the additional help.  
Resident, Kent Vincent asked if the Board of Selectmen believe the recycle center needs to be full time.
Selectman Dumas stated Frank is still allocated for full-time, but not all hours are allocated within the recycle center.
Budget Committee representative Bruce Dodge stated that last year the BudCom supported full time at the Recycle Center.  If this change takes place the revised budget for 2007 would be increased to $108,126.00.  
Myron Steere commented that not just on the recycle budget, but the overall budget, what is the total spending package?   
ZBA – Selectman Dumas reported the only significant increase is due to litigation.  No questions or comments regarding this budget.
BudCom Chair, Karen Day offered for any Dept. Heads wanting to meet with the BudCom to attend any of their meetings.  The Committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Library Trustee, Maryann Grant had a question for the Budget Committee, she indicated that regarding increases in library budget, some couldn’t be controlled.  
Discussion followed of revenues & conservation easements; no decisions have been made at this time.
Janet Romenelli stated that the Open Space Committee meets the 2nd Wed. of each month, and also invites attendance by the public.
Selectman Kullgren asked Janet Romanelli if they have discussed their ideas with the Planning Board, she responded that they have not, but they will.
Selectman Dumas discussed the revenues; there were no comments.
Budget Committee Member, Bruce Dodge asked the board how much they anticipate having as a surplus by year end, his calculations reflect there is approximately $150,000.00.  Selectman Dumas stated until all the expenses have been submitted at year-end, they cannot determine this.
Selectmen all thanked everyone for attending this meeting.
7:57 In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (c) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.
8:10 Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.
Decision:  Motion by Selectman Dumas to accept the decision made by Chief White.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier.

Other discussion –
·       Financial matters - The Administrative Assistant and the Selectmen discussed the need for the Treasurer to transfer the funds into the revolving funds account; it has not been done yet and must be done before year-end.  The Selectmen authorize the Administrative Assistant to instruct the treasurer to transfer funds as soon as possible.
Selectmen and the Administrative Assistant also discussed the Tax Anticipation Note, the interest that has accumulated, and the pay off.  Selectman Kullgren asked the Administrative Assistant to explain to the other two Selectmen about using the TAN funds as a draw down and payback when funds are available, rather than waiting until year-end to payback such large sums.
Budget Advisory Committee – Selectmen met with the Committee members so they all can understand where each stands with the budgets.
Selectman Dumas discussed the important topics presented by the BAC seem to be the ConCom warrant article, the Recycle Center and the request for a 10% reduction of budgets.
·       ConCom warrant article – everyone is in agreement of the concept, however at this time it is not financially responsible to give all the funds from the Land Use Change Tax to the Conservation Commission.  
Action:  Selectmen will work towards wording a warrant article transferring 50% of the tax, not 100%.
·       Recycle Center - Discussion followed that the Budget Committee is asking for all budgets to be cut 10%, yet they agree with an increase of 12% in the Recycle Budget.  The Budget Committee indicated they do not support the proposed Warrant Articles for the Recycle Center without the matching funds guaranteed of at least 40%; Discussion on Recycle revenues and other matters followed.
·       Leases – Discussion followed regarding leasing equipment
Action:  Administrative Assistant was instructed to research leasing for 8-10 years, rather than 4-5, she will report back to the Board.

·       Road Bonds – The Budget Committee would like to see a study committee researching if/how feasible this is for the town.  Myron Steere commented that there are 8.25 miles of road scheduled to be redone over the next 8 years, if a road bond was established and the project went out to bid, the cost for maintaining the roads would be all that would need to be budgeted.  Mr. Steere went on to say it would be significantly less than what we are paying now. Discussion followed, the Budget Committee indicated they are looking to the Selectmen for support of this idea.
Action: The Board of Selectmen to write a warrant article in support of bonding for road reconstruction.
·       10% budgetary cuts – Discussion followed regarding this recommendation.  Selectmen are not supportive of this suggestion.

Other Business:
·       A/P checks approval; A/P Invoices
·       Minutes - Accept Minutes of 11/20/06 as written
·       Sign Correspondence
With no further business Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 9:15 pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 5:45 pm.