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Selectmen Minutes 04/26/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
          Wednesday– April 26, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Debra Davidson, A.A. taking minutes
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45pm
5:48 – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (c ) Selectman Dumas motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  Voted:  Kullgren, “Yes”; Rainier, “Yes”; Dumas, “Yes” – Voted in the affirmative
6:00 – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes. Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  Voted:  Kullgren, “Yes”; Rainier, “Yes”; Dumas, “Yes” – Voted in the affirmative
6:00 – Dario Carrara – Mr. Carrara stated he climbed up into the cupola area, he believes the bid sheet which has been provided,  is more extensive than needs to be.  He believes the framing is fine, and that if the town re-does the metal roof part and possibly reside the cupola that would be sufficient.   With all the work that may be done, Mr. Carrara suggested we should be adding a floor for safety reasons.  Mr. Carrara explained what it looks like inside the cupola and why he thinks the floor should be installed.  Mr. Carrara continued with an indepth explaination of what he believes should be done.  He stated he would respect whatever decision the Board of Selectmen make, he just wanted to have his opinion known.

Selectmen thanked Mr. Carrara for his input, it has been very helpful and will be taken into consideration.

Mr. Carrara indicated he would contact Melanson and ask for their opinion and report back to the Selectmen.  Selectman Rainier stated he would like to be present when the inspection from Melanson is done.  This also was agreed upon.

6:15 – Nanette Perrotte –  Ms. Perrotte discussed using some area in the Town Office building for a yoga class for a few weeks.  She has discussed this with Ms. Anfuso and it wasn’t well received.  Ms. Anfuso had indicated to Ms. Perrote, the Town already had a yoga class and wanted to discuss this with the instructor.  Ms. Perrotte explained that her current yoga class being held in Francestown is losing their space very soon, she would be willing to pay a fee if necessary.  Again, this is on a short term basis and she will continue to find another location.  There are approximately 4-5 women from Greenfield, others are from Hancock & Francestown.  The most that she has ever had attend one of her classes is 10 women.  The class would be held on Tuesday evenings 6:30 -8:00 – There is no one scheduled to use any of the spaces on Tuesday evenings, with the exception of an occasional ZBA meeting.    

Short discussion – Selectmen approved this and asked that Ms. Perrotee work it out with Ms. Anfuso.

6:30 – Linda & Sonny Pero, Peter Hopkins – Update on status of their property and what is being done to rectify the violations.  The violations that Hopkins had referenced in previous letters are:  failed septic system, lack of potable water and lack of foundation under their trailer.

Mr. Pero opened by asking why he is being discriminated against, he stated there have been others who have put a trailer in and didn’t have to do this.  

Selectman Dumas asked if they realized what were they being asked to do.

Mr. Pero stated yes, he understood he was supposed to install a well, septic & a slab for his trailer.  

Peter Hopkins to respond by saying the statutes by the State & the Town require any residence to have a proper foundation – a slab is considered a bonafide foundation

Hopkins continued by stating that State law requires every property that has a homestead on it, must have a septic - Any unit tht is in failure needs to be replaced no matter what – every residence must have potable water.   

Mr. Pero asked when was Hopkins on his property?

Hopkins stated that he wasn’t but that as code officer he can go on any property without a warrant.  Hopkins stated that he can see the leakage from the neighbors property.

Mr. Pero left the meeting at this point, stating he would sell the property.

Hopkins explained to Mrs. Pero that he would not allow anyone else to have gone as long as he has allowed them to with regards this situation.  That upon notice of a failed system, by law, they have 90 days to bring the system up to code.  If they don’t then he can provide a cease & desist, he stated he has tried very hard to work with them on this matter.

Mrs. Pero asked if they would extend this until June to allow her to get her granddaughter, who lives with her, to graduate from 8th grade with her class.

Peter stated that if they can work out a written schedule of what will happen and stick to the schedule, he would give them 60 days.

Mrs. Pero left, she stated she would sell her property.

Discussion continued between Selectmen and Hopkins regarding this matter.  Selectman Kullgren asked what amount of money are these people needing to become compliant.  Hopkins stated he estimated approximately $15,000.00 – $20,000.00

Hopkins explained to Selectman Kullgren what has transpired over the last few years with this situation.

Action:  Hopkins to contact town counsel and bring Selectmen up to speed next Thursday.  He doesn’t need to come to the meeting, unless he wants, but a memo explaining what was discussed is sufficient.

Mass casualty drill – Hopkins discussed this is going to take place 1 week from Saturday – May 6th between 8:00 am –12:00 pm.  The Fire Station will be used as a mock emergency operation center.  Hopkins stated he needs to get the responsible municipal officials to participate in this drill.  The drill probably won’t take very long, but he would like at least one Selectman participate.  Chairman Dumas indicated he would need to wait for a call and instructions and cooperate however necessary.

7:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (c ) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into non-public session – seconded by Selectman Kullgren; Voted:  Kullgren, “Yes”; Rainier, “Yes”; Dumas, “Yes” – Voted in the affirmative
7:15 - Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes. Seconded by Selectman Rainier.  Voted:  Kullgren, “Yes”; Rainier, “Yes”; Dumas, “Yes” – Voted in the affirmative
Decision:  Selectmen welcomed Mr. Pelkey back to work , and were all glad to hear is is doing well.  Mr. Pelkey will begin working in a light-duty capacity on May 2, 2006.  It was agreed that if necessary, Mr. Pelkey will make arrangements for heavier projects to be completed with assistance from DPW staff or Mr. Mirabella.

