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Selectmen Minutes 07/13/2006
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – July 13, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
5:51 – Hugh O’Brien – Mr. O’Brien explained that he has a purchase and sales agreement with Landmark Development to purchase the 42 acre lot he wants to create.  He owns 48 acres total and would like to keep the 6 acres with his house. Landmark has been denied the subdivision as well as his appeal to the ZBA was also denied.  Mr. O’Brien was told that he could come before the Board of Selectmen and ask for an appeal of a ZBA decision and then subdivide his property.
Selectman Rainier discussed what the ZBA heard.   The ZBA was told that an easement to the back lot did not exist, unless the subdivision happens.  Mr. O’Brien provided a copy of survey map for review.
Selectmen told Mr. O’Brien that he was mis-informed, Selectmen do not have authority to over-rule a ZBA or Planning Board decision.   Mr. O’Brien would not disclose to the Selectmen who gave him this wrong information.
The statute that governs those decisions is RSA 677; Mr. O’Brien was provided a copy of RSA 677.  Mr. O’Brien can work with his designee to appeal the decision, in writing within 30 days, if he is still dissatisfied with the decision, he can then appeal to Superior Court.
Decision:  Selectman Dumas stated that he would like the Administrative Assistant to contact the Planning Board & ZBA Chairmen and inform them of this meeting.  And further, to be sure any information that they may provide to someone is accurate.  
6:00 – Loren White & Jim Plourde – They were not here for their appointment.
On-going Business:
Wage & Benefits –  Selectman Kullgren reported that Margo Bliss is the new Chairman of the committee,
·       Benefits – It was the committees recommendation benefits to be paid 100%;
·       Overtime -  discussion followed on how other towns apply overtime vs. how Greenfield does.  No decision to be made at this time, no changes will be made until this is better reviewed.  Old minutes need to be reviewed to find out when this was discussed – This matter is tabled at this time.

·       Insurances – Selectmen would like to increase life insurance benefit.  No decision is made at this time, however the Adminstrative Assistant was instructed to research the dollar implication of increasing it to $50, $75 &/or  $100k and report to Selectmen.  With regards to health insurance, the co-pay will remain where they are, if they are to be changed it wouldn’t be until the next budget cycle. Administrative Assistant to research  what would the impact be if family plan is at 90%.
·       Personal/Sick Time – Selectman Kullgren explained the differences of personal/sick time.  Motion by Selectman Dumas to increase personal/sick time from 5 – 8 days/year; Seconded by Selectman Kullgren – there was no discussion, Voted:  Kullgren, yes; Dumas, yes; Rainier, yes.  A unanimous vote approved this increase of personal/sick time.
·       Vacation – Motion by Selectman Dumas, that retroactive to 1/1/06, vacation time shall be as follows:  After 1 year – 7 days; 2 years – 10 days; 5 years 15 days; 10 years 18 days; and 15 years 20 days.  This motion was seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  There was no further discussion – Voted:  Dumas, yes; Rainier, yes; Kullgren, yes.  Unanimous vote to increase vacation time accordingly.  
Action: Administrative Assistant will update the personell policies, provide the board of selectmen an original to sign and upon their signature the AA shall memo all departments of the changes in the personnel policy.   These policy changes will be retroactive to January 1, 2006.
Church Lease – Selectmen worked on the Church Lease.  Minor changes were made, Deb will forward the revised lease to John Teague for his opinion.  Micheal Sparling was present, he requested that upon approval from Counsel could he have a copy, as he is the corresponding representative of the Church.  Selectmen approved of this request.
Crotched Mtn. – Selectmen reviewed the first DRAFT lease as presented, discussion of prorating the rent for the three year period followed; review the snow removal with the Road Agent, minor changes were made.  Deb will e-mail the DRAFT to Leah Conway for review and they will keep a dialogue of the progress.
Micheal Sparling asked for a copy of this lease as well, once the changes are completed.   Selectmen approved this request as well.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P checks & A/P invoices
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the minutes of the 7/6/06 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
·       WW Hookup – Buchanan & Cockell were both hooked into the system this week.
·       Oak- Park Rental – Strickland wedding shower
·       Bill of sale – Donation/transfer of boxed trailer from the Kokal family to the Town. The estimated value of this trailer is $5,000.00

