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Selectmen Minutes 09/16/2004
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – September 16, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman; Conrad B. Dumas
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 – Code Officer – Peter Hopkins – Selectmen requested Hopkins to help with understanding the situation and status of the building permit, septic system, well, etc. on the Pero property.  
Hopkins briefly discussed with the Board that the Pero family can be provided a building permit for the trailer they have moved onto their property, providing they have a permanent foundation, a legal septic system & a potable well.
Though this trailer was originally believed to be a temporary housing situation, correspondence from Habitat for Humanity indicated they did not state the Pero’s were the next Habitat family.  They were requesting clarification from the Pero family of a couple of concerns the Directors of Habitat for Humanity had.
6:15 – Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Pero – Selectmen requested Mr. & Mrs. Pero family update the Board of Selectmen on the status of their situation with Habitat for Humanity, and where they stand in obtaining their building permit.  The letter from the Selectmen was providing the Pero’s a temporary trailer permit, conditional upon obtaining the building permit.
Selectman Brooks opened the meeting asking if they have applied for the building permit and further stated that they must get a building permit.  Brooks explained that any change to the property would require a building permit, and any resident would need to do this.  
Code Officer Hopkins stated that this is the first time, which he recalls the town has exercised the option to utilize a temporary building permit.
Selectman Brooks reiterated that he would like the Pero’s to request a building permit from Hopkins.  
Mr. Pero stated that there is no septic plan design that he knows of, there is a septic tank and a dry well.  He has approximate idea where the tank is.  Mr. Pero stated that the tank is not covered up, that there is a stick indicating where the tank is located.
Hopkins stated that having someone check the existing system and having the water tested to assure potability must be done.  Hopkins can provide names of who is qualified to test the existing system.  

Selectman Dumas stated again, that a building permit is required and must be applied for.
Jarvis Adams asked what is needed to obtain a building permit?
Pete Hopkins read and explained what is required to obtain a building permit, and why. In the event of a temporary situation a viable septic system & water is still required.  A temporary permit would be granted for one year (12 months) only.
In the event that they are not chosen for Habitat, they would then need to start over with obtaining new permits and moving forward with a permanent status.
Lee Leblanc asked what exactly “grand-fathered” means?
Hopkins explained it primarily pertains to non-conforming uses. Health & Safety codes do not qualify for grandfathered status.  There are no exceptions to septic and wells, every livable dwelling must have one.
Hopkins stated if the Pero’s come in next Wednesday he would help them get this application moving forward.   
Mr. Pero stated he wanted to continue working on his wiring.
Hopkins stated that he could continue, but they could not live there, and the wiring must be inspected.
Pero stated he is installing a four-wire system, there will be a shut off at the meter, and it will be buried with 3” conduit.  
Hopkins restated that it must be inspected before it is covered.  
With nothing further the Board of Selectmen thanked the Mr. & Mrs. Pero for coming and discussing this with them.
6:40 – GIVERS – Present on behalf of the GIVers were: Mr. & Mrs. Reed, Mary Ann Grant, David Lloyd, Jarvis Adams, Mr.  & Mrs. Brown, Maryann Beard, Lee LeBlanc - Mr. Brown, President of GIVers, introduced the group and further explained what the GIVers is all about.  A bit of the history of the group was presented.  
Types of projects provided so far have included:
·       Transportation for those who cannot drive to doctor appointments, grocery shopping and other errands.
·       They packed & unpacked the library when it was under renovation.
·       Involvement with the Greenfield Commons, such as a Valentines Dinner.
·       Sponsored this years Memorial Day ice-cream social.
·       Donated a roadside sign to the Greenfield Fire Dept.,
·       Established a raffle to allow the construction of the Maltese sign for the Fire Department.
·       Assisted Parks & Recreation Department with Oak Park activities.
·       Revival of the Greenfield Winter Carnival.  
·       Decorated the Greenfield Road Signs.
·       Adopted a 2-mile stretch of highway to keep trash down on main roads.  
·       Currently working on a welcome basket for new residents.
Mrs. Grant explained a future project they would like to initiate is the idea of having hanging plants on the light-posts.  This would be no cost to the town, and maintenance of the plants would be the responsibility of the GIVers.  It was agreed that it would enhance the beautification of the town.  They are asking the Board of Selectmen for permission to move forward with this project.
Selectman Rainier asked what they would hang the baskets from?  He further stated that the hanging instrument would need to be investigated, what is currently on the light fixtures are designed for banners, not for anything heavy.
Welcome baskets, they would like to include pamphlets from surrounding towns, pamphlets from the Chamber of Commerce in Peterborough, recreational information, town information, website information, they would include a plant of the season, and a friendly note.  
Mr. Lloyd asked for link from their website to town website and from the town website to the GIVers could be established.  Mr. Lloyd provided the website for the GIVers, which he stated is
The Selectmen encouraged any of the GIVers to sit in on any of the various meetings and/or to run for vacancies.  Mr. Lloyd asked if someone who is a resident (has a green card) but not a citizen, serve on a board?  This was a good question, the Local Government Center will be contacted and we will get back to Mr. Lloyd with the answer.
6:45 – Fire Chief, Loren White – The Board of Selectmen requested Chief White to attend the meeting to discuss the recent disassembling of the alarm in the Mtg. House.  This was a result of the invoice received and comments, which were written on the invoice.  
Selectman Brooks read what Monadnock Security reported on the invoice.  The technician reported that as a result of how the alarm was disarmed, he could not determine what was wrong with the system.  He further indicated that the area must be kept clear of tables, chairs etc.

