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Selectmen Minutes 03/02/06

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
6:00 – Angelo Mirabella –  Selectmen Rainier discussed the fact that Mr. Mirabella is doing the work that Mr. Pelkey does, however Mr. Mirabella was reminded that the recycling center job is only 30 hours/week and the Board wants it to remain that way. To allow Mr. Pelkey’s job to be a 30 hour/week position the other 10 hours are figured with five hours for General Government Buildings and five hours for the Highway Dept.

This position does not allow for overtime. Mr. Mirabella was told if he anticipates working different hours he must adjust the time accordingly, Selectmen will not authorize overtime for this position.

Selectmen would like Mr. Mirabella to receive his certification from the State when the next class is available.  Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact the NRRA to assure he will be able to attend the class in May.

It was unanimously voted to change the employment status worksheet for Mr. Mirabella to increase his pay by $2.00/hour until Mr. Pelkey returnes.

6:50 – Advisory Budget Committee – Karen Day, Myron Steere, Albert Burt & Chair, Aaron Kullgren were the members present. David Hedstrom arrived later.

Mr. Kullgren began by apologizing for the lack of minutes and lack of posting of the meetings.  He assured the Board the committee will do better in the future.

The committee reviewed the variety of money items on the warrant and discussed how the committee came to a consensus of what they deem to be the most important items, as well as what they believe can be put off to another year.  

Advisory Committee presented the following list of priorties, the list is by importance –

1.      Cupola
2.      Rescue Vehicle
3.      Library multi-purpose room
4.      Highway vehicle
5.      Engineering study
6.      Additional downtown lighting

With regards to the cupola, they would like to see another means of financing (i.e. using funds from General Government Buildings), rather than additional tax dollars.
Kullgren presented a chart with potential tax rate assumptions, it concurs with the chart the Selectmen had the previous week.  However, discussion followed regarding how this type of assumption has many variables (i.e. town wide valuation, exempt properties, surplus, revenues etc.) Kullgren further asked if the proposed budget can be reviewed closer and reduced by any amount in any of the individual line items.  It appears that all budgets are increased, wondering how much is need vs. want.

Hedstrom discussed ideas of what budgets could be reduced.  Road reconstruction was discussed at length.  If road reconstruction could be reduced and the funds used for the engineer study, this would save $50,000 of a warrant article.  The study would provide evidence of cost and prioritize the roads.  Hedstrom further stated the committee does not dispute the need but they do dispute the rate of increase.  As it appears to be going, the road increases appear to be approximately 2 million dollars over the next 20 years.  Further discussion followed regarding after the engineered study we could bond the entire road reconstruction project for 20 years, contract the work, complete the roads in one year and then continue with maintenance, not always trying to catch up.

Kullgren expressed his concerns being the inability to estimate what gravel will be in 5 years, 10 years etc., as well as what is the concrete plan for the future.  They are asking for a compromise, repair a less needy road and use the 2006 road reconstruction to repair a road with less substantial needs.  The engineer study could give a better idea of specific needs, allowing for a bond to be issued for the reconstruction needed to the more damaged roads and also allow for the maintenance of the roads rather than yearly reconstruction.

Selectman Rainier responded to this comment with an explanation of how the road agent determines which roads are the most critical and which ones can wait.

Steere explained that a smaller engineering firm could possibly give a good idea of what is needed, without being as costly as a larger firm.

Selectman Rainier stated that they do think the Cupola & Highway truck seem to be on the top of the list for needs.

Selectman Rainier further commented the voters have the vote at town meeting, as far as he is concerned all the warrants are important.

Selectman Dumas stated, for himself his list of prioirties are the DPW Truck & Cupola are immediate needs, the rest are wants, but he will vote for everything.

Day asked why we always purchase new vehicles rather than looking into used vehicles.  Discussion followed regarding this question.  Selectman Rainier stated the town purchased used equipment when we purchased the articulated sidewalk vehicle, saving ½ of what was voted to spend.

Kullgren asked to changed gears – he made suggestions how to save funds in the general operating budget.  His suggestions were  assessing, the fire dept., closer look at each department.  Suggested looking into grants and federal funding for repairs.

Steere commented that to live in a small community it is nice to have a sense of community – he further suggested fund raising activities to raise money to build the library addition.

Burtt asked about the statistical update, we all have seen a signifigant increase in valuation due to sales in town.  He further asked “what impact would it have if we skip a year of the update?” Selectman Rainier & Administrative Assitstant attempted to answer to this question, however they were ignored.   Administrative Assistant will write a memo with the answer to this question for the Selectmen, it will be available for the next meeting.

Hedstrom discussed how to finance the necessary projects with least impact on the tax payers.

Kullgren asked to wrap the meeting up, he commented that all budgets are equally important as he also recognizes all warrant articles are also,  he is merely asking for some time with the Selectmen to get together again and try to come to a place where they both go to town meeting on the same page.

The advisory committee & Selectmen will meet again Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 7:15 pm

Selectmen thanked everyone for coming and discussing this matter.

On – going matters:
WW Hook ups -
Church Lease –
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       PR & A/P –
·       Minutes – accept 2/23/06 minutes as written –
·       Mail –
·       Review abatement requests received – abatements will be forwarded to the assessor
·       Alarm inspection increased $300.00 –
·       A resident asked that we remove her name from the property list which is posted on the website.  Discussion followed, individual names cannot be removed from the list.  Selectmen would like the list to remain as is; realtors, assessors and others can use this list, it is a public document and can be retrieved if requested.  It is compliant with RSA 91A.
·       Selectman Rainier and Administrative Assistant are required to attend mediation preparation March 9th in Concord; the mediation is scheduled for March 10.
·       Procedure for return to light duty was discussed – no action taken
·       Disability/Social Security was discussed – no action taken
·       Emergency management meeting was held on February 26, 2006. Topics discussed were psnh, Communication Enhancements, placement for those in need, establishment of procedures, transportation for citizens, possibility of using the elementary school during emergency situations, elderly housing & town maps.  Discussion of purchasing a generator took place.  Rainier reported that a mass casualty drill would be held in Greenfield on May 6th.  Selectman Dumas asked who was in charge of this drill.  Selectman Rainier stated he thought Peter Hopkins was.  Selectman Dumas would like Hopkins to come to next meeting to explain to the BOS, why they weren’t involved with this.  He (Dumas) believes the BOS should be involved with a decision such as this; it is not appropriate to do such a drill without the BOS knowing specifics about the drill.  Rainier ended with discussion of a meeting to be held on April 15th & 22nd, the meeting is an ICS/MINS meeting, it will be held at Crotched Mtn. Rainier would like to attend and invite the other selectmen to attend if they would like.
·       Meeting House – Selectmen asked Karen Day to ask Roger Lessard to reconsider the town office as an option for the democratic town caucus meetings.  Also remember to add the meeting on the calendar in the kitchen
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 5:45 pm.