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Selectmen Minutes 05/19/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – May 19, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad B. Dumas
Deb Davidson taking minutes
5:30 Selectmen had a meeting at the Recycling Center to discuss the proposed loading dock.  No decisions were made at this time.
Department Heads:
7:00 – Key Staff Personnel – Chief Giammarino; Road Agent, Duffy Fox; Parks & Recreation, Molly Anfuso; ConCom Chair, Karen Day; Fire Chief, Loren White; ZBA Secretary, Kevin O’Connell; Librarian, Gail Smith; Town Clerk, Fran Kendall; Planning Board Chair, Bob Marshall and Code Officer, Peter Hopkins were all present for this meeting.
Selectman Rainier opened the meeting explaining why the board thought this meeting would be a good idea and to meet with everyone at least once a month.
Selectman Dumas spoke briefly about the wage, benefit study committee and opportunities that may arise from this committee.  Karen Day reported she has been voted Chairman of that committee.  Selectman Rainier reminded everyone that minutes and posting of meetings are necessary.
Selectman Rainier spoke on the work the Planning Board has been doing with regards to the CIP, he mentioned the Planning Board will be asking departments to please fill out paperwork and work with the Planning Board towards reasonably working on the project.
Con Com Chair, Karen Day –
·       Drinking Water – Day reported she met with Paul Suska from NHDES to discuss how to protect the future drinking water for the town.  The next step in the process is to get the Planning Board, Code Officer and Board of Selectmen all together to have a meeting and discuss this further.  A meeting this summer would be the best time, all will be notified when/where the meeting will be held.  
·       Culverts - Day is working with Road Agent on the New Boston Road culvert replacements, working towards completing applications for the culvert installations. The process should go by relatively smoothly, waiting for photographs from the Road Agent.
·       Roadside Cleanup - Roadside clean up was very successful. The town collected 2.7 tons of trash. By completing this we became eligible for 800 free daffodil bulbs.  Day sent in the paperwork for these bulbs, when they arrive where they should be planted will be discussed.
·       Compost bins - The compost bin sales were very successful also, they sold 65 compost bins.

Parks & Recreation, Molly Anfuso –
·       Cemetery Stones - Anfuso reported she has communicated with the Cemetery Trustees about the cemetery stones that need repair.
·       Trees in need of trimming - Anfuso and Fox discussed the trees which need trimming – he might be able to work on them in the fall
·       Landscape @ Library - E-mail from Library Trustee, Pam Graesser regarding the work of the landscaper.  It is unsure what is expected of him, they are working towards an agreement as to what is expected that will be satisfactory for everyone.
·       Soccer field - Soccer field soil test has been completed.  Anfuso will discuss this with h UNH specialist, Dr. Roberts and bring the recommendations to the Selectmen.  Selectman Rainier stated that before anything is done the soil testing needs to be discussed first.
·       Kokal Soil - Soil from the Kokal’s was discussed; again everyone is waiting for the result of testing.  Both Mr. & Mrs. Kokal were very active on the Francestown Recreation Committee and have a lot to offer, Anfuso is hoping they will join Oak Park Committee.
Fire Chief – Loren White
·       Grant - Still proceeding with the details for the federal grant.  Will have all the info by this weekend to go forward.  Next step is to contact the federal agency and to deposit funds into an account designated for that use.  The Treasurer will need to set up an account for this money, “Federal Fire Firefighter Assistant Fund”    
·       Rescue vehicle – nothing has been found yet  
·       Fire/Rescue Calls – There have not been many calls yet this year, which is good.  No fire calls, only rescue.
Librarian, Gail Smith
·       Programs – a variety of very good programs, all successful so far, have been initiated
·       Volume increase – The library is seeing more activity than in the past
Town Clerk, Fran Kendall
·       The Town is getting close to going on line with the State, the State is mandating that eventually all towns be on line.  It is going to be a significant cost increase, BMSI quoted $5,000 – Administrative Assistant stated she has discussed this with Choice Computers, and Claire Kent suggested she wait before agreeing to anything with BMSI.  Mrs. Kendall stated she would look into it.

