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Selectmen Minutes 04/13/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – April 13, 2006 – 5:45 pm
Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45pm
Selectmen position interviews:

John Halper asked if he could read a brief statement regarding the vacancy in the position of Selectman & Planning Board members.  Mr. Halper stated that he wanted to show support of George Rainier and his expertise on Planning Board and the Selectboard.~ He would also like to recommend Selectman Rainier as the Selectmen’s representative; he further suggested Mr. Kullgren could be an alternate.~ If Mr. Rainier were not appointed to the Selectboard, he could still be a member of the Planning Board and asked that he consider this option.
Patricia Donovan asked how many residents have applied for the Board of Selectman position – Selectman Kullgren stated only two.
There were several members of the public present to hear the interviews
6:00 – Roger Williams –~ Selectman Dumas began the interview process by introducing Mr. Roger Williams.~ Several questions were asked, some were as follows.

Why is Mr. Williams interested in being a member of the Board of Selectmen?~Mr. Williams responded that for the past four years while living in Greenfield he has learned a lot about the community.  He stated it is different than other places he has lived.  He would like an opportunity to be part of making the decisions for the town.

Selectman Dumas asked Mr. Williams about his background – Mr. Williams stated it was his understanding that they have a right to deny him as far as not wanting him, but budgetary, personnel etc. are all areas he is highly qualified in and does it on a day-to-day basis.~ He thinks he can bring a lot of positive aspects to the Board.
Selectman Kullgren asked what Mr. Williams thinks is the most important thing about being a Selectman – Mr. Williams responded that the people in the room would probably say the budget is most important.  However, understanding the character and personality of the community and being respectful of that is very important.
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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Selectman Dumas asked if Mr. Williams had considered running this past March
Mr. Williams responded by saying “yes”

Selectman Kullgren asked that come January, would Mr. Williams sign up for the vacancy of Selectman if he were appointed to this position?
Mr. Williams stated he would need to figure that out in the process, they might not bring things to the position he feels are helpful.~ He believes he would be helpful, however he doesn’t think that in 9 months any issues would be ruined.  
Selectman Dumas commented that this position doesn’t have to do with their feelings of him.~ There will be two positions open in March and it depends on what residents think, not the Board of Selectmen.
Mr. Williams asked the Selectmen about their view of his qualifications.
Selectman Dumas agrees that Mr. Williams is very qualified based on his work history.~ However, right to passage he believes Selectmen need to know the various residents, he doesn’t believe it is only a budgetary matter; there is a huge amount of personal issues.~
Mr. Williams said that is what he does for a job.  
Selectman Kullgren commented that Mr. Williams being the president of the NH Institute of Art most likely provides interaction at all levels on the institute, how is it set up?~ How does he get information to people, either indirectly or directly. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mr. Williams said it is a typical college.
Selectman Kullgren asked what Mr. Williams does for fun –
Mr. Williams stated that in spite of his age, he still has young children he spends time with.~ He has an active life.
Selectman Kullgren asked if Mr. Williams had any final comments

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Mr. Williams stated that he was pleased for this opportunity and thinks it is nice to seek the input from people who are interested in this position.~ He further stated that Mr. Kullgren, being a new Selectman, wondered what he had to do with the skills that he would bring to the job, while he is sure Kullgren’s accounting skills are crisper and brighter than his, the type of skills he has are the same as Mr. Williams.~ He understands the commitment of time and is willing to put the time into the position.~ He indicated if chosen, he would be sensitive to the suggestions of residents.
Mr. Williams was thanked for his input.
Residents responded to the interview and asked Mr. Williams questions.

Patricia Donovan stated that after reading a recent article in a local newspaper, she wondered if Mr. Williams has ever attended the Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church or has he ever spoken to Rev. Osgood.  Mr. Williams stated that no he has not ever attended the church, and that yes, he has spoken with Rev. Osgood.
Mr. Williams commented that the nature of his interest with regards to the Church is in opposition to discrimination.~
Ms. Donovan asked about discrimination?~ She commented she did not know of any that took place.
Mr. Williams stated that if you look at a strict interpretation of the bible, there is a discrimination of homosexuals.~ He is not a homosexual himself, but does not think there should be discrimination.
Julie Dieroff wanted to know why Mr. Williams asked for the job as Selectman.  She believes that the position is not just about financial skills; it is communion with the people in town.  It is the feel for the unique smallness of the town, the feeling that people who have different views can easily inundate you.~ There would never be a town if there was never a church, the church is here, and it should remain in the Mtg. House.
Mr. Williams stated he can do a good job, he thinks he understands it is not just the business, however his job does involve people of all ages with a variety of interests.~ He can’t say he has lived here longer than he has, if that doesn’t qualify him then he missed the qualification.

