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Selectmen Minutes 10/19/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – October 19, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Debra Davidson, A.A. taking minutes
5:45 – John Halper – Mr. Halper met with the Board and discussed his dissatisfaction with the Budget Advisory Committee.  He stated the Planning Board has invited them to several meetings to review the Capital Improvements Plan, none of the committee members attended.  He further commented that the BAC has asked Mr. Halper to attend their meeting on Nov. 14th to do the presentation.  He has no intention of making a separate presentation to the Bud. Com., however he would like to ask that the Selectmen consider to give the Planning Board an opportunity to present the CIP to the Board, and the BAC could attend on Thursday November 2nd at 6:00 pm.  It was further discussed the BAC should familiarize themselves with the CIP to have knowledge of what capital investments are necessary and in which years. Selectmen are supportive of this and will invite the BAC to attend the meeting to review the CIP at that time.
Action:  Administrative Assistant to contact all BAC members and inform them of this meeting.  
6:00 – Mark Cilley – Mr. Cilley discussed that he and his wife were informed they need to get the bond for the Muzzey Hill Road extension.  He has several questions for the Selectmen:
·       Length of bond - Mr. Cilley indicated he spoke with John Teague regarding as far as when the bond is needed and how long the bond will need to remain in effect.   Attorney Teague had indicated to Mr. Cilley he doesn’t need to get the bond until Town Meeting, and they would only need it until the Road Agent accepts the road.  Rainier discussed that the road will be presented at town meeting this year for acceptance.  
·       Subdivision - Mr. Cilley asked if they could subdivide now prior to the town accepting the improvement; Selectman Rainier stated that is a Planning Board question. The Planning Board can grant a conditional approval.  However, a bond or bank line of credit will need to be in effect in March, and needs to stay in effect until the road is accepted.  
·       Repairs – In the event the road needed to have repairs, Mr. Cilley asked if he could have the authority to fix the road on his own accord before using the bond.  Selectmen all agreed that this would be acceptable.
·       Warrant Article – Mr. Cilley asked who would prepare the warrant article in March. Selectmen will prepare the warrant article.

6:15 – May Delaney, Milford Mediation –  Ms. Delaney introduced herself; she further  discussed the benefits of the program and the future goals.  
She explained she was hired by Milford Mediation and did an aggressive marketing plan, notifying all the Boards as to what is going on.  Since she has completed the marketing there has been a 117% increase of clients in the past three years.  These numbers are significant in that there were 24 new families in the last quarter.  The marketing campaign has been very successful.  There is a significant waiting list for the new training session with 25 people on the list.  Statistics have been provided for the Selectmen; there are 490 cases just for juvenile involvements with the police; substance abuse, simple assault, etc.
Discussion followed, Selectman Dumas asked if the increase is a result of the police.  Delaney stated some are but many are self-referrals.  The website is helpful.  There is a need for diversion programs in the Monadnock Region.  
Greenfield statistics are one family has been served this year; the history of the Town of Greenfield shows that there has been a support from Greenfield.
Ms. Delaney will provide some information to be posted in the Spirit regarding the Milford Mediation program.  She will e-mail an invoice for services in 2006 to Deb for payment.
Selectmen thanked Ms. Delaney for her presentation, and will continue with the support they have offered in the past.
6:150 – LothropR9-43 School House Road – Mr. Daniel Johnson from Millstone developers was here to represent Mr. & Mrs. Lothrop.  He did the excavation on the site; upon the request for the driveway approval, the Road Agent stated to Mr. Johnson the driveway is too steep.  The driveway regulations states it is not to exceed 5%; when the driveway was installed the center of driveway has a 12% slope, large rocks/ledge etc. made it difficult to continue, he stopped digging.  The driveway was installed per the subdivision approval, the house elevation couldn’t be changed the septic elevation would be affected if the house is brought down.  The driveway would require blasting to bring it down more; Mr. Johnson thought he had conformed to Zoning Regulations.  
Selectman Dumas reiterated that the Road Agent, Duffy Fox turned it down. What was the suggestion from Mr. Fox?
Mr. Johnson was told that he would need to bring this concern before the Board for a decision.
Peter Hopkins commented that this needs to go before the Zoning Board; the Selectmen have no authority to make a decision like this.  The driveway could be as it is, but the Zoning Board needs to make the decision to accept the Appeal.  Hopkins further commented it is a subdivision; therefore it must abide by the Subdivision Regulations (that is were the Driveway Regulation is, not the Zoning Ordinance).  
Motion by Selectman Rainier to research who is responsible to hear this appeal.  Seconded by Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively – Dumas; Yes, Rainier; Yes, Kullgren; Yes.

More discussion followed -
Fox has discussed with Mr. Johnson changing the bottom of the driveway to divert the water from the road, the other concern was the 5% slope…
Action:  Selectman Rainier will take the responsibility of researching the proper way to handle this.  An answer will be available by next Thursday, October 26, 2006.