7:16 – Selectmen discussed with Road Agent Fox, and Mr. Mirabella that Mr. Pelkey will be returning  to work on Tuesday,  May 2nd.  It was discussed that Mr. Pelkey will be returning with light-duty.  

Recycle Vision - Selectman Dumas discussed that part of what the 2005 budgetary cycle provided was a vision for the recycle center. Selectman Dumas asked if Mr. Pelkey would get back involved with the recycle committee and get this vision moving forward.  Pelkey stated he will do that and he wil start the process going.  Pelkey stated that prior to his leave,  the NRRA was very supportive that the committee was so involved, he will get it going again next week. The meetings were once a month, he will work towards having that schedule again.  

Dumas suggested some agenda items for the committee could be items such as:

·       Money & Work
·       Loading Dock
·       Metal Pile
·       Demolition
·       Skid Steer
·       What other materials that could be recycled that come into the center
·       Reconfiguring the glass crusher area using that for storage.  

Selectman Kullgren asked for an actual visual drawing to be provided.

Pelkey discussed that the glass eventually will need to be stock piled and taken away by trailer.  He further discussed that many towns don’t even use glass any longer

Selectman Kullgren asked if the committee has gone to any other recycle centers?  Pelkey responded yes, Roger Lessard has been to several, Mr. Pelkey has been to most of them in the area.  You have to compare recycle centers that are similar to Greenfield, you can’t compare Peterborough or larger communities.  

Selectman Kullgren asked about cooperatively working with abutting communities?

Pelkey stated that doesn’t work for us. We receive no funds and we would have to pay.

Selectman Dumas stated from his perspective, he would like to clearly understand the personell needs of the center.  He would like the recycling center to be eventually placed under the supervision of the DPW, uilizing the DPW help to work at the recycle center.

Discussion continued as to the best way to keep everything moving forward.

Selectman Dumas asked since Road Agent Fox was present could he discuss some of the DPW needs.  Fox discussed that the DPW & Recycle Center should utilize an engineer and/or architect to come up with a plan for both places, something that is efficient for everyone.

Action:  Administrative Assistant will contact SWRPC and the LGC to discuss possibilities of utilizing their services and how we go forward.

Selectman Dumas stated he wanted to repeat that he knows the town is growing, and they still want to be loyal to recycleing.

Duct Work – Angelo Mirabella discussed that the duct work at the Town Meeting House that is damaged in the furnace room needs repair.  Selectman Dumas stated that at one point last fall, Allen & Mathewson was supposed to provide a quote for that.

Action:  Administrative Assistant will contact Allen & Mathewson and discuss this to determine what happed to the quote, we never received it.

Road Agent Fox, discussed he hopes the recycle committee would research prices, and look at other options for recycleing.

On – going matters:
WW Hook ups – letters were sent out to property owners, another letter will go out with more detail. At the next meeting, Selectmen will discuss a document they received with regards to water rights.
Church Lease – Administrative Assistant asked if she could provide Mr. Williams with a copy of the draft agreement.  Selectmen stated they thought that would be ok, they would like to work on the lease at the next meeting.  They will set aside approximately 15 minutes to work on the lease.
RFP Cupola – Selectmen will open bids next week.  
Wage & Benefits -
Parks & Rec. -
Recycle Center & Committee –
Code Violation -
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       PR & A/P –
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the minutes of 4/13, & 4/20 - 2006 as written –
·       Misc. Mail was reviewed
·       A resident reported there was evidence of mouse droppings at Mtg. House – the mouse will be trapped in a have-a-heart and removed.  Spring-cleaning of the building needs to be done.
·       Oak Park alcohol permit – Fireman Muster
·       Timber Tax – Lyris, Inc.; Stewart & Stewart; A&T Forest Products, Inc; Seaman’s Family Trust; Williams, Wright
·       Selectmen signed a letter to the Dept. of Environmental Services for lot S2-28.  Granting approval to cross town road to upgrade a septic.
·       Planning Board – Selectman Rainier discussed that Monday at the Planning Board, Mr. Kokal attended the meeting for a conceptual consultation, asking to break out some land.  Rainer also discussed that the owners of property on Gulf Road and Russell Station Road came before the Planning Board again, this time with a new proposal for subdivision.  The proposal had many issues.  Also the Planning Board had a deliberative session with regards to the Pratt Family Home proposal, this too has some problems with a shared driveway with regards to the percentage of the grade.  The Crotched Mtn. Site Plan Review previously conducted is nearly complete and ready to be signed off on.
·       Budget Committee – Selectman Kullgren indicated that the committee was going to ask David Hedstrom if he would be the chair.
·       Employee Handbook – The employee handbook needs updating, Administrative Assistant will get it ready for Selectmen to approve.
·       Wage & Benefits - Selectman Kullgren reported on the Wage & Benefit committee meeting. There was not a quorum, however Kullgren & Day discussed some items.  They would like to review job descriptions, review vacation days and benefits that could be implemented at no cost to the town.  They feel that the evaluation models have been perfected & are ready to be tested.  A thought was that perhaps on office to become familiar with it and get it working.  This will be on the agenda for the Selectmen to discuss and make decisions.
·       Verizon – Selectmen will send a thank you to Verizon, thanking for taking care of the violations so quickly.
With no further business the selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.  The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, May 4th  at 5:45 pm.