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Mrs. Dieroff asked does he feel if he were Selectman could he represent the community that is here?
Mr. Williams indicated he believes he could.
Discussion continued regarding the diversity of the church and government between Mrs. Dieroff and Mr. Williams.
Dario Carrara asked Mr. Williams if he had any small town planning board experience or Board of Selectman experience?
Mr. Williams stated that other than presenting to a planning board he had no planning board experience and that he has never sat on a Selectboard.
Mr. Carrara asked if Mr. Williams felt taxes were too high, too low or just right.
Mr. Williams stated he doesn’t think they are equitable, after that it is the budget that drives the tax rate. Never worked in an environment where he had to work so hard to match the income and the budget.~ Budget comes first then the income, it does not appear to be that way with small government.
Linda Dodge asked why didn’t he put his name on the ballot in March?
Mr. Williams stated there were two qualified candidates.
Mrs. Dodge stated the number of candidates doesn’t matter, similar to the presidential election; there aren’t only two names on that ballot.
Mr. Williams agreed
Mrs. Dodge stated that it is correct to say at that time, he just didn’t want the job
Mr. Williams told Selectman Dumas that he did think about it but he didn’t do anything about it.
Mrs. Dodge said that until today she had never heard his name. Has he been active in the town’s events. Does he have the time that a Selectman needs to devote?
Mr. Williams stated he goes to the parades, he further stated he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t have the time devote.
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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

6:30 – George Rainier -~~Selectman Dumas asked Mr. Rainier if he could please explain his interest in sitting on the Selectboard
Mr. Rainier stated that a number of years ago, he was asked to fill a vacancy when another Selectman resigned.~ After thought and conversation, he decided he would take the position.~ He filled that term and was elected to another term.~ Mr. Rainier stated that he thinks it is very important to have consistency, issues don’t stop in March, issues started while he was in office, are items that the current board is dealing with now.~He further commented that he imagined it is difficult for Aaron to get up to speed.~ He has time to put into the various projects, has the knowledge and would like to continue and bring consistency to the board.
Selectman Dumas asked Rainier to talk about himself and his experience in town.
Mr. Rainier said that in 1975 he moved to Greenfield from Peterborough, he then became a member of the ConCom until position on the Planning Board opened up, that was approximately 1986.~ He then served on Planning Board as a member and worked his way to chairperson until the Selectman seat became vacant.  He has remained Selectman’s Rep. to the Planning Board.
Selectman Kullgren, this position is open until March, will he run again then?~
Mr. Rainier stated that more than likely, again he thinks consistency important
Selectman Kullgren asked Rainier what he considers the most important role as selectman?
Mr. Rainier stated that over the years he has seen a lot of changes, not all good, however the majority were and are.  It is important to keep a handle on the pulse of the town, dept. heads, employees on a day-to-day basis.~ The previous board had two members out of town; he felt he was able to help when needed by being available during the day.~ He thinks the spirit of the town being a small town is everyone knows everyone pretty much.  There is a lot of building which results in a loss of open space, people who work out of town, and are not familiar with the town can miss a lot of the small town.~ He thinks it is important to remain in town if possible; he has the ability to do that.

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Selectman Kullgren stated that for him there are two important issues – synergy~is one; the town believes Mr. Rainier and Selectman Kullgren are polar opposites, which may be the case.  How would Mr. Rainier view his role if he came back to sitting on this board, rather than the other boards?
Mr. Rainier stated that he understands disagreements take place, but working towards making a solution, which is best for the town as a whole, is important.
Mr. Rainier asked Selectman Dumas that if he (Rainier) were appointed, would Dumas run in March?~
Selectman Dumas stated he did not know at this time.~ He stated that the town has a right to vote who they want.~ He is not an advocate of paying a lot for winning an election.~ He does enjoy being a Selectman and has been through difficult times, however he also would like to put good energy into his farming so he is not sure at this time.
Residents responded to the interview and asked Mr. Rainier questions:~

Dario Carrara he commented that it is great to see everyone here tonight, it makes people proud to see the residents concerned.~ Again, going back to taxes – a lot of people didn’t vote against him, but voted for Aaron because of increase property taxes, with this in mind regarding the budget does Rainier have any change of heart?
Mr. Rainier stated that a lot of what is said is true; people are concerned about taxes and budget.~ But until you sit in the Selectman seat you don’t know everything that transpires within the town.~ A number of years allowed for back burner of issues, and the town had to play catch up to inadequate equipment, bad roads, etc.~ it took time to bring things up to speed.~ Rainier stated he believes the Town is well on the way to right track.  The Planning Board has worked hard on a Capital Improvements Program.  Sometimes their recommendations pass at town meeting, sometimes they don’t.~ The bottom line is regarding the tax issue – if people go to town meeting and vote things down, things won’t be purchased, if people vote them in, the tax rate will go up.~ Not a large control over school portion of taxes.~ Citizens need to know that sometimes it is going to hurt to do the things that need to be done.~ He stated he might not look at a flat budget, but then again he might.
Mr. Carrara pointed out to him, at town meeting the Selectmen backed all the articles, are they going to always vote in favor of articles.
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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Selectman Dumas stated that he is in favor of allowing the town to debate the articles.
Ms. Donovan asked how many hours a week does an ordinary Selectman spend.
Mr. Rainier stated that he couldn’t tell for sure but he estimated approximately 20 hours/week.
Ms. Donovan asked if appointed tonight, what is his view of the Church being on government property?
Mr. Rainier the first time he realized there might be a problem, was at the pre-town meeting.~ There seemed to be comments that he was completely unaware of.~ He didn’t know how to respond to them.~ It is his feeling in speaking with some of the church people; there may be some issues.~ The Selectmen need to work through the issues with the church and/or maybe not renew a lease.~He needs to know if these concerns are legitimate or not, and then he would make an educated decision, based on facts, not rumor.
Mrs. Dieroff stated that her family has been here since 1929 – she would like to have it noted she has a vote of confidence for Mr. Rainier, he has been here, done it.  She stated that she knows Mr. Rainier hates to disappoint people.  She further commented that when someone chooses to become a Selectman they should be here a long time, and should have a solid feel for the community, and then he would want someone else to sit in the seat.~ She believes George goes with the job.
Marilyn Fletcher commented that she was on the Planning Board with George for 8 years, ½ of which he was Chairman.~ She has great respect for his integrity and his knowledge.  She knows that he works hard to keep up with legislation and continues to update his knowledge.~ The Town is fortunate to have him so involved.
Peter Hopkins commented that both people are qualified, however he thought if he were Aaron he would be scared to have two new members on the board, which could tip the scales, which he knows is not the intentions.~ We have opportunity to keep George for another year, in March they can allow the populous decide.~

