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Selectmen Minutes 02/24/05

Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – February 24, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman; Conrad B. Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:


On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – Selectmen approved/accepted the invoice approving electrical work at the recycling bay.  Electrician, Mark Swain, signed the approval of the electrical work.  He provided his electrical license for this project.  Mr. Swain stated the wiring was doing appropriately and nothing was done incorrectly.
Builders Insulation has been notified of this and will be available Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at 8:00 am to begin insulating the bay.  
Other Business:
Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of February 17, 2005 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R Checks & Invoices
·       Sign actual abatement applications which were approved February 10, 2005
·       Abatement – Julie Dierauff – V3-36 – Abatement granted
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
Meeting House – Memo from the central office regarding the fire panel was reviewed.  Administrative Assistant has spoken with Mondanock Security.  They physically checked the fire panel and could not determine the source of trouble.  In the event that this should happen again, they recommended not resetting the panel, to contact them directly so they can send a technician out while the panel is sounding.  
Discussion followed.  Selectmen instructed Administrative Assistant to ask Mr. Smith to attend a Selectmen’s Meeting in the near future so they can discuss this further with him.
Workers Comp. Insurance Mtg. – Administrative Assistant discussed the recent meeting with the Local Government Center.  This meeting is part of the criteria which allowed the reduced rate of workers comp. premium for the next three years.  Further criteria to maintain the lower rate of insurance includes Department Heads taking courses through the Local Government Center.  Some of these courses have already been taken by the Administrative Assistant, which will count towards meeting the requirements of the LGC.  During the meeting, Department Heads had good questions; Local Government Center Reps. Indicated that the Town of Greenfield is in better shape than some larger communities. (i.e. personnel policies, parks & recreation policies, active JLMC, knowledge of RSA’s etc.)
DSL – Selectmen were presented e-mail correspondence from resident, Greg Austin. Selectmen advised Administrative Assistant to invite Mr. Austin to come discuss possibilities of forming a committee to research possible DSL throughout the entire town.  Selectmen are open to this discussion.
Greenfield ConCom – Selectman Rainier attended the meeting on the Allen Stevens property located on New Boston Road. The back portion of this property, which consists of 20 acres, is being offered as an easement.  The ConCom is working with the Pennoyer family to pay for ½ of the expenses related to this easement. The ConCom reviewed a map indicating the area of easement to be deeded to Mr. & Mrs.  Pennoyer.  Because ConCom is participating monetarily Monadnock Conservancy would like to see the town hold secondary easement rights.  The costs associated with this will be approximately $1,500.00; the expenses will be paid out of the ConCom funds.  
Selectmen discussed and instructed the Administrative Assistant to provide GIS data to the Monadnock Conservancy.  She should also include a set of tax maps.
Controlled Burn -  Sheldon Pennoyer has donated a cabin on his property to the Fire Department to use as a training burn.  Mr. Pennoyer asked if the Selectmen would consider abating the building on the property that will be burned shortly.  The building needs to be approved by EPA before it can be burned, upon approval the building will be burned.  Discussion followed, Selectmen will revisit this before April 1 to assure the building has been burned, and as long as the building is removed by April 1, 2005 it will most likely be ok to abate the structure from the property card.
UNH Class - Selectman Rainier will be attending a class on Roads, Byroads, Highways & Byways
Determining Use, Ownership, Right-of-Way, and Boundaries.  The course is being sponsored by UNH, it will be held at UNH as well.

Driscoll Road – Selectmen asked Administrative Assistant to send Greg Martus a courtesy letter inquiring about the status of the Driscoll Road project.
With no further business, Selectman Brooks adjourned the meeting at 6:18 pm.  The Next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday, March 3, 2005 @ 5:45 pm.