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Selectmen Minutes 08/10/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – August 10, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
6:11 – Curt Ferry & David Lloyd, Peter Hopkins -  
At the request of Peter Hopkins, Curt Ferry & David Lloyd were present to represent Mrs. Ellington with regards to the recent letter that she received from Peter Hopkins.
Hopkins stated that his concern is that there have been a couple complaints about the recent buildings that have been installed on the property.  The property is further identified as Map R4-30-1.   In the fall it was brought to Hopkins attention from a neighbor that it appears that temporary manmade membranes have been installed on the property without a permit.  These buildings do require a building permit; one has not yet been applied for.  
The second concern is that the second driveway needs to have a driveway permit approved before it can be used.
Mr. Ferry indicated that he did not realize he needed any permits for either of these.  
Hopkins stated that any building, which is up for more than 180 days, is considered a permanent building.  He needs an application for a driveway, as well as a building permit to clarify this situation.
Mr. Ferry stated that there are currently two temporary buildings, one is a 12’ x 12’ and the other is a 16’ x 16’.  The 16 x 16 will be removed by fall, Mr. Ferry stated he used them for greenhouse purposes and they worked out well.  He stated he has no problem with applying for permits, they will be happy to do it, and will take care of anything that needs attention.
6:20 – Budget Committee – Chair, Karen Day
 Ms. Day discussed the most recent BudCom meeting.  She discussed the committee will be working on educational pieces, hoping to educate voters so they know what they are reading in the town report.  Also they want to create reports so residents can see what has taken place over the last 10 years, they discussed the current CIP and how it will affect the budget in the future.
Selectman Dumas stated he would like to see whatever is going to be mailed out to the public before it is mailed, this will allow the selectmen knowledge of what is happening.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2006

6:25 - Wage & Benefit Committee – Margo Charig-Bliss & Karen Day were the only committee members present.
Margo Bliss discussed with the board how they would like to see a “mock” evaluation available to be performed in September for key employees.  This will give a sense of strength & weaknesses, the best way to start is for the three Selectmen & three key employees to do a “trial” evaluation, once they are comfortable with the process, then all other supervisors and/or employees can be evaluated.  It was further asked if Selectmen would do this evaluation at a work session or utilize it as a Selectmen’s Meeting project.
Selectman Dumas stated that he would like a presentation of what is being recommended so the board can discuss it among themselves and then decide where to go from there.  Deb provided them with copies of the evaluation to review.  
6:45 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c ) motion by Selectman Kullgren to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier.  Voted:  Unanimously affirmative
7:05 Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the Non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren. Voted:  Unanimously affirmative
Decision:  Motion by Selectman Dumas to open the sealed minutes of the June 28th, 2006 non-public session. Seconded by Kullgren & Rainier.  No discussion.  Voted:  Affirmatively
A further motion by Selectman Dumas to copy the minutes of June 28th 2006, and provide a sealed copy to our Chief of Police to deliver to the State Police.  The Chief is to return with a receipt that the State Police received the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren.   Voted:  Affirmatively
7:18 In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Rainier & Kullgren.  Voted:  Affirmatively
7:45 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the Non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Kullgren. Voted:  Unanimously affirmative
Decision:  There was no decision made.
7:50 - Chief of Police, Brian Giammarino –
·       Chief Giammarino discussed that while in court last week he had 12 arraignments,  this produced $3,300.00 dollars of revenue for the town.
·       Reported his computers are not efficient, he has concerns of losing data.  Would like to request permission to move funds within his budget to allow for the purchase of one or two computers.  Selectmen indicated that he can use his budget as he deems most efficient, however he has to stay within the bottom line.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2006

On-going Business:
Church Lease –  No action
Wage & Benefits – Selectmen were unable to work on these items at this time, they will put two of them on the agenda for next week.  Evaluations & Personnel Policies
Waste Water Hookups- Selectman Rainier reported that there were two stubs left in such a way that the property owners absolutely cannot hook into the system.  The report called for a 6” stub, the stub was left as a 4” stub.
Selectmen would like a letter sent to Sheldon Carbee asking what his intention is for the future of the holding tank he would like to use for fire protection.  
Administrative Assistant was asked to get a price from Francestown Sand & Gravel for hooking the town into the system.  Selectmen will ask all that have been working on the other hookups if they would like a to give a price as well.
Motion by Selectman Dumas to notice the request for proposal to bid the town hook up to the waste water system.  Seconded by Kullgren & Rainier.
Selectman Rainier discussed the need to contact Jim Cruthers and get padlocks placed on the control panels at the Waste Water Facility.   Administrative Assistant will contact Mr. Cruthers and ask for a set of keys as well as having the padlocks installed.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R checks
·       Minutes – accepted 8/3/06 minutes as written
·       Elderly & Disabled Tax Deferral Application – Bonner, John T
·       Abatement – Elderly Tax Deferral – T. Bonner
·       Supplemental Warrant – elderly tax deferral $4,225.00
·       Lease with Crotched Mtn., dba Peak Performance
·       Deputy Fire Warden Appointment – Christopher Kowaleski
·       Alcohol Permit – Thompson wedding reception
·       Intent-to-Cut  - Hadley (R9-43-1); William Brooks & Kathleen Kozlowski (R3-30)
·       Timber Tax Warrant – 188 East Road Trust (r7-6); $913.64; William Brooks (R3-30); $176.71
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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2006

Other business:
·       Selectmen’s office purchased 10 new tables, $800.00, DPW will stencil & number them as you requested
·       Received PILOTS from Crotched Mtn. ($110, 250) & Lyris ($4,190.86)
·       Selectmen reviewed the income/expenses of the Mtg. House for the last three years, they would like to have figures for custodial services made available (i.e. how much the church pays vs. the actual expense).
·       Selectmen reviewed Parks & Recreation 2006 revenue, as well as the revolving account.  They will have some questions for Molly when she meets with them.
·       Selectmen would like to have the Trails Association on the agenda two weeks.

With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 5:45 pm.