Chief White responded by saying the responding firemen tried three times to take care of the problem.  They tried to communicate with Monadnock Security, with no success. It was disarmed as the reset button would not shut the system off. Chief White further stated that he agreed the security system area must be kept clear of obstruction.  Discussion followed, it was suggested that whenever someone reserves the use of the Meeting House, on the rental application a bold note of no smoking, as well as a bold note stating security apparatus must be kept clear of items and further the front of the building is a no parking area, it is for drop off/pick up only.   
White asked if/when the new alarm system was going to be installed.  The funds were approved in March and nothing has been started to date.  Deb was instructed to check with Bob Smith, Monadnock Security, as to why it has not yet been started.  She will also check for any correspondence between Monadnock Security and the Town of Greenfield.
Selectman Dumas asked about boat training.  White stated all is going very well, there is training in Peterborough within next few weeks.  Fortunately, there have been no calls for the use of the boat this summer.
Selectman Brooks asked about the used ambulance.  Nothing yet, NHMA has been the most recent contact.  If not purchased this year, funds will be encumbered for one year.
Selectman Dumas asked if whoever is responsible for signing off on invoices.  Dumas said it should more efficiently be addressed.  Dumas wondered if someone could sign them for the Dept. This would relieve Chief White from having to make a special trip to the town office on a weekly basis.  Chief White stated he would discuss this with one of the Captains, possibly Molly, however White prefers to sign the invoice to remain knowledgeable about Department purchases.
White reported that Road Agent Fox located a trailer for the boat at the White House in Concord.  The skid pump will be working in the fall for drills.  
Though nothing in writing, White received phone calls from both Congressman Bass & Senator Gregg, wanting to make sure we knew we had been awarded the FEMA grant we had applied for.  The grant was for $115,000.00 to be used to replace turnout gear, SCBA and an SCBA tank, a $12,500 match will need to be provided by the Town.   
7:23 - Bob Caron – Mr. Caron stated he is having a problem with run-off from the town road.  He further stated that the road is making a mess of the culvert near his house.  Mr. Caron indicated Road Agent Fox said the Board of Selectmen do not want him (Fox) cleaning private culverts.  Mr. Caron has been cleaning it, however he would like to have permission from the Board to have the Highway Department take care of it.  He is asking if rip-rap would help? Selectman Rainier stated he thinks it would, however he would pass this information on to Road Agent Fox.

On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – There is no update at this time.
Other Business:
Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes of Thursday, September 9, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P & Invoices
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail

Fuel bids – Open Fuel Bid Proposals – There were four bids submitted for the 2004/2005 fuel proposal. They were Allen & Mathewson; Irving Oil; Draper Oil and Lorden Oil. Bids were competitive, however motion was made by Selectman Dumas to accept the proposal as submitted by Allen & Mathewson.  Seconded by Selectman Brooks, Voted unanimously and in the affirmative.
·       Allen & Mathewson bid a fixed price per gallon of $1.349 for #2 heating oil, and a fixed propane price of $1.249 per gallon.  They did not bid on diesel, as they cannot purchase it in advance.
·       Irving  Oil - bid a price of $1.434 for #2 fuel; $1.584 for Diesel; $1.256 for propane.
·       Draper Energy Co., Inc. -       $1.41 for diesel, they did not bid on #2 fuel or propane.
·       Lorden Oil Co., Inc. – Provided an alternative to prepay fixed pricing due to the volatilitay of the current market.  The bid from Lorden Oil was $15,739.50/year for #2 fuel; $22,935.00 for Diesel, they did not bid on propane.              
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson – Selectmen noted the items which needed addressing, departments will all be notified of all these changes.
·       Benefits -  This needs to be discussed at a later date.
·       FLSA Changes –  
Time Cards – It is extremely important that employees report ALL hours worked!  A justifiable reason for dismissal is not accurately reporting hours worked.  No one is authorized to instruct an employee to under report his or her time.  Town could get fined if over 40 hours are worked and OT is not paid.  If an employee is only supposed to work part-time, that is what they should work unless otherwise budgeted and/or approved.
Time Card Adjustments – Dept. Head & Employee must sign any adjustments to timecard
Classes – Employees do get paid to go to/from authorized classes.  In the event that a Department Head doesn’t let them leave early on another day, overtime pay will be paid if attending the class results in the employee working over 40 hours.  Department Heads need to pay attention to this.  (If an employee works within two departments, then overtime could be applicable)  
Overtime Pay - Employee & Dept. Head can make a written agreement that if the employee worked over 40 hours one week/under 40 the following week (same pay period), the overtime pay will not apply until over 80 hours are reached.
Minimum Pay – ANY employee who reports to work, gets 2 hours of pay, unless the employee has been called prior to reporting to work, and told NOT to report to work.  Example:  Power outage/heat outage etc., you send someone home, they get paid for two hours.
Pre-Employment – Felony record conviction should be asked for PRIOR to employment.  Is the potential employee under investigation of a felony should also be asked.  (It is a question on our application, but not everyone fills out an application) Criminal record and MV record checks MUST be done PRIOR to employment, not after hiring, as we do it

Mtg. House Cleaning – Deb & John McGurty discussed the possibility of cleaning the Mtg. House on Saturday.  After discussion it was determined that cleaning will continue on Wed., then the Mtg. House will checked on Sat. afternoon. If needed, the Mtg. House will be cleaned again on Saturday afternoon.  Selectmen found this to be a satisfactory solution.
Sign board – Discussion followed regarding who is responsible for the signboard. Voting was not on the board.  A letter from Ms. Anfuso was reviewed.    Selectmen stated the policy is to remain as it currently is.  Any organization in Town is welcomed, actually encouraged, to use the signboard.  Town notices will take priority.  Each organization will be responsible for putting up and taking down, in a timely fashion, their notices.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.  The next scheduled Meeting is Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 5:45 pm the meeting will be a Dept. Head Meeting.