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Selectmen Minutes 07/27/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – July 27, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Public Hearing
6:00 – CDBG Application:
Selectman Dumas called the hearing to order at 6:00 pm.  Selectman Dumas introduced Ms. Donna Lane, who will be presenting the Community Development Block Grant Application.  (See attached minutes)
6:10 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to close this public hearing, Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  
6:10 – Policy:
Motion by Selectman Dumas to open the public hearing with regards to adoption of policy necessary for the CDBG.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier.
Policy was read and discussed.
6:14 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to close this public hearing, Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier. – Voted:  Unanimously in the affirmative
6:15  – Displacement:
Motion by Selectman Dumas to open the portion of the public hearing regarding displacement, Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier.
Discussion followed
6:25 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to close the public hearing.  Seconded by Kullgren & Rainier. - Voted:  Unanimously in the affirmative
Decision:  Selectman Kullgren motioned to adopt the Housing & Community Development Plan as written.  Seconded by Rainier.  Voted:  Dumas, Yes; Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes.  Affirmative Vote.

7:00 – Sonny & Linda Pero – Mr. Pero discussed they had sold their property; the closing date is scheduled for August 11th or 12th.  They petitioned to extend their stay in the courts for an additional 30 days.  Peter Hopkins will go to the court on Tuesday, July 25th and support the request at this time.
There were no questions for Mr. & Mrs. Pero.
Selectman Dumas thanked them for coming in.
On-going Business:
Church Lease – Selectmen reviewed the changes they had previously made.  Micheal Sparling will be provided a copy for the church.
Selectmen briefly discussed the letter received from the Americans United.   
Motion by Selectman Dumas to have the Administrative Assistant request Town Counsel to write a letter to the the organization regarding the constitutional discetancies.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier.  Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes.  Affirmative Vote
Discussion regarding the lease and rent – various options were discussed.  Nothing firm was determined, the Church will be provided a copy of the working DRAFT lease to open discussion.
Crotched Mtn. – Selectmen reviewed the previously discussed changes.   Crotched Mountain representatives will be in next week at 6:00 pm to discuss the proposed DRAFT lease.  
Motion by Selectman Kullgren to forward the proposed DRAFT lease to Crotched Mountain for review. Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Dumas, Yes; Rainier, Yes.  
Peter Hopkins – Hopkins discussed with Selectmen that he has not had a response from the residents who own the property located on Swamp Road with zoning violations.  He is mailing a certified letter requesting their attendance on Thursday - August 10th at 6:15 pm.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R checks
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the minutes of 7/20/06 with minor typographical changes

DPW Supervisor -
It was reported that the Recycle Attendant does not take lunch on Saturday, and further discussed the Dept. Of Labor requires a break for every 4 hours worked.   Discussion followed.  Selectmen instructed the Administrative Assistant to copy the personnel policy and explain it to Frank & Duffy, and that any discussion the two have will be taken under advisement, Selectmen would like to hear from them.
DPW seeded Mrs. Stone’s grave this week.
DPW fixed the culvert on Swamp Road.
Parking lot –  Discussion of the need for re-sealing & painting new lines at the town office parking lot.  Selectmen are not in favor of these repairs until the Board sees three bids in writing.
Ramp – Requested prices for re-doing steps and turning them into a ramp. Selectman Rainier asked what will be used for a bid sheet?  He has a plan that Underwood had provided him, he will give the office a copy to use for a place to start.  Discussion followed, included in the price should be flexible piping under the ramp for possibility for heated steps in the future, as well as the ramp area should include lighting.  The option of possibly two lights in the parking lot was also discussed.
Abatements – Ray & Cecile Coy - $49.50; Karen & Bryce Daugherty - $487.57
Correspondence- Carele Mayer
Review Budgets – Selectmen reviewed budgets.  They questioned why the alarm monitoring line items are all more than the budgeted amount.  Administrative Assistant is to research why the increases and report back to the Board.
Revolving Account - Selectman Kullgren would like an accounting of the activities and the income for the revolving account.
Monitoring wells - Follow up on letter from Keith Pratt regarding replacing a couple of the monitoring wells.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, August 3, 2006 at 5:45 pm