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Selectmen Minutes 09/15/05
Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes

Department Heads:
5:45 – Code Officer, Peter Hopkins –  In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c ) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmative
Decision:  A non-public meeting will be scheduled for 10/6 at 7:00 – to discuss this matter further
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project
·       Public Hearing - A Public hearing is scheduled for 6:30 pm
·       RD Loan Resolution – the signing for the loan resolution from RD will be on Friday, September 23rd at 2:00 pm – A majority of Selectmen need to be present, as well as the Treasurer and Town Clerk.   The Selectmen asked the meeting be rescheduled for 3:00 on Friday.
Review Contract for Oak Park – This will be reviewed at a later date

Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Invoices
·       Minutes – of 9/8/05 as written
·       LUCT – Wright - $6,800
 White Pine Builders - $6,000
 Buy Now, LLC - $5,650
 Crotched Mtn - $600
  BCH - $7,000
  Klonel – $460
·       Letters – Fuel Bid responses
  R1-20-7 CU Application needs more information
·       CU Application - R1-23-1 – Carpenter – Approved
     R7-7 – Moller – Reclassification Approved
·       Handicapped Exemption – Carpenter - Denied
Barn Easement Hearing – Scheduled for Thursday, September 29th, 2005 – Jane O’Donnell, Holden Road – Administrative Assistant provided information on this for Selectmen.  Selectmen would like to inspect the barn on September 24th at 11:00 am, Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact Ms. O’Donnell to let her know they will need access to the interior of the barn.
Donation Offer – Fire Dept. would be interested in if they could raffle it off
Motion: Moved by Selectman Dumas, to accept the gift of a boat, no motor or trailer, and to further allow the gift to be donated to fire auxiliary to raffle in the future. Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier.  Discussion followed – Voted: Affirmatively
8:55 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted: Affirmatively
9:20 Motion by Selectman Rainer to enter out of the non-public and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas. Voted: Affirmatively
Decision: The tax collector will be asked to attend the next Selectmen’s meeting.  
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 5:45 pm –