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Selectmen Minutes 03/23/06
Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren
6:00 – Planning Board Vice-Chair, Dario Carrara – to discuss the vacancies on the planning board      Cancelled

Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Chairperson - Motion by Selectman Brooks to nominate Selectman Dumas as the chairman for the upcoming year.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  No discussion – Voted: Affirmatively.

Workshops - Selectmen discussed the upcoming local officials workshops - Selectman Kullgren indicated he would like to attend the workshops.  Administrative Assistant will attend the courses that will be held locally with Selectman Kullgren.

Selectmen responsibilities - Selectman Dumas discussed positions that are going to need attention as Selectman Rainier used to assume the responsibilities.

Ø       Selectman’s Representative for the Planning Board.  Selectman Kullgren stated he would give it a try, whereas this is a bi-weekly meeting he believes it will work for his schedule.  

Ø       Winding the clock is another – This was unresolved, we will contact the church and discuss this with them.

6:35 pm – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (c ) motion by Selectman Brooks to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Kullgren.

7:00 pm – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Brooks.

        Decision:  No decision was made at this time.

On – going matters:
WW Hook ups –
Church Lease – review letter from Roger Williams
Other Business:
Mileage reimbursement - Discussion regarding mileage reimbursements followed.  Selectmen will authorize payment for mileage in town for an employee who is working around town, however they will not authorize payment to or from work.  The Selectmen will discuss this with the employee who submitted mileage reimbursement for this.  
Selectmen discussed town meeting –
Ø       Notices for the cupola repair will be put out to  bid, next week.
Ø       Discussion followed regarding the library and if the DPW help can do the work while on town time?  Administrative Assistant was instructed to ask the LGC about this.
Ø       Administrative Assistant was instructed to provide Selectman Kullgren with a copy of the original church lease, as well as the current working one.  Selectmen will get back to finalizing the lease.
Ø       Article 13 – windows will not be replaced
Ø       Selectmen would like to discuss with the Parks & Rec. Supervisor the usage of the revolving account and the activities funds.  Selectmen would like to keep Parks & Rec. on the agenda to discuss throughout the year.  
Selectmen Approval –
·       PR & A/P –
·       Minutes – accept 3/16/06 minutes as written –
·       Mail – Letter from Upton & Hatfield regarding FMLA Policy Language
·       MRI - Discussion of requesting MRI to perform an internal control assessment of the town.  Selectmen authorized the Administrative Assistant to contact the Local Government Center, instructing them to authorize MRI (Municipal Resources Inc.) to perform an internal control assessment of the town of Greenfield offices and further help write an internal control policy.  Selectmen further request the MRI report is discussed with the Selectmen upon completion of their findings.
·       Zoning Violation - Discussion of a violation of a continuous “yard sale” being held weekly by a town employee.  This has been discussed with this employee in the past, the violation of the Greenfield Zoning Ordinance is known to this person.  At this time, Selectmen would like the Code Officer, Peter Hopkins to discuss this with the employee.
·       TAN (Tax Anticipation Note) - Motion by Selectman Dumas to authorize the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes for the year 2006.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren and Brooks.  Voted:  affirmatively.
·       Engagement Letter - Selectman Dumas signed the engagement letter with Devine Millimet regarding a legal opinion for the authorization of a TAN.
·       MS-2Selectmen reviewed and signed the MS-2 to be mailed on Friday.
·       Signature Sheet - Signature sheet for A/P checks
·       Order of Notice - Selectman Dumas provided an order of notice, for a tax abatement to go to Superior Court from American Steel Properties, LLC.  This notice was received at his home earlier this week.
·       Underwood Engineer - Discussion of mailing the Underwood check, Selectmen authorized this check to be mailed.
·       Appointment sheets - Signed an appointment for elected officials who were not at town meeting
7:00 – Recount for Tax Collector position  - present was Selectmen Brooks, Dumas & Kullgren; Deputy Town Clerk, Francis Kendall; Town Moderator, Tom Mullins; Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson; and Laurie May.  The ballots were recounted at the request of Dee Sleeper, 376 ballots were cast – the recount disclosed the following May – 144 votes; McClusky – 70 votes; Sleeper – 137.  Laurie May won the position as Tax Collector after the recount.

7:35 pm – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (a ) motion by Selectman Brooks to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Kullgren.

8:00 pm – Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Kullgren & Brooks.

Decision:  Selectmen Kullgren and Dumas regretfully accepted resignation of Bill Brooks.  Selectmen will work on replacing this position.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 5:45 pm.