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Selectmen Minutes 07/14/05
Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad B. Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
7252005_14059_0.bmp6:30 – Key Staff meeting –
Selectman Rainier thanked everyone for attending this meeting – Those in attendance are listed below.  Selectman Rainier gave an update on the Waste Water project.
Police Chief – Brian Giammarino
Code Officer  - Peter Hopkins -
Fire Chief – Loren White
Con Com – Karen Day
Planning Board – Bob Marshall
Road Agent – Duffy Fox
Librarian – Gail Smith
Town Clerk – Fran Kendall
Treasurer – Aaron Kullgren
Parks & Rec – Molly Anfuso
ZBA– Kevin O’Connell
Admin. Assist. – Deb Davidson

Planning Board – Bob Marshall – Mr. Marshall reported that there are a number of items on the agenda at this time.
·       CRMR Master Plan - Crotched Mountain has submitted a master plan to the planning board; there is a meeting tentatively scheduled for August 8, 2005. At that time the planning board will visit the sites that they would like to begin developing.
·       Subdivisions- A few subdivisions have been approved this spring – one lot subdivided a single lot into two lots.  The final approval of the A T & T subdivision
·       38 Lot Subdivision - There is a pending 38 lot subdivision, presented by Eugene Mitchell – this proposed subdivision has had the Pre Conceptual Consultation – the planning board is expecting the application to be prepared around September/October
·       Site Plan Review – the Greenfield Inn applied to utilize a subsequent apartment – the request was denied
·       CIP (Capital Improvement Project) is moving forward – scheduled meeting will be the 25th of July with Dept. Heads – would like a preliminary plan to the Board of Selectmen before October.
·       2006 Budget with regards to the 2006 budget, the planning board would like funds to research and develop an impact fee structure
Road Agent, Duffy Fox asked how a private road can have 38 houses built on it?  Planning Board Chairman, Bob Marshall proceeded to explain his understanding of how this plan could move forward.
Peter Hopkins stated that a large subdivision isn’t always bad, providing the town organizes itself in such a way that some control still remains.  
Marshall mentioned inviting commercial business to town is a good option also
Librarian – Gail Smith – Mrs. Smith reported everything is great at the library –
·       Book Drop -The library has recently acquired a used book drop box – free – approximately $1500-$1600 savings for the library
·       Camp Wannaread - Starts on Wed – the first story hour will be at the beach –
Peter Hopkins stated he has heard good things around town about the improvements at the library and wanted it on record that he has heard these good things
Treasurer – Aaron Kullgren – Selectman Rainier asked Mr. Kullgren to discuss the Wage & Benefit Committee –
·       Wage, Benefit Committee - Mr. Kullgren reported how the committee has been formed and further discussed what the plan is for moving forward.  He explained that subcommittees have been formed (wages & pay scale; benefits; evaluations & job descriptions) – the entire committee would like to present a preliminary proposal in August to the Selectmen.
Loren asked if Fire Dept. was included in this assessment?  Kullgren reported that they hadn’t been, though we can briefly look at other Volunteer Fire Dept. in areas of similar size to Greenfield.
·       Tax Money - Treasurer Kullgren reported tax money is coming in.
·       Banking Changes - Briefly discussed ACH as well as other possible banking changes that may be implemented.  Further discussion will be needed with Selectmen before any changes are made.
Town Clerk – Fran Kendall
·       Revenues - Revenue for 2006 has increased
·       State of NH - Going to a three day workshop to see about being on line with the State – The state will most likely provide a computer for the Deputy Town Clerk, Dee Sleeper as well as the Town Clerk
·       New Hours - Changing the hours of open to the public to include daytime hours; participation by the public has been up and down – it is hard to tell if it is an advantage at this point.
Fire Chief – Loren White
·       Brantwood Camp & BCH Center - Chief White asked if Brantwood Camp and/or Barbara C. Harris Center have notified the town of their official opening dates? Selectman Rainier responded that we have not. Chief White will forward a copy of the notification letter to the Board of Selectmen.
