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Selectmen Minutes 04/21/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 21, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen: Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Catherine Shaw taking minutes
Meeting opened at   5:43 pm

Department Heads:
No department heads are scheduled this week.

No appointments are scheduled this week.

Other items:
·       Assessing – Selectman Dumas reviewed 2005 assessments for pick-ups on new construction, additions, decks, sheds, etc… and UC (under construction) changes.  Selectman Rainier will look at them tomorrow.
·       Waste Water Contract was signed on Wednesday, April 20, 2005.  S.C.I. was awarded the contract by Selectman Rainier and Attorney Teague was present.  Scheduling was discussed.  The project completion date is September 16, 2005 after that, liquidated damages will be charged.
·       Welfare Selectman Rainier returned a phone call to an individual this week.  He left a message to come in to a meeting for further discusion.
·       Cutter Court Date is on May 4, 2005 at 9 am in Manchester.  Selectman Rainier discussed our attorney’s recommendations.  Rainier and Teague drove some of the Town Class VI roads when he was here on Wednesday.

Selectmen Approval:
·       Minutes – Non-public minutes of 4/7/05 & 4/14/05 are accepted and sealed.  The minutes of 4/14/05 Selectmen’s Meeting are in draft form.
·       A/P Invoices; P/R Checks;  
·       Fire Alarm System test, inspection & service agreement for the Town Office.
·       Current Use
Land Use Change Tax Lien Release:
R7-5-2-1 Michael Rector $5,000.00 & R7-19-3 James Daragon Homes, LLC $4,500.00
Letters:  R7-11-7, R5-31 & R7-42 Your assessment has been adjusted…

… Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of 4/21/05 continued.

·       Excavation Warrant 2004-2005:  R1-1-GRVL, R1-1-3-GRVL & R6-3
·       Abatement - Gravel Tax $87.82:  R6-3 Kokal, Town purchased 4,391 Cu Yds sand
·       Gasoline & Diesel Tax Refunds

Mail - Review miscellaneous mail and correspondence.  
·       Crotched Mtn. Foundations Campus Master Plan dated January 2005 was received by the Selectmen.

Next weeks meeting – Schedule: 6:30 – 7:00 pm the Wage & Benefits Study Committee volunteer’s to meet with the Board.  Volunteer’s will be notified of the meeting and will be requested to attend.

With no further business, the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 6:10 PM.  

The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is April 28, 2005 at 5:45 PM.