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Selectmen Minutes 11/23/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Wednesday – November 23, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks;
Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 – Tax Collector, Bob Geisel – Mr. Geisel was scheduled for 6:00 pm, he was given a memo, the office received no response.  
·       Update for Training - Mr. Geisel arrived at 6:20 pm and proceeded to update Selectmen with the progress that has taken place with the training of his deputy.  They have gone over the commitments and other stuff.  Nancy Watson is working on a schedule with the deputy tax collector.  
·       Tax Bills – Mr. Geisel assured Selectmen bills are going out either the 28th or the 29th.  Mr. Geisel will be working with his deputy Friday and Saturday, as well as Monday evening.  The commitment was right on, the acceptance has been sent to the DRA.
Selectman Dumas discussed that Mr. Geisel did not have office hours last Wednesday and there were several complaints regarding this.  Mr. Geisel stated that he had some health issues and was not able to make it in that evening.  Selectman Dumas suggested that in the future Geisel should either contact his deputy to fill in for him or notify the central office in advance.  Mr. Geisel agreed to this.
No appointments are scheduled.
On – going matters:
Church Lease – Michael Sparling has asked to be on the agenda to discuss this next week with Selectmen.  He is scheduled for 6:30.
WW Hookups –
Building Code Issues – Selectman Brooks discussed his concern for lack of follow through – items get brought to the Selectmen’s attention and loose ends do not get taken care of.  There are several items for the Code Officer to follow up on at this time, as well as the Swamp Road property that had a commercial business and the concern from neighbors regarding trailers on a property located on Lake View Circle.  The concerns will be forwarded to the Code Officer.
Muzzey Hill Road Extension – Selectmen stated the Board is waiting for information from the Cilley’s regarding the wetlands on this property.  Administrative Assistant was asked to forward an invoice for advertising to the Cilley’s for the public hearing that was held on November 17th.

Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Minutes –11/17/05 need correcting
·       Agreements – Mason & Rich 2006 Auditing Services
Other Items –
·       Wreaths – Administrative Assistant will order 3 wreaths from Gerry Foss
·       New flags & poles - If we get new streetlights this needs to be considered – Selectmen discussed this, they agreed to wait until 2007
·       Reduced Speed limit - There was a recent request to reduce speed limit on County & Old Bennington Road – RSA’s are attached & Hard Road To Travel information regarding reduction of speed limits.  Selectmen would like the resident to address this concern in writing – however they will take the verbal concern into consideration.
·       Cupola Repair - Price for the cupola repair from West Rindge Builders was reviewed – Administrative Assistant will also request a bid from other contractors.
·       Hard Road to Travel - Selectmen would like 3 copies of  “A Hard Road to Travel”
·       Keys - Administrative Assistant was instructed to get keys for the Oak Park Building & the Old Town Office back from the Parks & Rec. Director.
·       Spirit – Karen Day presented the DRAFT of the Spirit for Selectmen to review.  
·       Daffodil Bulbs – Ms. Day gave Parks & Rec. Director, Molly Anfuso 150 bulbs to be planted at the beaches and Oak Park.  Apparently, they were given to TJ to plant, Anfuso has assured Day this will be at no cost to the town, as it is in the contract price of the groundskeeper.  The purpose of these bulbs was to beautify the community at no cost to the town.  They were acquired because of the “roadside roundup” the Conservation Commission sponsored last summer.  It was discussed that some bulbs should be planted at the wastewater site.  
·       Rental Application - Nell Conkright requested rental of the Oak Park Kitchen on Saturday, November 26, between 10:00 am-10:00 pm.  Selectmen approved this application.
·       Recycling – Selectmen would like to have Recycle Supervisor, Frank Pelkey; Recycling Committee & Road Agent, Duffy Fox at the next meeting.  They will be scheduled for 6:00 pm on Thursday, December 1, 2005.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 5:45 pm.