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Selectmen Minutes 01/05/06

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Absent: Selectman, William Brooks
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads
6:19 pm – in accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) Selectman Rainier motioned to enter into a non-public session – seconded by Selectman Dumas. Voted Affirmatively
6:46 – motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of non-public and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively.
Decision:  Motion by Selectman Rainier to present a contract to Christy French for training of the tax collector position.  They will train at night.  Salary for the tax collector will be renegotiated after town meeting. Seconded by Selectman Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively
On – going matters:
WW Hookups –
Church Lease -

Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Minutes – accept 12/29/05 minutes as written –
·       Letter to all downtown residents regarding hooking up to the wastewater system will be postponed until spring.
Other Items –
·       Review Mail –
·       Mtg. House –
o       Recent Flooding – it has been suggested the tiles either be replaced or remove the damaged tiles, epoxy the area & install an area rug
o       Behind the stage – this area is a fire exit, there is no access to walk through – crosses, flags etc., need to be reorganized and taken care of properly.
o       Furnace Room – very cluttered, another area of the meeting house to be thoroughly cleaned
o       “Old Recreation Closet” – this is off the furnace room, needs to be thoroughly cleaned – currently is not being used –
o       Hiring a maintenance person who will care of town buildings – Discussion followed, Selectmen indicated we have an employee who should be taking care of these items.  The Board will discuss this with the employee.  Administrative Assistant was instructed to notify the recreation director of the closet – she might not know it is available for her storage of items.
Budget Items:
Remove the $10,000 for furnace – Selectmen agree to remove this as a warrant article, incorporate into the general maintenance of the buildings.
Reduce Workers Comp Insurance to $8,074.00 –
Increase – Parks & Rec. $1,289.00 for 3 message boards; based on 2005 estimated lifeguard wages appeared to be over budgeted.  Selectmen asked Administrative Assistant to have Parks & Rec. Director verify this expense.
2006 Payroll Expenses - salaries need determination to accurately budget this line – Selectmen accepted the advice of the budget committee, Administrative Assistant & Chief of Police will receive 5% increase, while others receive 3.4% - Administrative Assistant asked for the Boards consideration to increase the Bookkeepers wages by $1.00/hour; Police Chief asked that the full-time officer also receive an increase slightly higher than other employees will be receiving.  No decisions were made on these items at this time.
You should adjust the 2006 budgeted Tax Collector wages – Selectmen will keep the wage line item where it is.
Budget Committee suggestion regarding payroll outsourcing – Currently the expense to process payroll is approximately $393.40/yr this is inclusive of bi-weekly payroll, W-2s, 941 taxes & quarterly reporting  
Selectman Dumas reported on the Selectmen’s Advisory meeting – It appears the 2006 budget will be an added increase to the cooperative towns of 8.3%. They are all working on lowering budgets and increasing in revenues
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, January 12, 2005 at 5:45 pm.