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Selectmen Minutes 08/04/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – August 4, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad B. Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Selectman, William Brooks arrived at 6:00 pm
Department Heads:

5:45 – White Pine Builders, John Haithcock –
Mr. Haithcock attended the meeting requesting the Selectmen authorize waiving his need for a certified plot plan for the lot he is currently developing.  Mr. Haithcock stated Greenfield Zoning Ordinance makes no reference to the requirement of a certified plot plan, however the building information, provided by the Code Officer does.  Mr. Haithcock further stated there is currently nothing on the books stating that the town requires certified foundation plan, he again gave examples of the various differences.  The request for the plot plan from the code officer states if building is within 75 feet of the setbacks we require plans, Mr. Haithcock asked why is this requested?  He understands the setbacks, however the two lots he is talking about are well within the setbacks.  It further states that the code officer can waive the request for certified plot plans if they are within the required setback.
Mr. Haithcock discussed his lot is within 110 feet from the property line, this is expensive & timely to request a plot plan for such a lot.  Again, Mr. Haithcock stated his purpose is to request waiving the required certified plot plan for this particular lot.  Five houses have been built, not even close to the boundary lines.
According to Mr. Haithcock documentation is inconsistent and confusing – measuring from the bench marks is clear documentation that the homes are being placed where they have been designed to be placed.  Mr. Haithcock stated no other town requires certified plot plans unless the building is being placed close to the boundary.  
Mr. Haithcock asked who is the code of appeals from the building inpsector?  Selectmen thought it is them.
Mr. Haithcock stated he would like to be sure that this rule is applied to everyone – why does a new home need a certified plot plan, yet additions, sheds, garage etc. do not.
In the interim until a new meeting, Mr. Haithcock asked that Peter meet Mr. Haithcock and allow him the opportunity to show him he more than meets the setbacks.  Mr. Haithcock is calling Hopkins tomorrow to meet for an inspection of the foundation.
6:12 Peter Hopkins arrived and was brought up to speed on the meeting.  Peter explained that a certified plot plan is policy that was established within the town.
Mr. Haithcock stated that our policy reads 75 feet from the property line.  He provided Peter copy of what is handed out with the building permit.
Peter explained it has to do with the wetlands, Hopkins stated he went to the Planning Board last year, asked that all lots require a certified plot plan, he can waive this at his discretion.   Haithcock asked Hopkins for an opportunity to show him, in the field, that he is within the building envelope and a certified plot plan is unnecessary.
Discussion followed – Peter agreed that if Mr. Haithcock can satisfy the requirement that he exceeds the setbacks, wetlands etc., he will be fine waiving the required certified plot plan. Peter Hopkins further stated he will meet with Mr. Haithcock and allow him an opportunity to show him using the bench marks that he is wihtin the property lines.  Mr. Haithcock stated he is absolutely within what the town building inspector sends out to residents for requirements to build.  
6:30 – East Road Resident, Larry Hill  –
Mr. Hill requested East Road have a sign posted “Slow Children” – he has lost 3 cats and is concerned about children.  There are 11 children within a ½ mile – Police Dept. told him to direct his concern to Selectmen.  Traffic seems to be a little faster during the evenings than mornings, but even during the day people speed.
Selectmen are supportive of this, will get in touch with Road Agent and Police Chief to discuss where the best location would be for the signage.  A speed limit sign also could be installed, Selectmen will ask police to patrol it a little more on East Road.  
6:00 – Gene Mitchell
Mr. Mitchell made an appointment to discuss the property that abuts him, in the past Mr. Mitchell inquired as to what is being done about the fact someone is living in the property next to the trailer.   Peter Hopkins reported he spoke with Mr. Mitchell about this on Wednesday, Mr. Mitchell stated he realized Mr. Hopkins had explained this to him, however he wanted to keep his appointment with the Board of Selectmen and let them know he spoke with Hopkins.  Hopkins stated he is sending the Grant’s a registered letter indicating that two residences cannot be on one lot.  The box trailer that Harry Dorr had is gone, there is a small trailer with a metal roof, there is a septic tank and a leach field, which was working in the past. Regarding the trash, it will be aproached at a different time.   
 On – going matters:
Waste Water Project –Measurements for fencing around the system is being considered. One contractor has reviewed the area and will give a price for fencing.   
Septic System Operational Guidelines – We have not heard back from John Teague yet, he has the DRAFT guidelines.  Administrative Assistant was asked to contact Attorney Teague early next week to discuss the status of the guidelines.  Selectmen would like to review them at the next meeting in August.
Leaking Roof – The central office hasn’t heard from the insurance adjuster yet.
Church Lease– To date, we have not heard back from Attorney Teague about the proposed lease.
Vaihenger – Nothing to report -
Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road – Duffy will review and help to make suggestions
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P
·       Invoices
·       Proposal from The Chimney Specialists to seal the two chimneys previously worked on - Selectman Rainier signed the proposal, which is in the amount of $375.00.
Mail - Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Reviewed & discussed an e-mail regarding .GOV domain name – Selectmen instructed the Administrative Assistant to contact the Attorney General office to see what this is all about and if there is any possibility that this constitutes fraudulent activity.
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday August 11, 2005 at 5:45 pm – Selectman Dumas will not be available for this meeting.