6:30 – Bill Dodge, Old Lyndeboro Mountain Road – Mr. Dodge expressed concerns regarding a recent subdivision across from his property.  Mr. Dodge discussed his concerns being, that several years ago the road was widened, the road is 25’ wide with no other houses on the road.  The proposed driveway is only 12’ wide; Mr. Dodge is concerned that the safety of the road is being jeopardized.  Lengthy discussion followed, Mr. Dodge indicated he has tried to discuss this with the Road Agent but nothing positive came from the discussion.
Selectman Rainier noted that legal notification was sent to Albert Dodge & Ann Dodge signed for the certified letter (from the Planning Board).  Rainier asked for clarification that they are the proper property owners; Mr. Dodge stated that they own the property but it is his.  
Mr. Dodge stated that if an emergency should happen, the ambulance and/or fire trucks couldn’t get onto his property with the new driveway where it is.
Selectman Dumas discussed that the owner of the property was duly notified, the Planning Board properly noticed the meeting, the property is subdivided, and the time to have voiced these concerns was at the Public Hearings.
Selectman Rainier suggested that Mr. & Mrs. Dodge discuss their concerns with the Chairman of the Planning Board, Dario Carrara.  Also the Zoning Board will be notified of this discussion.
Selectman Dumas stated that he was sorry they couldn’t be more helpful, and wish Mr. & Mrs. Dodge the best while they work through this.
7:00 – Recycle Attendant, Frank Pelkey – Selectmen invited Frank to discuss the port-a-potty & the forklift.
Frank stated that the port-a-potty is inside the building out of the way, Selectman Dumas asked Frank where did the Board suggest the toilet be placed?  Frank stated out behind the old building.  Dumas asked why wasn’t it put where they suggested?  Frank said, “That is where the guys go”.
Rainier asked why did he go with the most expensive company.  Frank said that is who Molly uses and they are in town every Wednesday.
Rainier commented that he thought there was shortage of room in the building.  Frank stated he keeps salt and other stuff that doesn’t belong in the building so why can’t the port-a-potty go there also?
Dumas reiterated Selectman Rainier’s comment that Frank has complained about the shortage of space in the building.  Selectman Dumas is concerned about the smell.
Candy Fowler, a volunteer, stated she appreciated that the port-a-potty is inside where it is warm.
Selectman Dumas thanked her for her thoughts.
Forklift – Selectman Dumas asked if the forklift has been fixed, and are there brakes.  Frank said that he would like to get a Skid Steer and doesn’t want to put any money into it.  For what he uses it for he thinks it is safe.  
Dumas stated that the Board is concerned that it is not safe and if something happens what liability would the town have?
Kullgren asked if the State requires certification to drive a forklift.
Frank said they don’t require it, that he knows of.
Dumas asked who the chairman of the Safety Committee is? Deb replied that it is Officer Foster. The Board would like some recommendation from the Chairman of the Safety Committee as to what should be done about this.
Frank discussed the recent House Bill 1455, regarding the recycling of electronics.  It will cost the town approximately $2,500.00/year, he will look into other options of removal of the electronics in hopes to keep the costs down.  Frank discussed the expense associated with recycling of the electronics.  Rainier asked about recycling cooperatively with other communities for items such as this.  
Hazardous waste prices have increased and Frank is looking into this as well.
Daylight savings time the hours will change at the recycling center, tonight was the last night for being open until 7:00 pm.
7:15 – John Hopkins & Dave Corliss, Oak Park Com. – Mr. Corliss wanted to discuss the concern that there was some question about the charges for beer.  He indicated that it is something that is done for the volunteers on Friday & Saturday evening, he further stated he doesn’t believe there is or has been any policy or laws broken.
Rainier commented he thought that the concern was taxpayer dollars to purchase alcohol, is not O.K..
Corliss again, he doesn’t think they did anything wrong, considering the100’s of hours of volunteerism it seems minor.  He indicated he doesn’t believe the Oak Park Committee needs to reimburse the town, as it is a fundraiser and it is only $65.00, if a policy needs to be written then they will abide by it.
Hopkins commented that if you look at the number of volunteers (40+) from Thursday until Sunday clean up that isn’t a lot of alcohol.  He agrees with Dave that they will abide by policy if policy is written.
Bruce Dodge asked if this has been done in the past.
Corliss stated that yes they have, years ago they did ask for volunteers to pay for the beverages, however, the last couple years the Oak Park Committee has purchased it.
Corliss stated he is asking the Selectmen at this time, to please let this go, but again in the future, if policy is written they won’t have alcohol.  However with all the time, profit, and energy produced they should not have to reimburse the town.
Dumas stated in the future he does not want to see town funds used to purchase alcohol.  However, this past year is a done deal and he is fine.
