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Selectmen Minutes 09/14/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – September 14, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Debra Davidson, A.A. taking minutes
6:00 – Kathy Vallier & Diane Knisley – Ms. Knisley introduced herself, and began discussing the “sheriffs deed”, and how she acquired the property located on Zephyr Lake Road.  The town is in the position to be able to deed the property.  Kathy Vallier stated she has spoken to Town Counsel about this; further research is needed before the deeding should take place.  Ms. Knisley stated she acquired the vacant land through a “sheriffs deed” as a result of Paul Mariano owing Ms. Knisley money; the property is located on Zephyr Lake Road, further identified as map R6 Lot 30-5 and is 2.20 acres.  One of the questions about this property is that Mr. Mariano had a wife, Knisley is unsure if she owns the property with Mrs. Mariano or not.
Ms. Knisley asked if we were to take the property by tax deed, should we also notify Mrs. Mariano as well.  She asked if Town Counsel could instruct if Ms. Knisley is obligated to the property with Mrs. Mariano.  Deputy Tax Collector, Kathy Vallier will look into this and report back when she has a concrete answer from legal counsel
On-going Business:
Church Lease –  The history of the relationship between the Church & Town was discussed, minutes of Selectmen’s Meeting held on October 7, 2004 were reviewed.  Meeting with the leadership committee the 21st   , Selectmen would like to begin moving forward with this lease.
Cupola – Administrative Assistant reported she spoke with Bill Harper earlier this week, the lift will be delivered on Friday; the vents are done and look great; the roofing product was delivered.  Bill Harper wanted to extend his thanks for the Selectmen’s patience, he statedhe is very proud to have been so involved in Greenfield and apologizes for the delay on the cupola.  
Other Business:
·       A/P - A/P checks were signed
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the minutes of 9/7/06 as written.
·       Recycle Committee – Selectmen discussed the memo from Neal Brown regarding the need for a port-a-potty at the recycle center.  Discussion followed regarding the memo, a memo will be sent to Frank asking him to meet with the Selectmen to discuss this.
·       Boston Post Cane – All set for Saturday - September, 23 @10:00 am at the Library.  Snacks will be provided; Deb will discuss this with Jane Winslow in hopes of allowing the Historical Society to be involved as well.
·       Intent to cut – Flint – This was not signed by Selectmen, $28.00 balance on current property tax, Selectmen would like this taken care of before they sign the intent.  Cutting has already begun, Karla will be asked to go out and take care of this.
·       Budget & Finance Workshop – 9/26/06 – CR Sparks in Bedford – Administrative Assistant would like to attend, wondering if any Selectmen available?  Selectman Kullgren will check his schedule.
·       RSA 91A:3 II (e) – legal matters
·       Audit invoice – Motion by Selectman Kullgren to request our auditing firm, Mason & Rich, to provide the town with a clear breakdown of their billing.  Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Rainier.  No further discussion.  Voted:  Affirmatively.
·       Staff Meeting Agenda – Selectmen will discuss the recent changes of vacation day pay; staff evaluation program; job descriptions (W & B Committee update); break time; personnel policies revised; time cards (Catherine to address this); budgets; DRAFT evaluation for the 5 department heads will be available for a self-evaluation.  An envelope with the BOS name on the envelope will be provided for the 5 staff, everyone is to leave the staff meeting with an evaluation for a self review; the 5 department heads will leave with their evaluation and an envelope to return their self review to the board.  Administrative Assistant is to remove the work proposed from the evaluation and date the document as of 9/7/06; keep the draft.  The wage & Benefit Committee will speak to this, the how to guide will be provided to all staff so they can understand the concept and the proper way to complete the document.
·       Budget timeline – Selectmen would like the timeline for the budgetary cycle available for the next Selectmen’s Meeting.
·       Meeting Conflict – Chairman Dumas has a conflict for Thursday, October 12th.  Selectmen will discuss this at the October 5th Selectmen’s Meeting, however Selectmen’s Meeting will be tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th.
·       Soil Map – Selectman Rainier asked if the Town Forester could take a look at the soil maps.  Rainier stated the wetlands are clearly marked and the lot on Swamp Road should not have cut any more trees.
·       Wage & Benefit meeting – Selectman Kullgren reported how Greg Martus surmised the job description he was assigned; the committee spent the evening reviewing the job description.  The next step is to provide the job descriptions to the Selectmen for their review and recommendations.
·       Work Session – Selectmen excused the Administrative Assistant as they continued to work on personnel evaluations.

With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 5:45 pm