·       Letter from Carele Mayer –
o       Children’s Library - Mrs. Mayer sent a letter expressing her concerns regarding the Children area in the library has not yet installed any area recognizing it as being named after Velma Stone. The Library Trustees will meet on Friday morning, they will report to Selectmen on their discussion regarding Carele’s concerns on this matter for next weeks board meeting.
o       Perpetual Care – Mrs. Stone’s perpetual care for her grave has not been honored with regards to the seeding of the grave.  Mrs. Stone had been interred in May of 2004; it should have grass on the grave by now.  Deb spoke with Bob Plourde who indicated he would take care of this.  Terry Jarest has said he would seed graves if we want him to; however there are no funds budgeted in 2006 for this.  
Decision:  Selectmen want a written response to Mrs. Mayer’s concerns, as well as a letter Cemetery Trustees.  Selectmen would like to meet with the Cemetery Trustees next week; they would also like a copy of the perpetual care policy that was in the Town Report a few years ago.
·       Letter from GCCC – Selectmen reviewed the letter sent from the GCCC regarding recent information or “mis-information” that has been presented to the public.  Selectmen will forward this to Town Counsel, as they have all other correspondence regarding the lease, and respond accordingly.
·       Letter to Brian Wakeman (Wakehandyman) – Selectmen had discussed the proposal from Mr. Wakeman; at this time his proposal doesn’t seem to be necessary.
Assessing – Memo from Catherine re:  Strickland property and which zone?  Administrative Assistant explained one of the lots changed to Rural Agricultural upon the approval of the subdivision; approval by the Board is necessary before the change of district for assessing purposes will be done.  
Moved by Selectman Dumas to change the property identified as, Map R9-Lot 5, from General Residence to Rural Agricultural.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  No further discussion.  Voted:  Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes; Kullgren, Yes.  Affirmatively voted.
Cupola – Administrative Assistant spoke with Bill Harper, he recently had an accident  – he will be back to Greenfield as soon as he can, he apologized for any inconvenience.

Recycle -
·       Tickets – Administrative Assistant reported that during the week Jim Grant asked if we would leave some recycle tickets at Delays for those who aren’t able to get to the town office during the week.  Discussion followed, Selectmen denied this request.  They believe there are adequate evening hours and weekends if residents plan ahead.  
Decision:  A letter will be mailed to Mr. Grant notifying him of the board decision.
·       Medical Card - Administrative Assistant verified that a medical card is necessary to drive the recycle truck; the charge for the physical is $87.00, Mr. Pelkey expressed to the Administrative Assistant that he wanted the town to pay the fee or he didn’t want the card.  Selectman Dumas asked what is required of the other employees who need the medical card?  Administrative Assistant stated that employees insurances have paid the fee, the town never has that she knew of.
Decision:  To remain consistent, Selectmen will notify Mr. Pelkey next week the other employees pay for their physical; he will be required to do the same.
Housing & Community Development Plan – Selectmen reviewed the proposed plan to adopt at July 27th Public Hearing – discussion of the necessity of this plan followed.  
Old Town Office – Administrative Assistant discussed the damage that resulted from a broken pipe; the LGC contacted the central office, their insurance adjuster estimated $15,145.00 damage to complete repairs, mold is not covered by our insurance.  The recent situation with Crotched Mtn. leasing the building & they doing the repairs was explained to the LGC who has opted to give the Town a cash payoff.  They will holdover 20%, and then with our $1,000 deductible, we will receive a net payment of $11,115.00.  If Crotched Mtn. provides us with an invoice, they will release the 20% hold over to us, upon completion of the work.  
Planning Board – Lack of communication with central office was discussed.  The Planning Board must notify the central office either in person or in writing when they need plats recorded, signed, etc. This has been discussed with the Chairman of the Planning Board who indicated he would work on better communication in the future.
Signage – Several weeks ago Adele Hale wrote to you and asked if she could place a portable sign on the corner of the common to advertise her antique shop, she has asked again and would like you to discuss this. Discussion followed, the board has no opinion at this time, they would like Deb to discuss this with the Code Officer, whereas it is a code issue, and she should be prepared to report back next week.

Follow-up from last weeks questions from Selectman Kullgren –
·       Library Room – They have purchased some of the materials, however they are having a meeting tomorrow to discuss getting the volunteers together, they will report to the Board of their meeting.
·       Cemetery Costs – I spoke with Bob Plourde, he said the stones he knew were damaged have been repaired, he didn’t know of any new ones, he stated he would look into this and have any broken ones repaired.  He also said he will plant seed on the graves, apologized for not taking care of it earlier.
·       Gen. Gov’t. Bldgs Budget – Reviewing this budget – Administrative Assistant will again, do RFP for a furnace, we did not have any luck last time, but will try again.
Budget Advisory Committee – Selectman Kullgren reported that the Budget Advisory Committee met on July 11 at 7:00 pm.  He further reported that Karen Day is the new Chair with Bruce Dodge, Myron Steere and David Hedstrom remaining as members.  There are two potential new members:  Norm Nickerson and John Garabrant.  Bruce Dodge will take minutes.  Selectman Kullgren stated he is representing the Committee in an ex-officio status to hear about their discussion.  The BAC discussed employee education and the CIP.  The next meeting is scheduled meeting is August 8, 2006 at 7:00 pm. Karen Day commented that the BAC decided the best way to help the townspeople is to understand the budgets and understand how town government works.
8:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A:II 3 (c ) personnel motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  
8:10 - Motion by Selectman Dumas to come out of the non-public session.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  
        Decision: No decision was made
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 5:45 pm