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Selectmen Public Hearing Minutes 07/27/2006
CDBG Public Hearings & Selectmen’s Meeting
July 27, 2006
6:00 pm

Selectman Dumas opened the public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Present – Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectmen, Aaron Kullgren; George Rainier

Deb Davidson, Administrative Assistant taking minutes.

General Public – Bruce Dodge, Peter Hopkins, Michael Redmond

Grant Application:

Selectman Dumas opened the public hearing at 6:00 pm.  It was explained, the purpose of this hearing is to apply for CDBG funding.

Donna Lane was present to represent the application & Crotched Mountain.  Ms. Lane explained that Community Development Block Grant funds are available to municipalities for economic development, public facility and housing rehabilitation projects and feasibility studies that primarily benefit low and moderate income persons.  Greenfield is eligible for up to $500,000 a year for public facility/housing rehabilitation, up to $500,000 a year for economic development projects, as well as up to $500,000 a year in emergency funds.  Feasibility Study funds are available for up to $12,000 per year.

Purpose of this Community Development Block Grant funding request is a proposed implementation application to the Community Development Finance Authority for up to $500,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds on behalf of the Crotched Mountain Foundation.  The funds, along with matching funds, will finance the replacement of failing septic systems with a new wastewater system.   The majority of beneficiaries are of low or moderate income.

This project conforms with Greenfield’s Housing and Community Development Plan’s Goal of: Encourage municipal and private water and wastewater systems that are safe, sanitary and that meet DES regulations.

The construction of this project will begin next summer.

Bruce Dodge asked what type of system – Ms. Lane responded she believes it is a Presby Environ System.

Public input was requested. There were no questions or comments.

At 6:10 pm - with no further discussion, Selectman Dumas motioned to close this public hearing.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier.  Voted:  Affirmatively.

Housing and Community Development Plan:

6:10 pm – Selectman Dumas opened the second public hearing.

The purpose of this public hearing is to allow the Board of Selectmen to adopt a Housing and Community Development Plan.  The town must have adopted such a plan to apply for  CDBG funds.  Ms. Lane read the proposed policy.

Public input was requested. There were no questions or comments.

Selectman. Dumas motioned to adopt the policy as written.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier. Voted:  Affirmatively.  The adopted policy is attached.

6:14 pm – Motion by Selectman Dumas to close the second the Public Hearing.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier. Voted:  Affirmatively.

Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan:

6:15 pm – Selectman Dumas opened the third public hearing.  

Although this project does not involve any displacement or relocation of persons (or businesses), if the Town were to undertake a CDBG project which involved displacement or relocation they would follow this plan.  The plan outlines the measures they would take to find comparable, suitable housing for persons (or businesses) displaced or relocated.

Public input was requested. There were no questions or comments.

6:25 pm – Motion by Selectman Dumas to close the third Public Hearing.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier. Voted:  Affirmatively.

With no further discussion, motion by Selectman Kullgren to adopt the Housing and Community Development Plan as written.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier

Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes - Unanimously accepted.

Motion by Selectman Kullgren to adopt the Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan.  Seconded by Selectman Rainier

Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes - Unanimously accepted.

Motion by Selectman Kullgren to vote to approve the submittal of the application and vote to authorize the Chairman to sign and submit the application, and upon approval of the CDBG application, authorize the Chairman  to execute any documents which may be necessary to effectuate the CDBG contract.
Seconded by Selectman Rainier

Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes - Unanimously accepted.