Chief of Police, Brian Giammarino –
·       Statistics – With regards to activity there have been18 physical arrests, 1 indictment, 476 motor vehicle stops, and 6 reportable accidents.  Statistics are down from last year.
·       Grants – It has been confirmed the State Park grant has again been awarded to the Town of Greenfield in the amount of $2,400.00 – This will allow an officer to be on a bike at peak times. The town has also been approved by the Dept. of Justice for the DUI enforcement grant again.  
·       Radio – Officer Foster made an arrangement with the State and they issued us a radio and have promised the Town of Greenfield 2 more.  These radios are valued at approximately $3,500.00 each.
·       Radar – Giammarino has purchased radar from a neighboring town for $250.00.  It is a great radar for our town, as well as a huge savings.
Road Agent, Duffy fox
·       FEMA – Greenfield qualified for January & March storms FEMA Grant applications are being worked on and will be submitted shortly.
·       Spring Cleanup - Spring cleanup is pretty much done, what was asked of the highway crew has been completed.
·       Parks & Recreation – Highway crew has completed the beach project, and the new Merry-Go-Round has been installed.
·       Material – Fox stated he has ordered all materials & stock for the two road projects he anticipates working on this summer.
·       Annual Mt. Of Demonstration – Entire Highway crew is going to the Annual Mtn. of Demonstration next Thursday – there will be no highway staff available that day.
·       Complaints – There have been two complaints about grading to often on Francestown Road, but other than that its ok.
Selectman Rainier asked about the New Boston Road project?  Fox stated the highway crew has done all they can to date.
Recycle Center – Frank Pelkey
·       Center – Mr. Pelkey stated everything is going good at the center
·       Parks & Recreation – All the projects for Molly are completed
·       Revenues – Revenues are doing well – $2,900 for baled materials to date
·       Volunteers – Pelkey stated he has residents who want to volunteer, they are both willing to sign off on the release before they do any work.  The Administrative Assistant will type the release and get it to Mr. Pelkey.
·       Paving – the paving is complete

·       Glass Crusher – The glass crusher is working out very well – when there is a large pile of crushed glass the Road Agent will use the pile for drainage
Selectman Rainier asked if Molly has spoken to Frank about the Oak Park trash? Anfuso stated she has not yet, she is monitoring the trash.  
Kevin O’Connell asked about the State Park bringing their trash to the recycling center.  Pelkey replied that they are all set to bring their cardboard; they open soon and are prepared to bring only the cardboard.  Selectman Rainier stated they were supposed to meet with the Selectmen & Mr. Pelkey before any agreements were entered into.  Pelkey stated he would get them to meet with the Selectmen the first Thursday in June.
Code Officer, Peter Hopkins-  
·       Permits – There have been 10 new residence permits issued so far this year
·       Illegal dumping – regarding the debris thrown out behind library – whomever reported this debris was correct, a letter will be sent to the owner of the debris instructing him to clean it up, the letter will be copied to the Society for the Protection of Forests who owns the land.
·       Illegal business – regarding the concern of the garage operating as a business, located on Sawmill Road – Hopkins has spoken to the landowner twice, the landowner told Hopkins it will be taken care of.
·       Unregistered vehicles – The Chief of Police & Code Officer have recently discussed the new State junkyard statute. The statute reads 1 unregistered vehicle only – this includes parts as well –  Hopkins stated he spoke to Jarvis Adams, our legislative representative about Adams property, located on Sawmill Road that has several unregistered vehicles.  Hopkins stated that Adams should take care of this situation, especially since he voted the bill.  Hopkins indicated with the Board’s permission up to $50.00/day fines can be enforced.  Discussion followed, Planning Board Chair, Bob Marshall commented that if we don’t enforce our local ordinances why do we want to start enforcing State statutes. Selectman Dumas stated he believes this requires more discussion, he would recommend no decisions be made regarding enforcing this statute. The Statute is RSA 236:119
·       Driveway development – Recently a resident asked about the White Pine Builders driveway, wondering how/why a certificate of occupancy is issued when the driveway wasn’t built as specified – Hopkins reported that he spoke with Mr. Haithcock and the driveway has been regraveled.  Hopkins stated that he cannot find where there is any where on the granting of this subdivision that there is a time limit for when the upgrading of the driveway needs to be complete. Planning Board Chair, Bob Marshall discussed the reasonable explanation seems to be if there is a house, then the driveway needs to be up to safety standards to allow for rescue vehicle access.  
Fox asked if signage for 911 has been completed to date?  Hopkins responded not yet. Fox further discussed normally the builder installs the first set of signage. Hopkins stated he will review minutes of the Planning Board and will discuss the signage with Mr. Haithcock.
Fire Chief, Loren White asked to revisit the Motor Vehicle Ordinance being voted on, is it even enforced now? Or will town vote on this at a later date?  Hopkins stated legislature has already changed the law, it can be enforced now.
Planning Board Chairman, Bob Marshall –
·       CIP - Planning Board is working on the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) in an accelerated manner this spring.  As of Monday night Dept. Heads can expect a cover letter with a form requesting departmental needs for the next 10 years.  Sometime before Memorial Day and June 10 this letter will be given out. Planning Board members will meet with departments individually to discuss CIP needs.  It is the goal of the Planning Board to put together a CIP, hold a public hearing, and then go before the Selectmen in the fall.  This is the first step in what is needed to be completed before establishing an impact fee via a warrant article; the warrant article would establish an impact fee study.
·       Consultant - Consultation use of Carol Ogilvie has proved to be very successful.
·       Subdivisions – There have been three sub-divisions presented to the town so far this year. One was approved for Stevens for eight lots; one has been approved for a two-lot subdivision this spring – a three-lot subdivision has also been presented and the Planning Board is currently reviewing it.  They are anticipating at least one more subdivision being presented in June
·       Agenda -  The Planning Board is trying to adhere to holding reviews the 1st meeting of the month and utilizing the 2nd meeting as a work session.  The Planning Board is currently booked for every meeting until end of June
·       Classes - a couple of Planning Board members attended a spring planning session in early April – it was very informative – they picked up a lot of information on impact fees
·       Site Plan Review Case - this Monday, May 23, at 7:30 pm a site plan review hearing on Greenfield Inn, is being held
·       CIP – the newest Planning Board member, John Halper has helped out a lot with the CIP.  
·       Misc. – a lot of loose ends with various items, cases etc. are being taken care of, the Board is looking forward to resolving them.  Catherine has been very helpful with the Planning Board in updating the ordinances.
·       Land Use books – Wondering if he could get an updated book, Deb will look into this