·       Area Chiefs - Chief Lenox from Peterborough hosted an area Chief’s meeting; the meeting was targeted towards summer issues. Another meeting is going to be scheduled in the near future.  Chief White stated he is looking forward to these meetings, allows for open communication with other Chiefs.
·       Licensing Class - State will be holding another licensing class for the boat in August – it is Chief White’s understanding those volunteers that are not licensed will attend this meeting.  White also stated a class may be held in Greenfield.
·       Pagers - Received notice that some of the pagers are obsolete, if one of them needs service it may not be repairable.  He may need to work something out within his budget to obtain new ones.
·       Fireman’s Muster – only 5 teams participated, however it was a success.  There was a nice article in the Union Leader on Sunday.  Discussion followed regarding future Fireman Musters.
Con Com - Karen Day –
·       Aquifer - Conservation Commission is still interested in the aquifer protection meeting – waiting to hear when it is a good time for everyone – most likely going to wait until September.
·       Recycle Committee - Conservation Commission has formed a recycling committee – had the first meeting – Roger Lessard is chairing the committee – Selectmen will be kept up to date as the committee progresses
·       Signage - Working on signs to be placed on the conservation land
·       Compost Bins – Sale of the compost bins was successful – ConCom sold 68 – made a small profit, $340.00.
Code Officer - Peter Hopkins
Emergency Management – Hopkins has contacted the State of NH - Homeland Security Department, there are funds available to do training.  Has met with the reps from the state will be working out some training exercise, most likely after Labor Day.  Will be supported 100% by the homeland security funds program with the exception of gas.
·       Building Inspector – Hopkins reported he has given out 5 new permits since his last report; 1 replacement, 2 new homes, 2 sheds
24 permits for the year to date – 12 new homes, the rest misc.
Selectman Rainier asked how we compare to Hancock & Bennington regarding building –
Hopkins stated that we cannot compare to Bennington, they do not have a building code – Hopkins continued to discuss his observations of the other communities he works in.
·       Changes to policy - Hopkins asked the Planning Board and the ConCom how they would feel about having their approval for building permits, before he issued a permit.  
Discussion followed – Mr. Marshall stated that the Planning Board sees the properties if they are subdivided, he didn’t understand what more they would have to offer. Planning Board is very busy.  Ms. Day stated that the ConCom could review it for wetlands but it is up to the Building Inspector to make sure everything is ok.  
Peter explained what is needed to have a house built – he would like to have a process that everyone knows what is going on.  Selectman Rainier stated that the office does provide a list of building permits with map and lot, maybe that could be provided to all Departments.  Administrative Assistant stated that the various departments currently do receive that list.
No decisions were made.

Parks & Recreation - Molly Anfuso
·       Fire Dept. - Anfuso added for the Fire Dept. they have had permission to store yard sale items at old town office – they would like permission to use the old town office for the yard sale – Selectmen stated this needs to be discussed with our insurance with this before any decision can be made.  Chief White stated that the Fire Association insurance does cover this.
·       Parks and Recreation – Anfuso reported her department is moving forward fast and furious
·       Library – Anfuso stated she is working with the library closely
·       End of summer – Will be ending the summer with campfire festivities in August at Oak Park
·       Fire Muster – The flea market did well at the muster
·       Amber Alert Day – In the future she will be working with Crotched Mtn. and/or historical day to begin an Amber Alert day in Greenfield
·       Historical Event - Anfuso reported she spoke with Selectman Dumas at the historical event to work more closely with departments to get the town into larger events as a whole.
·       Growth – Anfuso stated that the growth within the community has affected her department as well
·       Sunset Lake –
o       Beach Closure - Recently there was a brief lake closure due to E-coli – flyers went out to all on lake – the second test was negative and the beach was reopened
o       Berm – The berm has made it difficult for elderly, handicapped and/or anyone with limitations to access the beach – a walkway with steps has been installed, a handicapped access is being installed in the near future
Recycling Department - Frank Pelkey –
·       Recycle Center - everything going well no concerns; NRRA has looked at the site, taken pictures and very glad to see the changes.  