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Kevin O’Connell reiterated what Marilyn stated; there is an enormous amount of knowledge that George holds.~ George is always at Planning Board meetings and ZBA meetings.~ Will always be asked at least one question at these meetings, he has so much knowledge.

Selectman Dumas indicated he is prepared to make a decision.
Motion by Selectman Kullgren to appoint George Rainier to fill the vacancy of Selectman until March 2007.  Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted affirmatively.
Discussion followed - Dumas stated he kept an open mind as requested, he will support George.~ He is in favor of only one new selectman at a time; you never know what is going to be around the corner.~ He would prefer to keep continuity.~ He would like to ask Mr. Williams to consider sitting on the planning board.
All in favor of George Rainier being appointed:  Selectman Kullgren “Yes”; Selectman Dumas “Yes”.  Voted affirmatively.
Mrs. LeBlanc discussed her life in the town, she asked that when folks come in to see the Selectmen, could they please give a smile.~ She would like the town to be far more friendly. She would also like them to be more professional, not eating snacks or drinking while holding a meeting.  To please give residents the respect they deserve.~

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

On – going matters:
WW Hook ups –
Church Lease – letter a received – Patricia Donovan – Selectman Dumas asked that new sheet be created for 3 years of expenses and income for the church….what expense this building is to the town in general…what income this town generates and what portion of it does the church contribute.
Parks & Rec. –
RFP Cupola – Several contractors requested a bid spec – Dario Carrara will be scheduled at the next meeting. ~
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·~~~~~~~ PR & A/P –
·~~~~~~~ Minutes – accept 4/6/06 minutes as written –
·~~~~~~~ Misc. Mail –
·~~~~~~~ Report of injury -
·~~~~~~~ Veterans Exemption – Frank Shea – Approved
·~~~~~~~ LUCT – Kennedy, Jennings, Fluhr, Clark, WhitePine,
·~~~~~~~ Timber Cut – Lyris, Jennings,~
·~~~~~~~ Payroll Manifests
Spending freeze – motion by Selectman Kullgren to remove the spending freeze.  Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively.
Attorney/Client relationship – Direct correspondence with Town Counsel by residents will not be responded to in the future without approval by the Board of Selectmen.  It is not budgeted and residents do not have that authority.

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Selectmen’s Meeting
April 13, 2006

Planning Board - Selectman Kullgren mentioned to Dario Carrara that Gil Morris has been appointed to the Planning Board.
Mrs. Dieroff  asked what the Selectmen were doing?  She couldn’t hear and is confused.  Selectman Kullgren stated that they were signing accounts payable checks.~ She also wanted to know if this was normal.~ Selectmen stated that it was.
Dawn Decosta-Gallo – next week take minutes if possible.
Myron Steere - Myron Steere’s resume was sent to Dario Carrara of the Planning Board.
Staff Meeting - 6:00 on May 18th to be set aside for a staff meeting; the budget committee will also be invited. The Administrative Assistant will memo all staff.  The meeting will be scheduled for 90 minutes only, an agenda will be provided, Administrative Assistant should be prepared to speak as well as Dept. Heads.
Selectmen Concerns - Some items the Selectmen discussed were:
·       Residents must discuss their concerns with all three selectmen as a board. One selectman cannot discuss anything by himself, no decisions can be made by one Selectman.
·       Planning Board rep.~ Selectman Rainier recommended have a Selectman’s rep., and a Deputy Selectman rep.~ This was agreed by all Selectmen.  Planning Board issues were discussed
·       Selectmen will ask for Request for Proposal in 2007 for auditing services.~
With no further business the selectmen adjourned the meeting at 7:55 pm.~ The next scheduled meeting will be April 20th at 5:45 pm.