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Selectmen Minutes 06/02/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
Thursday – June 2, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad B. Dumas
Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 – Jim Rice & Peter Hopkins
·       Current Use Property & Building on it - Discussion followed regarding the White Pine Builder driveway. Mr. Rice discussed that last week Mr. Haithcock indicated he had installed the driveway for all eight lots last fall, further indicating that created a change of use.  Mr. Hopkins rebutted that no, he put a driveway in for three houses, the other lots were only cleared for timber cuts, no driveways were put in, no foundations etc.  Lengthy discussion followed – The importance of checking current use maps against the proposed building permits and any designs that are presented to the code officer was discussed at length.
Administrative Assistant asked Hopkins to double check on the Gignac property – it would seem that more than an acre is needed to build the lengthy driveway and a residence.  A current use penalty may be necessary.  
Administrative Assistant will double-check the Kokal property card against the submitted map.  The property card appears to be incorrect; they have only 5 acres of wetland identified on their property card, not 25.
Decision:  Before the Building Inspector issues a building permit & driveway permit he will check for current use and further was instructed to notify the office.  Hopkins will provide the office with a copy of any maps presented, the office will double check for current use as well as the location of the potential building, assuring the location of the house is not on current use property.  If a Land Use Change Tax is required it will be flagged as such.  As soon as the property changes use (i.e. excavation will be the determining factor) – Code Officer will begin the process of notification and checking for location.
Jim Rice will review the road that has been developed, if it is determined it is a driveway and not a logging road, then the land where driveway is situated will be removed and current use assessment tax will be issued.  Whereas, White Pine Builders owns all the lots, they are contiguous, therefore when the lots themselves should remain in current use until they begin to be developed and/or are sold to someone other than White Pine Builders.
Code Officer, Peter Hopkins discussed an e-mail received regarding the junk car ordinance, this will be looked into and recommendations will be made.  Hopkins will report back within a week or two and make a suggestion how it should be handled.

6:30 – Town Forester, Karla Allen – to discuss a timber cut on Gulf Road –
Discussion followed regarding a wood lot on Gulf Road where a logger has cut brush on Joe & Debra Ellis’ property.  Mr. Ellis does not want any monetary value for any of the trees that have been cut, however, he does want it to stop.  They did not have permission to cut the brush, due to the weather we have had, Ms. Allen indicated they should not be trucking on this road, there is a wetlands next to the cut and she is concerned about the road.  She has spoken to the Road Agent who stated that he has no authority to discontinue trucks from a Class VI Road; Fox further stated to Allen that the directive must come from the Selectmen.  Allen stated Mr. Ellis is concerned the road is going to continue to get larger; he would really like this to stop.  Allen is going to meet with the Forester, Swift Corwin to discuss the situation, she believes Mr. Corwin will take the appropriate action and stop the cut at this time.  There are skidder bridges so they do plan on going forward with this cut.
Allen stated she is asking for permission from Selectmen to stop the logger from logging until the road is in better condition.  Selectmen granted this request; Allen will be in touch with the logger on Monday.
7:00 – Recycling Supervisor, Frank Pelkey & State Park Representative, Johanna Lyons – to discuss the State Park using the recycling center –
Mr. Pelkey discussed his meeting with Harry Sloan at the State Park and that they discussed how the Greenfield Recycle Center works.  Mr. Pelkey welcomes the Park bringing their cardboard, and does not see it as a problem for the Town.
Johanna Lyons & Kathryn Deeley explained how the State has contracted with the NRRA for co-mingled recyclables.  However, they would like to utilize the town recycle center for cardboard  & for co-mingled recyclables during the off-season.  Off-season trash would be employee lunches, glass, aluminum etc. discussion followed – approximately one bale per month of cardboard is what would be created during off-season.
Decision: Tuesday mornings would be the best day for the State Park to drop off.  This will be accepted however it cannot affect the other jobs Mr. Pelkey performs throughout the town.   This will be a three-month trial period, at the end of three months this will be reviewed for further direction.
Selectmen thanked Ms. Lyons and Ms. Deeley for their time.  They are hopeful this will be successful.
Mr. Pelkey remained at the meeting, Selectmen discussed a bill for repair to the truck – Selectman Rainier stated the Board had a problem with this invoice for two reasons.
1.      They were told the truck is not worth keeping
2.      Road Agent, Duffy Fox has said he will do whatever trucking is needed
Frank discussed that he would not take the truck to Concord, but he needs to go around town to do his duties.  He needs a vehicle, there is $3,000.00 in vehicle maintenance, and he did not think there was anything wrong with getting the muffler repaired.

Decision:  Selectman Rainier stated in the future the Board of Selectmen would like to be notified before any substantial maintenance expense is spent on this particular vehicle in the future.  They would also like to have two or three quotes before any work is done.  
Catherine Wright from the State informed Mr. Pelkey she cannot be here for at least a month.  Selectmen reminded Frank that they would like to be present when she is here for the inspection.  They would also like the meeting scheduled towards the end of the day if possible.
Mr. Pelkey asked about the paint – The Administrative Assistant would check with Suzy Mansfield at Crotched Mtn. next week
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project – Status – regarding BAN Administrative Assistant spoke with the Bond Bank today, the Town will have the funds available to them within a few weeks.  Soils are being moved around this week, SHA will be doing soil samples next week.  This is no expense to the Town.
Septic System Operational Guidelines – 2nd DRAFT will be ready for Selectmen to review next week.
Other Business:
Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes of May 26, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R Checks & Invoices
·       Letters to SNHS – PILOT; Brantwood Camp – PILOT negotiation
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
Junk Vehicle Ordinance – Discuss e-mail from a resident regarding junk vehicle ordinance
Leaking Ceiling – Molly reported to Deb that the ceiling is leaking in the recreation office. Discussion to follow – get someone to look at the problem – ask Mike Borden to look at it
Chimney – The chimney guy has been here doing repairs, he recommended we install a lining in the chimney he is working on.  Currently it does not have one and he suggested to better preserve the work that is being done now we install the liner.  Approximately $3200.00 – we can use some of the money we aren’t spending on the chimney that doesn’t need as much work –  
Decision:  Get a bid for next year – possibly do the work in 2006
Selectmen’s advisory – Selectman Dumas reported there is no interest from towns to go out to bid for fuel district….school district asked that all elementary schools post times when driveways will be plowed by the highway department in each town. BOS would like to know what the road agent thoughts on this are, please report to the selectmen
Thank you to Mr. Labash regarding pictures he has donated for the town.
With no further business, Selectman adjourned the meeting at   8:00 pm.  Next scheduled Selectmen meeting will be Thursday, June 9, 2005 @ 5:45 pm.  Deb is on vacation next week; Catherine will be here taking minutes.