·       Recycle Committee - the first meeting of the recycle committee has been held. They will be setting up a used cellular phone program; fluorescent lights, batteries, etc…will be brought before the board before any changes.  The committee meets again next Thursday at 7:05 –
·       Baled material - New load of mixed bales going out tomorrow
Selectman Rainier stated that NRRA wrote a very nice letter supporting changes made at the Recycle Center
Road Agent - Duffy fox –
·       FEMA - Qualified for funds from FEMA $7,000
·       Fuel Costs – Fox stated he is going to have to offset some of the fuel expenses with another line item, we have already used 78% of our fuel, will need to transfer funds around from somewhere.
·       Culvert replacements –
o       Highway crew has replaced 4 of the culverts on the 5 year plan
o       2 culverts at the Zephyr Lake area will be done; the rail road is going to replace some of the rails at the same time
o       Box culverts to be replaced
o       Asked for help from the ConCom to expedite wetland permits.
·       Material Preparation – Highway crew is preparing material that was located on the Stevens lot on New Boston Road for the New Boston Road project
·       General Maintenance - General maintenance is continuing on a regular basis
·       Waste Water Project – Fox reported he is at the site on a daily basis; SCI is doing a great job, the project should be completed next month.
ZBA - Kevin O’Connell–
·       Equitable Waiver – There was one hearing last month for an equitable waiver; the application was approved, the property owner did not realize the house was being built exactly on the setback line.  They wanted to put a small porch on their home, which would have encroached on the setback. Now that certified plot plans are required Mr. O’Connell thinks these types of problems will no longer happen
Chief of Police – Brian Giammarino
·       MV Stops – to date their have been 720 stops
·       MV Accidents - 9 reportable accidents, down from last year.
·       Criminal Cases - Criminal cases are up from last year, there are 62 criminal cases to date; 23 became physical arrests.  
·       Budget – Police budget is good, currently at 52%
·       Grants – Awarded two grants for this year, a highway safety grant, and a DWI grant
6:05 – Sam & Nancie Vaihinger  (Map S1-Lot1) – To receive some clarification regarding their driveway, town road and rights of way.  Who is responsible for the care of the right of the area in question – who owns the portion of land that their driveway travels over?  Ben Sanford provided a letter indicating the “unknown” property is the Vaighenger property. They stated they do maintain it, however it is not referenced in their deed.   They would like to know if they should go before planning board, or are tax maps incorrect -
Discussion followed – Selectman Rainier would like to discuss this with the road agent before any decisions are made.  Will stay on agenda until resolved
8:00 – In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (e) motion by Selectman Rainier to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Brooks & Dumas.  Voted:  Affirmatively –
8:15 –Motion by Selectman Rainier to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Brooks & Dumas.  Voted Affirmatively –
Decisions: No decision was made
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project
Septic System Operational Guidelines -
Leaking Roof – The insurance adjuster for the Local Government Center will be here Monday at 10:30 am to look at the situation.  Upon receipt of his report the Administrative Assistant will forward it to the Selectmen.
Other Business:
Minutes - Selectmen accept the minutes of July 7, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P
·       Invoices
·       Mtg. House Rental – 7/23/05 – Private Function
Mail - Review misc. incoming mail –

Discussions –
·       Selectman Rainier discussed sending a letter to Mr. Balcom, to date, the Planning Board has not heard from him.
·       Selectman Rainier discussed sending a letter to Mr. Hennessey, before this is done Selectmen will discuss the Lyndeborough Mountain Road situation with the Road Agent.
·       A Letter will be sent to both gentlemen who were interviewed for the WW Operator position.  We are still waiting for their resumes.

Lease agreement – Selectman Dumas stated he would like more information regarding costs of maintenance of the Meeting House. (i.e. heat, electricity, maintenance, income vs. expense) how does it compare to the proposed lease.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday July 14, 2005 at 5:45 pm