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Selectmen Minutes 08/24/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – August 24, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Kullgren called the meeting to order at 5:52 pm.  
Catherine Shaw taking minutes
6:30 – GCCC Lease – Michael Sparling to discuss the options of the lease agreement.  Dumas told Sparling that Town Counsel could not be here tonight and that he (John Teague) would like to review the tapes of town meeting.  Dumas would like Deb to contact Town Counsel and get him the tapes between now and next Thursday.  Deb will be out the beginning of next week.  Catherine was told to call Tom Mullins tomorrow and get the tapes of town meeting back.  Judy Ierlan asked, who wrote up the last lease that was given to the church?  Is John Teague the only lawyer that the Town is using?  Was it written by a lawyer?  Was there help from legal? Dumas responded, we sent him what the church gave us.  It was reviewed by Town Counsel and he suggested we release it to the church.  Ierlan asked, is the language itself legal?  It was reviewed by Town Counsel or his office for legalese.
Next week schedule Town Counsel at 6 pm and Michael Sparling @ 6:30 pm.  Let the Board know before hand what is happening with the tapes.
Kullgren stated, we needed to have a Warrant Article granting the Selectboard permission to enter into a 25 year lease.  
On-going Business:
Wage & Benefits – Evaluations – Kullgren stated, we need to review the Personnel Evaluation Report proposed by the committee.  Do you want to do mock evaluations?  An individual employee would fill one out and the supervisor. Then compare and review them together.  Have the Board review both documents as well.  The Board is directly overseeing: Debbie; Brian; Frank; Duffy; and Molly.  Would the Board do the form together or individually and then put them together?  They would do separate forms and then review them.  What is the committee’s recommendation for the time this would cover.  September to October would preceed the budget process.  Employees would be at different stages of employment.  Would it be reviewed in a public meeting?  Dumas would want to discuss it in a non-public meeting.  And the meeting with the individual would be non-public.  The document would be in their personnel file, as a confidential document.  You really can’t do a trial run.  Dumas would like to go forward with this and work on this.  Pass out a blank form at the staff meeting to the 5 department heads.  Kullgren said, It will be helpful and take away discussions at town meeting.  This tool will eliminate a lot of that.  When the three of us do our work to come up with this instrument, we need to be alone.  And we would be alone with the department head, the Board would take the minutes.  Dumas would like 5 copies for each of the Board.  What is the order to do this in?  
Personnel Policies – Questions have come up about “days off” vs “weeks”.  Discussion on how to calculate a days pay for part-time employees, salaried and full timers that work 4 days a week in the summer.  Part-timers pay is an average of their hours for a year.  They would put that on their time card for the day off.  Salaried and full timers take an 8 hour day.  This will be discussed at the next staff meeting.
Sealing & Striping parking lot – Have 2 quotes:  Sullivan Bros. $1,198 & JDK Striping $1,200.  The Board decided to wait until after the ramp construction is complete.
Ramp at Town Office - Send out request for bids on the ramp at the Town Office.  Catherine will put a notice in the paper next week.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P checks and Invoices
·       Minutes – accepted 8/17/06
·       Intent to Cut forms – R1-20, 20-9-1 & (R7-11-2, 11-2-1 not approved)
Dunklee & Blanchard Hill Roads logging operation R7-11-2 & 11-2-1  – Duffy told Donald Trow, Logger to get permission from the Board to “pull” logs down the Class VI portion of Blanchard Hill Road to a landing at the turnaround on Dunklee Hill Road.  Mrs. Trow called and would like permission.
The Selectmen signed an Intent to Cut for this property last week with a different logger.  That Intent was cancelled and withdrawn by the Owner.
The Board wants to have the logger and Duffy come in and meet next week.  Catherine will call Mr. Trow and ask him to come in to discuss this (at 7 pm).
Moose plate Grant – Town did not receive an award
CDBG wants to do the application site visit on 8/30 @ 9am.~ I said I would meet them at Crotched Mountain.~ No one from the Town needs to be there.
RSA 479:25 - Review important incoming correspondence from Attorney Haughey.  We are a lien holder on the property.  Copy will be sent to Town Counsel.  
Recreation Revolving Account – Kullgren asked the Treasurer, what money has been given back to the General Fund from the Recreation Revolving Account?  He would like a print out.  Discussion followed.  Vaihinger will get the info requested.
Tax Deeding Property - Deputy Tax Collector, Kathy Valliere came in to discuss several properties that were coming up for tax deeding.  The Buxton property has a problem with the people on the deed.  The Board needs to tell the Tax Office to go ahead with sending the letters out.  The Board looked at the property cards and amounts due.  The Board agrees to have the Tax Collector send the letters out.
Town Counsel cannot be here tonight due to personal reasons.  He has requested to review the audiotapes of town meeting.  The Town Clerk gave the tapes to Town Moderator, Tom Mullins.  
Staff Meeting September 28th 6pm – The Board would like a broad invite to the public in the Spirit. 15 minute time slots for Dept. heads.  Frank can be here at 7pm. Discuss break time, timecards, time off, and budgets… Catherine will send a memo to Department Heads and key staff.
Rural Development money – Kullgren would like to know how the money is going.  Deb will need to get that information to the Board.
B-B-Q – The Board received an invitation to the B-B-Q from John Hopkins of the Oak Park Committee.
Old Town Office sewer hook-up – Mike Borden cannot do the hook-up.  It would need flagmen and is too costly for him to do the job.
Spirit – Spirit deadline is September 1st.  Have Deb write articles about the cupola repair; waste water hook-ups; the lease for the old Town Office to Crotched Mtn, at no cost to the tax payers; Staff meetings are an opportunity to see all the Dept heads at once and review budgets, etc.
Recycling Center – Dumas reported that Frank had talked to him about not taking lunch on Saturdays.  Dumas stated, the previous Board may have told Frank that he could work an 8 hour day on Saturdays when he was hired.  Have Deb look at old minutes.
Z.B.A. hearing – Rainier reported on the Z.B.A. hearing that was this week.  The Z.B.A. said they would not hear the case.  They wanted to discuss their denial by the Planning Board.  The P.B. did not except their application, so there was no denial.  There was nothing for the Z.B.A. to hear.  
Meeting House water in the basement – Rainier reported that Duffy and his crew were fixing that problem this week.
Waste Water Monitoring Wells – Rainier had emailed Deb and asked, have they been replaced?  Deb responded, No.  Have Deb follow-up on this.  See email from Keith Pratt dated 8/3/06.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 5:45 pm.