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Selectmen Minutes 08/11/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – August 11, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks;
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Absent:  Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Department Heads:

6:00 - Nell Conkright –  Ms. Conkright requested use of the Meeting House kitchen on Friday due to the e-coli contamination found in the Peterborough water supply.  She is catering a wedding for a Greenfield Tax Payer on Saturday – Rehearsal dinner is Friday night – wedding is on Saturday.  The time needed would be between 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm.  A certificate of insurance is on file, paperwork is filled out and on file, she would like to have assurance that the building will be available if she needs it.  Selectmen approved this request for using the meeting house as a place to prepare food for the wedding scheduled on Saturday.
6:14 – Gene Mitchell – Mr. Mitched asked Selectman Rainier to have the Code Officer review the RSA 155-E which pertains to excavation and how much can be excavated on personal properties.
He further stated it is his opinion that Selectman Rainier shows a lack respect towards the Administrative Assistant.  After Mr. Mitchell left, Selectman Brooks asked Administrative Assistant if she felt they were disrespectful towards her, she said no.

On – going matters:
Waste Water Project
·       Fencing - A three rail fence should be installed; the expense for this could come out of contingency monies.  
·       Force Mains - Also it was discussed to bury the force mains deeper than requested, by doing this it could help to protect the mains, this also would be paid through contingency funds.
·       Public Hearing – A public hearing need to be held soon to keep the public up to date as to when hook-up is expected, possible expenses etc.

Septic System Operational Guidelines –
·       Attorney Teague has reviewed them and indicated to the Administrative Assistant he thinks they are appropriate.  Selectmen noted they will add a section indicating the guidelines will/can be modified as needed. Administrative Assistant will contact Keith Pratt and have him provide the information we have been waiting for from him.
Leaking Roof – Reviewed documentation from the Local Government Insurance adjuster – Selectmen directed the Administrative Assistant to contact Mike Borden and discuss his working with us to rectify the situation as soon as possible.
Church Lease – working on updating the proposed lease, Administrative Assistant will contact some communities who also have Church/Mtg. House arrangement and see how they handle their agreement.
Vaihenger – Nothing to report -
Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road – Waiting for Selectman Rainier & Road Agent to discuss what avenue to take.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P
·       Invoices
·       Letters – Current Use Map Update – Smith, Cilley, Kokal,
·       Appointment – Gil Morris, Planning Board Alternate
·       Minutes – of 8/4/05 as written
Mail - Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Review letter from DES to Road Agent regarding the application for culvert installation on New Boston Road –
·       Review letter from Scott Johnson, Rural Development regarding arrangements to close the Rural Development Loan shortly.
DRA – Administrative Assistant met with Norm LeBlond, DRA representative, reviewed the DRAFT report from the DRA.  As requested by the DRA, a response letter will be sent on or before September 1, discussing the future plans for the town to remain in compliance with the assessment review.

Fire Dept. –
·       Broken Window - A window was broken at the fire station this week; Chief White was at the station on Tuesday evening and he stated it was not broken at that time.  Sometime between Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon the window was broken.  TJ was mowing at the Fire Station on Wednesday; Chief White suggested maybe he should be contacted to see if he had noticed it was broken when he was mowing.   Who should contact him, Loren will have the window repaired, however, who is to pay for this?  Selectmen would like the Police Department to look into this.
·       Rymes Cards Misuse – There appears to be some misuse on the gas cards.  The current account will be cancelled and a new account opened.  New cards will take a week or two before they are provided to the town.  Selectmen would like reassurance that the fire department will “tighten up the ship” before new gas cards are issued.
·       Old Town Office – Fire Dept. would like to use the building for training.  Not sure what kind of training, Chief White didn’t elaborate – he mentioned to Catherine Shaw he was going to e-mail the Administrative Assistant with details.  Selectmen want more information before any decision will be made, however there will be no water and no damage to the building.
Planning Board meeting – Selectman Rainier stated he and other members of the Planning Board were recently embarrassed when site plans came before the Planning Board.  The proposed site plans were submitted without a checklist.  The central office provided these packets for the Planning Board that did not have the checklist.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday August 18, 2005 at 5:45 pm.