Rainier stated that everyone does appreciate the work that is done and does understand the spirit all the work is done in.
Selectman Dumas stated that there has been no problem with the consumption of the alcohol, however in the future we will not be purchasing alcohol with public funds.  Other than that, Dumas has no problem with paying the bill.
Selectman Kullgren asked Corliss if they would have bought tobacco.  Corliss responded they would not.
Motion by Selectman Dumas to pay the entire Sam’s Club bill, no harm has come, we are now clear that in the future this misunderstanding won’t happen.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier
Selectman Kullgren stated he was making a point and was voting no.
Voted:  in the affirmative – Dumas: Yes; Kullgren – No; Rainier – yes;
Selectman Rainier asked about the trail on town property, Hopkins stated they asked the Board to take a walk and they chose not to.
Karen Day asked where the trail specifically is.
Discussion followed
Rainier asked if the trail is marked.
Hopkins said there are no marker but it had been raked.
Dumas asked if they make trails in the future, they make sure they come before the board before cutting the trail.
Hopkins agreed to this.  
Other Business:
·       P/R approval
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the Minutes of 10/10/06
·       Delay – Administrative Assistant reported John Teague has discussed the letter from Norm Makechnie with Norm Makechnie.  Mr. Makechnie was going to be in touch with his client, Teague is waiting to hear back from Mr. Makechnie
·       Budgets – Selectmen reviewed budget proposals

·       Encumber Funds – 2006 Library WA #7 - $27,087.70.  Motion by Selectman Dumas to encumber the remaining $27,087.70 from the 2006 warrant article #7, the purpose of these funds was to purchase lumber for the new room at the Library.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier.  No discussion followed.  Voted:  Affirmatively.  Dumas, Yeah; Kullgren, Yeah; Rainier, Yeah.    
·       Self-Evaluations – Selectmen reviewed the evaluations of the 5 staff who did self-evaluations
·       Charrette – Selectmen and the Administrative Assistant discussed how Greenfield had such a successful charrette.  Administrative Assistant will go to the Mini-Conference in Concord on the 24th and discuss the success of Greenfield and how fortunate the town was to be chosen.
·       Tax warrant – Tax Collector reported to the Board the warrant is within ½ percent of allowable margin of error, the Selectmen signed the warrant.  Bills will be going out within the next week or two. The official tax rate for 2006 is $19.47.
Weekly Administrative update –
Road Agent - Administrative Assistant reported the Road Agent would be out of town until Monday. He asked that Deb update the Board with the following:
WW Hookups -  Chris Stewart from Francestown Sand and Gravel has both hook-ups completed (Library & Old Town Office).  Mr. Stewart discussed that he would like to have the hook up for the Library to be a donation.  They will either bill the town and return the funds as a gift OR they won’t bill the town at all if there is a specific place for the funds.   Selectmen would like them to send us a bill but give us a credit.
East Road – The patches are complete
Road Closed - Dodge Road is closed until further notice, as the bridge is unsafe.  Selectman Dumas asked for how long. Road Agent didn’t indicate that to the Administrative Assistant. Selectman Rainier discussed the options for the repair of the bridge.
Pre-trial – Pre-Trial was scheduled with American Steel Erectors today, however we were assigned a judge who had to recuse himself, the pre-trial will be rescheduled in November.
Town of Peterborough - Nov. 29th there is a tentative meeting with Peterborough regarding the ambulance; they will be inviting Selectmen & Fire Chiefs, please reserve that date.
LGC Conference - Administrative Assistant has a conflict November 16, with the Selectmen’s Meeting, it is the LGC Conference and she is attending the conference.  Selectmen asked if Catherine could do the minute taking.  Deb indicated she will ask, but Catherine may be attending the conference as well.
RAMP – nothing to report at this time.
Invoice – An unanticipated invoice from Francestown Sand & Gravel was discussed, Administrative Assistant asked if we should back bill SCI.  Selectmen want the Road Agent to discuss this with SCI.

Crotched Mtn. – Crotched Mtn. has been approved for the 1st round of the grant they applied for; they extend their appreciation for our support.   Administrative Assistant will ask Leah Conway when they will be beginning the construction on the old town office.
Election – Selectman Dumas stated he was concerned about getting enough volunteers to count ballots.  Deb will contact Tom to be sure there are enough people.
Catch basin – Selectman Dumas asked why aren’t the catch basins in front of the Coffee Shop linked together; Administrative Assistant stated she doesn’t know that they aren’t, she hasn’t seen them.  Selectmen want Duffy to look at them and report to the board.
Budgets - Next weeks meeting will be Dept. Heads only, all small budgets through first, create a schedule, hopefully the meeting will move along.
Fill - Rainier asked Karen Day about the material being added next to Delay Market.  Ms. Day stated that apparently there are no wells in the area that were filled.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 5:45 pm.