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Selectmen Minutes 08/25/05

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 PM – In accordance with RSA 91A: II (c ) Selectman Rainier made the motion to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmatively  
6:30 – Selectman Rainier motioned to enter out of the non-public session, and to further seal the minutes. Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmatively  
Decision: To ask ConCom Chairman, Karen Day to attend the next Selectmen’s Meeting for a non-public session.
6:30 – Road Agent, Duffy Fox –
·       Waste Water Site - Startup and testing for the bio-clear is scheduled for Monday at 9:00 am.  Fox and Selectman Rainier will attend for this training.  
·       FEMA Funds – Fox reported he anticipates covering the overrun of fuel with the FEMA funds;
·       Equipment - Fox would like to buy a hydraulic chainsaw to cut brush & limbs, a spray tank & bar system to apply calcium chloride on the roads.  He has the funds in his budget by moving some from another line item.
7:00 – Code Officer, Peter Hopkins – Hopkins was not on the agenda however; he wanted to discuss a couple items with the Selectmen.
·       Mobile Home application - Terry Flagg recently came to see Hopkins and wanted an application for a mobile home.  Hopkins stated he discussed with Mr. Flagg he must have a legal septic, power, potable water and a foundation before anything can move forward.
·       Junk Vehicles – Hopkins further discussed the several junk vehicles that he is aware of Mr. Flagg moving onto his property.  Hopkins notified Flagg that procedures to litigate would be initiated if it continues.
·       Zoning violations – Hopkins would like to create a list of known violations in town.  He will discuss the violations with the property owners and then begin a legal process to rectify the many situations.  He will seek guidance from counsel to assure proper procedures are taken.

7:20 – Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren – Selectmen asked Aaron to explain how to adjust the police budget to reflect the revenues for the rifles that have been reimbursed through grant funds.  Mr. Kullgren explained how it works; he will get together with the Accounting Director to further discuss this.
Wage & benefit committee was re-scheduled for September 22, 2005 at 6:30
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project – An informational night will be scheduled for September 15th at 6:30 pm. This will provide those who will be required to hook up to the system an opportunity to discuss the project, and ask any questions they may have.  Certified letters will be mailed to all those property owners who will be required to hook up.  Keith Pratt will also be present for this meeting.
Septic System Operational Guidelines – Keith Pratt has indicated to the Administrative Assistant that he has the guidelines, and will be forwarding them next week
Church Lease –  
Vaihenger – January ’74 subdivision was Eleanor & Peter Brown – how did they get lot approved without adequate frontage.  Administrative Assistant was directed to let Mr. & Mrs. Vaihenger know Selectmen continue to look into this. As it stands now, things shall remain status quo.  Adverse possession was discussed.  This property has been a lot of record for over 20 years.
Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road – Selectman Rainier reported three building structures on the west side of the road – there is the one in Lyndeborough, the Dumaine property & the Gignac property.  There is new development on the summit; the property is being accessed from Lyndeborough.  
Broken Window – The Fire Dept. Window that was broken will be repaired next week – Family Glass of Jaffrey will be repairing it.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Invoices
·       Letters –
·       Minutes – of 8/18/05 as written
·       Permit from State to have a road race.  The race is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21 @ 6:00 pm – The race will begin at Oak Park, go down Swamp Road, around Bennington Road and back to Oak Park.  A bike rodeo to be held same day – This is in connection with the Parks & Recreation Department.
Abatements –
·       Alice Teng – ’04 taxes per court settlement - $2,308.00
·       Haggarty – BTLA Settlement agreement - $390.75 - $5400 reduction of assessment for tax years 2003 + 2004
·       Vincent - BTLA Settlement agreement - $320.96 – $4700 reduction of assessment for tax years 2003 + 2004
·       Roberson – BTLA Settlement agreement - $402.06 - $5800.00 reduction of assessment for tax years 2003 + 2004
Registration refund – A resident was over charged, due to incorrect vehicle price on the preprint, the town clerk has requested a refund of ’05 & ’06 overpayment – Selectmen indicated it was fine to refund the difference to the resident.
Mail - Review misc. incoming mail –
 With no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, September 1, 2005 at 5:45 pm –