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Selectmen Minutes 05/26/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – May 26, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad B. Dumas
Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
5:38 pm – in accordance with RSA 91A: 3 - II (c) Selectman Rainer motioned to enter into non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted affirmatively

6:00 pm – motion by Selectman Rainer to enter out of non-public and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.   Voted affirmatively
Decision:  No decisions were reached
6:00 – Assessor, Jim Rice
LYRIS, Inc. PILOT Agreement - Selectman Rainier briefly discussed the need to renegotiate the Lyris, Inc. PILOT.
Kimberly Dorn, Donat Bay and Paul Corcoran were in attendance representing Lyris, Inc.
Ms. Dorn wanted to discuss what the belief and foundation of LYRIS, Inc. and Ploughshare Farm are.  She further discussed that the 501 C3 was formed in1982 to serve disabled people in need of care and to include care for those individuals within the community.
They have expansion desires for their various programs, Lyris representatives shared these thoughts with the Board of Selectmen.  They would like to expand to a 5 household program.
Ms. Dorn continued to explain about the property located at 164 Mountain Road, the program has continued to remodel the property.  In March 2003 they began using the house again for charitable purposes.  Since ’03 co-workers have resided there, however it is mostly respite at this time.  They would like to use this property as a semi-independent living property, however it is not an ideal location. Programs such as felting workshops, music, exercise classes, woodworking workshops, baking classes etc. are currently held in that home.  
Mr. Corcoran explained that he became involved with Ploughshare program after working 40 years in the area of rehabilitation medicine.  He wanted to establish a less institutionalized setting for these children.  He became involved in this life as a means of helping those with special needs become intertwined with society.  He also wanted to have these children accepted in society and has hopes of expanding the day program.
Ms. Dorn explained the tuition varies, however is typically around $33,000/ yr.  There are currently 9 residents living within the homes.  
Selectman Rainier asked Mr. Rice of his thoughts on this program.  Mr. Rice asked if it is a charitable or educational organization.  Ms. Dorn stated that typically charitable organizations do not account for salaries; in kind benefits are a portion of the livelihood of the success of the program. They are a recognized through the State as a charitable organization.
Mr. Rice asked if they utilize the services of the town – they agree that they do use the town services.  They are willing to negotiate a PILOT paying the Town and County portion of the tax base, being exempt from the education portion.
Selectmen, Ms. Dorn & Mr. Bay all signed a summary of agreement reflective of LYRIS, Inc. paying an in lieu of payment equal to the Town & County portion of tax rate.  They will notify the town on an annual basis of the financial & residential status of the program.  They will also review the agreement every two years.  A copy of the signed agreement was provided to everyone present.
Mr. Bay asked about merging properties – discussion followed.  No decisions are made at this time.  Mr. Bay was instructed to discuss the future plans with the planning.
Selectmen thanked everyone for such a positive meeting. Administrative Assistant will keep this file flagged and review every two years.
Brantwood Camp - Selectmen and Mr. Rice briefly discuss Brantwood Camp and negotiating a PILOT agreement.  The Administrative Assistant was instructed to write letter to Amy Willy at Brantwood Camp asking in accordance with RSA 72 they discuss a negotiated PILOT with the Town of Greenfield.
6:30 – Jim Rice & John Haithcock
LUCT Abatement Appeal - discussion regarding Mr. Haithcock’s denial of appeal for his Land Use Change Tax –
Mr. Haithcock discussed his reasoning for requesting the Selectmen to reconsider his request for LUCT abatement – he reviewed the history of the property and the assessment of the eight lots he purchased for $50,000 vs. the 1 lot that sold for $55,000.  He asked Mr. Rice why the penalty was assessed at $55,000.  Mr. Rice explained that he assessed the property taking into consideration a “developers discount” which was most likely considered upon the purchase price Mr. Haithcock paid for the property.
Mr. Haithcock was asked what he feels the value of these properties is - discussion followed
Mr. Rice spoke to the fact that he continues to maintain the properties are valued at fair market value and appropriately valued at $55,000.00, Mr. Rice provided documentation to support this, and he will continue to stand by his decision that they are equitably assessed.  He does not recommend making any adjustment to the LUCT.
Mr. Haithcock stated he is going to take all his lots out of current use – He further stated that Catherine had said she would take care of it, and provide Mr. Rice with the paperwork to do so.   Mr. Rice stated that you can’t just take land out of Current Use – Mr. Haithcock stated that driveways had been put in over 6 months ago, once a driveway permit has been issued, the code officer should notify the central office of the change of use of the property.  The Code Officer should also notify the landowner that he/she must fill out an application for land use change tax.  It was agreed that Code Officer, Peter Hopkins needs to notify the central office when current use properties change, and as of what date.
Decision:  Mr. Rice will assess 4 lots for a Land Use Change Tax – release forms will be issued.  Selectmen would like the Administrative Assistant to arrange a meeting next Thursday, June 2 in the evening with Code Officer, Hopkins & the Assessor, Rice and to have Rice explain the importance of the accuracy of the date of current use changes and to notify the office when change takes place. .
CU Application Processing - Selectman Rainier discussed the Beltz Current Use Application.  Discussion followed, Mr. Rice explained being a small town, CU applications are typically held and accumulated, and the town has until July 1 to respond to applicants.  The application was processed in a timely manner. Selectmen asked that Administrative Assistant send letters to all CU applicants explaining how the applications will be processed and time line to expect.  Mr. Rice agreed if the Selectmen directs him he would expedite the applications in the future.
Statistical update – Mr. Rice discussed he is currently working on the market analysis. It was suggested that a notice be put in the August Spirit notifying residents that the assessors will be going door to door to speak with residents.  It was further explained to Selectmen that the base rates for all properties would be adjusted according to current market.  Before any adjustments are made Avitar will send the Selectmen a copy of his adjustment for review and for approval of the values, those values will be used for the December tax billing.
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project – Status – The project is moving forward, the earthwork is scheduled to begin early next week
Septic System Operational Guidelines – Selectmen reviewed the SOG’s, made minor changes.  A DRAFT with changes will be provided for review next week
Other Business:
Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes May 19, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P Checks & Invoices
·       Sign Warrant for 2005 1st half tax billing
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Minutes from wage benefit committee
·       E-mail from Mark Cilley regarding sub-division – his question was forwarded to the Planning Board
·       LGC – Notice of denial of claim #GC 014524
Standard Dredge & Fill – Conservation Commission Chair, Karen Day has completed the Standard Dredge & Fill Application for the Road Agent, it is ready to go as soon as the Road Agent signs it.
Volunteer release forms – motion by Selectman Rainier to accept the proposed volunteer form (long form) as written.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  The form will be available on one sheet, legal size.
Administrative Assistant will notify all Dept. Heads of this form, she will further notify each department it is their responsibility to have these forms signed and accounted for.
Recycle center
·       Recycle Truck - Selectmen reviewed an invoice for work recently done on the recycle truck.  Discussion followed, Selectman Dumas recommend to speak with the department head before making any decisions about this vehicle.  The invoice will be paid, the department head will meet next week to discuss this expense.  
·       Addition – Brief discussion followed regarding the proposed addition to the recycle center – No construction will begin until the town hears from the State to make determination what will be needed or not.
Decision:  Selectmen would like Mr. Pelkey to discuss both of these at the June 2 Selectmen’s Meeting.  
With no further business, Selectman adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.  Next scheduled selectmen meeting will be Thursday, June 2, 2005 @ 5:45 pm.