The ConCom, Code Officer, Planning Board and ZBA all asked to receive issues of Town & City Magazine.

ZBA Representative, Kevin O’Connell
·       Hearings – ZBA has heard 6 cases this year.  They have held 6 hearings and had one re-hearing.  One equitable waiver was granted, the remaining cases have been denied.
·       Budget – To date the budget is ok
·       General Comment – Mr. O’Connell stated the ZBA would like people to be more informed when they come before the ZBA; however, he is not sure how to get them educated.  It is something they can work towards accomplishing.
Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren –
·       Wage Study Committee – Mr. Kullgren discussed that he also sits on the Wage Study Committee- Working towards creating an evaluation process for employees as well as reviewing wages, benefits etc.
·       Direct Deposit – Aaron asked if anyone was interested in direct deposit
·       On-line – Briefly discussed the Town having on-line registrations
Selectman Rainier reported to everyone that SCI is beginning work on the waste water system this week.  The project is expected to be complete by mid September.   Fire Chief, Loren White commented that someone should mention to SCI that the safest means of egress is off Forest Road rather than Depot/Slip Road.  
On – going matters:
New Keys – Deb contacted Bill Harper –  all set
Waste Water Project – Status – letter to prospective operators of the system should be prepared for the meeting next week – Hopkins stated he would like to be kept up to date as far as what he is expected to do.
Septic System Operational Guidelines –
Other Business:
6:00 – Open Cruiser Bids – Selectmen opened the two bids that were submitted, neither bid was accepted, the cruiser will be placed out to bid again. It will be advertised in the Town & City, Nashua Telegraph and Union Leader as well as the local papers.
Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes May 12, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R Checks & Invoices
·       Letter to Donald Balcom
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Continuation of Cutter Case is scheduled – Judge Lewis – July 22 @ 10:00 am
·       Letter to BCH from Atty Teague
·       Letters from Jim Rice
With no further business, Selectman Rainier adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm.  Next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, May 26, 2005 @ 5:45 pm.