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Selectmen Minutes 01/12/06

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads
5:45 – In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (c) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session – Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted affirmatively
6:00 motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of the nonpublic session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted affirmatively
Decision:  Selectmen approved a 6-8 week leave of absence for Mr. Pelkey.
6:00 – Recycling Supervisor, Frank Pelkey –
Mr. Pelkey discussed the changes that have been proposed for the 2006 budget at the recycle center; he suggested that we put things on hold for 2006, he would like to have the proposal from the NRRA and really have program that is acceptable to everyone involved.
Decision: Selectmen were supportive of Mr. Pelkey’s recommendation, no warrant article will be presented to the town for 2006 budget.  
6:15 – Road Agent, Duffy Fox
·       Truck - Mr. Fox requested a letter on town stationary be sent to Grappone Ford assuring, pending town meeting vote, they can order the truck and they will hold the vehicle for the town.  If they receive this letter on or before the end of January, the vehicle can be ordered at the ’06 price, if after February 1, the price will be that of the ’07 vehicles.  
·       FEMA – The town received the payment for the FEMA Grant a few weeks ago, $6,000 of the $12,000 received was earmarked for 2006 mitigation. Mr. Fox requests increasing road reconstruction by $6,000 to offset the grant funds received in 2005 for 2006 work.
·       Certification Class - January 28th American Steel is hosting a forklift certification class – The State of NH requires a certificate to operate a forklift; Mr. Fox would like to send his three men to the class.
Decision:  Selectmen approve this request
Selectman Dumas discussed the proposal from the budget committee for a road bond.  Selectman Dumas wanted to hear what the road agent thought about this.  Selectman Dumas also wanted to know what the additional funds would buy the town?  Road Agent, Fox responded it could buy drainage materials, culverts.  Fox stated that if they are bonding, they should include more than just road reconstruction; there are other highway matters that need addressing such as a salt/sand barn, additional bay for vehicles.  Discussion continued regarding this matter, no decisions were made.
6:35 – Parks & Recreation Director, Molly Anfuso
·       “Old Recreation Closet” – Selectman Rainier discussed the closet off the furnace room at the meetinghouse which is currently is not being used.  This is for the recreation department to store items in.  Anfuso did not know this closet was available for her use.  She will check it out.
·       Budgetary Increase – Parks & Rec. would like to ad an additional $1,289.00 for 3 message boards.  The purpose of the message board is for new mandate from the State requiring a variety of signs at the beaches.  Very expensive to custom design signs, Anfuso believes this is the best route to go; two signs would be hanging signs on a building, the sign at Zephyr Lake would be on posts.
·       Part-Time wages - Estimated lifeguard wages were very high compared to what was actually spent; should 2006 be revised?  Anfuso responded that the part time wages is budgeted based on experience. That is the reason the funds were not used as she had anticipated.  She hired less experienced WSI employees and therefore they were paid less.  The second year lifeguard was paid a higher wage.  Anfuso stated she is a certified WSI and filled in on weekends occasionally.
·       Revolving account – Selectmen asked if the revolving account is actually a revolving account or only a savings account?  Anfuso stated she met with Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren and discussed that basically when she asked for a revolving account it was to build the account and then later use the account to utilize the funds and make the actives line item a self supportive line.  Now that she has a list she will start to be able to use the account, for example for fertilizer.  Lengthy discussion followed.  Selectman Dumas stated he would like to see some sort of a budget and/or a monthly statement for this account.
·       Oak Park – Anfuso stated she had the Oak Park building re-keyed; the central office has a copy of the key.  She also changed the doorknobs, safety features have been implemented that were not being addressed.  She commented that several issues are wrong with the building; she has contacted John Hopkins to see if there is any hardware available.  John returned the call and indicated there is not.  Molly is going to put together a list of items that need addressing
·       Committees – Anfuso stated she is setting up some new committees for 2006, they are: A playground committee & a snowshoe committee will be set up
·       Fire Alarm – with regards to the fire alarm at Oak Park, she is waiting for a phone line.
·       PSNH – Administrative Assistant asked why the electric bill was so high at Oak Park?  Molly didn’t know.  Deb will contact PSNH and have them do an assessment.
·       Computer Class – A beginners computer class is going to be formed at the library, Anfuso will be the instructor.
·       Winter Carnival – The winter carnival coming up
·       Sugar on Snow – In March sugar on snow demonstration will be at Oak Park.
7:10 – Tax Collector, Patricia McClusky
Mrs. McClusky reported Christy French is unable to fulfill the obligations that would be required for adequate training for tax collector position.  Mrs. McClusky introduced Kathy Vallier, Greenville Tax Collector who has agreed to do this job and work closely with Mrs. McClusky for adequate training.  Ms. Vallier has experience with Avitar, her concerns are lack of liening, no deeding of properties, she will look into proper procedures to move this forward.  Discussion regarding a signed agreement followed.  Ms. Vallier will begin working immediately and keep Selectmen up to date on a weekly basis.  She will meet again next week. Selectmen supported this decision and look forward to a successful training period.  
7:15 – In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (c) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively
7:45 – Motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively
Decision: At this time no decision was made
On – going matters:
WW Hookups – Norman Nickerson requested a decision in writing regarding his request to be exempt from hook-up to the system. A letter will be mailed next week.  
Church Lease -
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Minutes – accept 1/5/06 minutes as written –
·       Review Mail –
·       Sign the Equalization Data Sheets
·       Employment status worksheet – McClusky
·       Yearly employee time off worksheets – all town employees
·       Land Use Change Tax Bills – Jennings, R4-7 ($10.00); Kokal, R6-3 ($6,200.00); Nickerson, R6-8-8-3 ($376.00); A & T Forest, R7-43 ($6,500.00); Wright, R7-49 ($6,400.00); Cilley, R1-11-1 ($2.00)
·       Letters –
o       Elderly Exemption Application – Ellington
o       Abatement requests – Call & Ercoline

Budget Items: Furnace, Cupola, budgetary wage increases - 4.1% for all employees with two exceptions.
Selectman Rainier reported that the Verizon building is currently in violation of the approved site plan, Selectmen will be receiving a letter from the Planning Board asking the Board of Selectmen to address the issue.

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, January 19, 2005 at 5:45 pm.