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Selectmen Minutes 11/09/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – November 9, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Debra Davidson, A.A. taking minutes

Other Business:
·       P/R approval
·       Minutes - Accept Minutes of 11/09/06
·       Delay – Selectman Rainier stated his research has determined the town has a right of way with easement rights over the western side of the property.  The deed referenced is from Lloyd Cochran - book 1889, page 28 which reads “…reserving the right of a passage way, 15’ wide on the easterly side…” a subsequent deed, identified as book 3244 page 0861 refers to reserving to the granter, as presently traveled, which shall not exceed the bounds of the telephone pole on the easterly side of 136.  The recently placed cement blocks are in the right of way, they need to be removed, there is no way a snowplow could plow the area.  Mr. Delay will be asked to remove them within two weeks or we will have the road crew do so.  Selectmen further asked that Town Counsel be made aware of this.
Action:  Administrative Assistant will discuss this with John Teague; Attorney Teague will send a letter to Attorney Makechnie.
·       Budgets – Selectmen reviewed the proposed 2007 budgets – Selectmen had asked for wages to be inclusive of a 3% increase – The line item for auditing services will be reduced by $3,000; a letter will be sent to Vachon & Clukay indicating they won the audit for Greenfield, as well as a letter to Mason & Rich.
·       Alcohol Permit – Selectmen signed an alcohol permit for the Wensberg Memorial Service, to be held on Thursday, November 16, 2006 at the Library
·       Auditing Firm – Selectmen reviewed the auditing proposals.  Motion by Selectman Dumas to accept the bid proposal from Vachon & Clukay as presented.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.  Discussion followed - Voted:  Rainier, Yes; Kullgren, Yes; Dumas, Yes.  Voted in the affirmative

·       Warrant Articles – Selectmen reviewed two warrant articles that were submitted by the ConCom, they will be discussed at the November 16, 2006 Selectmen’s Meeting.  
#1 – Selectmen want to know what the plan for the funds requested are
·       Meeting Changes – The meeting the week of Thanksgiving will be cancelled; The Selectmen’s Meeting the week of November 30th will be held on Tuesday, November 28 due to a conflict for one of the Selectmen.
·       ZBA Update – Selectman Rainier reported on the ZBA hearing that was held on Tuesday, Landmark representatives have requested:
1.      To know what the density bonus is and how it is calculated
2.      Can duplex’s be allowed
3. Discussion of the buffer needed to be included in their non-developed area.  Several members of the public were present for this hearing.  ZBA reported that it states right in the zoning the planning board may allow a 20% bonus, not that they have to allow the 20% bonus.  Duplexes are allowed but they will also take up two single building lots, and the buffer does need to be included in the non-developable area.  
·       Recycle committee – Selectmen discussed the committee attending the next meeting to discuss Frank being a full time employee; Selectmen are not in favor of this.  The committee was charged with designing a layout of the recycle committee, not to advocate for Frank being full-time.  If Frank wants to be full-time at the recycle center then as the Dept. Head he needs to discuss this with the board himself.
Action: Deb to put together information from recycle dept. regarding what has been hauled…vs. how much income has been generated.
·       Outside lighting – Selectman Rainier asked that Frank be instructed to fix the light outside the Town Office as soon as possible.  Administrative Assistant will notify Frank of this.
With no further business Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 5:45 pm.