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Selectmen Minutes 12/29/05

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads & Budget Committee:  
7:00 – Budget Committee – Committee members included Aaron Kullgren, Bruce Dodge, Karen Day, Al Burtt.  Also present for this meeting was Librarian, Gail Smith & Library Trustee Maryann Grant –
Library - The meeting started with the Library discussing their budget - they are going to present a warrant article for $30,000 to complete the meeting room at the library.
Conservation Commission - Karen Day mentioned the ConCom would like to submit a warrant article to change the amount of the Land Use Change Tax that goes to the ConCom from $5,000 to 100% of the tax be provided to the ConCom.
A question was asked if the town needs to hold a special town meeting if the ConCom wants to purchase land or can the Selectmen make the purchase.  Selectmen did not know the answer to this question; Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact the appropriate Local Government Official for a concrete answer.
Police  – BudCom asked if the Selectmen knew what salary increase would be provided to the Chief in 2006.  Selectmen were not sure but they said they have worked 4.1% into the budget for all employees.  The BudCom recommended 5% for the Chief of Police and 5% for the Administrative Assistant.
Al Burtt asked about revenues for the police, why was the figure down from 2005?  Chief Giammarino explained the revenues are hard to anticipate, he would rather estimate low and have a surplus than estimate high and not meet his estimated revenue.
Budget Committee Chair, Aaron Kullgren discussed the following recommendations for the proposed 2006 budget.
Wages- They recommend all elected positions be on a strictly stipend base and not be subject to COLA increases.  This will be compared to other communities and stipend salaries should be adjusted accordingly.  Recommending across the board 2.5% increase to all employees with the exception of the Police Chief & the Administrative Assistant positions.
Highway – Budget Committee is supportive of a new truck.  
Library - The Budget Committee is supportive of the warrant article for $30,000.00 for renovations to the meeting room at the Library.  They are also supportive of a temporary wage increase of 6 hours /week for automation of cataloging books.  

Other recommendations:
Purchase Orders – Selectmen to take into consideration implementation of a purchase order system that would allow administration to follow invoices.
Minimum Bids - Require a minimum of three (3) bids for all purchases that would require a purchase order.  Purchase orders would be required for anything over $1000.00
Payroll outsourcing – Budget Committee would like Selectmen to look into payroll outsourcing.
Bidding services - Budget Committee would like Selectmen to consider bidding out of auditing services, assessing, legal etc. annually
Recycle superintendent – Budget Committee supports a full time supervisor for the recycle center– due to increased baling, recycling within the town appears to have increased requiring additional time to properly run the center.
The Budget Committee asked for clarification on the warrant article, which is requesting $7,800 for pavement at the recycling center.  This warrant article was discussed, the warrant article was reduced to $4,500.00 as was presented by Supervisor Mr. Pelkey.  Selectmen discussed there is a clarity issue, it is not entirely clear what is going to be done and/or why. Selectmen stated they do not support this article unless there is a CIP in place.  After discussion the Budget Committee agreed.  Everyone agrees of the importance of improvement at the recycle center, however a concrete plan needs to be in place before anything should move forward.
Roger Lessard reported that Bonnie Koch from NRRA would be at recycle center at 7:30 on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 to discuss options for growth at the recycle center.
Recommendation from the budget committee is to be included periodically and meet with the BOS and/or Dept. Heads to be kept aware of what is actually happening throughout the year.  Selectmen welcome this and encouraged the budget committee to attend the monthly meetings.  Administrative Assistant will notify Mr. Kullgren of when these meetings are scheduled.
Chairman Kullgren asked if the operational budgets, that includes warrant articles be setup to be a sub-category for the warrant articles.  Administrative Assistant will look into setting the budgets up this way.
Mr. Kullgren discussed the fact that two years ago a revolving account was established for the Parks & Recreation Department for the purpose of funding activities that would occur, we were told activities would become self sufficient.  The Budget Committees question is, “is the amount of activities for 2006 $8,000.00 and is ½ of the expense being funded through the revolving account”. If it is not, the revolving account isn’t working as a revolving account; it is being used as a savings account, as well as depleting revenues from the general fund.  

The Budget Committee is anticipating recommending the following warrant articles for the 2006 warrant.
·       Road reconstruction - A warrant article in the amount of $120,000.00 to be bonded for 10 years, which would equate to approximately 7 cents on the tax rate.   
·       Road Survey -  Providing an up dated road survey to be completed by a certified engineer.  The Budget Committee is looking at an independent engineer to do this project.  They are in the process of securing what the cost for this will be.
Selectman Dumas asked what the additional $40,000 is for?  Mr. Kullgren indicated the additional resources would be to complete the project and/or more projects.  Selectman Dumas would like to meet with the Road Agent to discuss this before making any decision.  After the meeting with the Road Agent the Selectmen will meet with the Budget Committee to discuss this further.
On – going matters:
WW Hookups – Selectmen would like to send a letter to all residents who will be required to hook up to the waste water system indicating there will be no hookups until spring.
Church Lease – Revisions to the lease were forwarded to the church.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Minutes – accept 12/15/05 minutes as written –
·       Abatement – American Steel Properties – An error was found in the base value, resulting in an abatement
·       Property Cards – American Steel Properties, David Hedstrom & Lyris Inc. all had errors on their property cards that were corrected.
Other Items –
·       Review Mail –
·       Furnace at the Meeting House needed repair this week – Allen & Mathewson will get us a price to do the repair. The furnace needs a fan for the hot air distribution & exhaust duct work
·       Karen Day suggested looking into have alternatives to oil such as pellet stoves or thermal panels.  Discussion followed - Karen indicated she would get information on pellet stoves and forward it to the central office.
·       Karen Day also asked if an informational piece be put into the Spirit discussing bonds?  Selectmen agreed to this.

6:19 pm – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Brooks.  Voted Affirmatively.
6:40 pm – motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.   Seconded by Selectmen Dumas & Brooks.  Voted Affirmatively.
Decision:  Motion by Selectman Dumas to increase the tax collector salary to $30.00/hour and to further make this increase retroactive to November 30th….Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Brooks.  Voted: Unanimously in the affirmative.
Motion by Selectman Rainier to encumber $6,800.00 from 2005 Warrant Article #8 appropriated funds for paving at the recycle center.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted in the affirmative.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, January 5, 2005 at 5:45 pm.