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Selectmen Minutes 08-26-2004
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – August 26, 2004 – 6:00 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman; Conrad B. Dumas
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
Key Staff Meeting:
Peter Hopkins - General information report.
·       Rotted Tree – The triangle between Miner Road and Route 31 has a large pine on edge of triangle, which is rotten in the middle. Road Agent, Fox stated he will check it out, report facts and will be removed in the most cost effective fashion.
Tax Collector, Robert Geisel -
·       Cadorette credit report – The tax lien release request has been taken care of.
·       ’03 Tax Lien Notice - Monday notice of tax lien’s, for ’03 unpaid taxes, will be mailed.
Planning Board Chairman, Mike Kavenagh –
·       Technical Assistance – During the months of either September or October, Carol Ogilvie will start providing technical assistance for the Planning Board.  The details are not definite, however most likely the first Monday of the month she will be available to review applications, etc.  Anything that comes in will be filtered through either Deb and/or Mike to Carol.  She will review initial applications in hopes of relieving some of the loose ends, and assure accuracy before applications go before the Planning Board.  Her services will be only for those who are prepared and/or preparing to submit their application to the Planning Board.
·       Growth control – Deb & Mike have been working on researching options for this issue.  Impact Fees – Growth moratorium etc. will all be researched
·       Cooperative Meeting - Monday evening, August 30, 2004, the Zoning Board of Adjustments, the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board are going to have a meeting to discuss how they can better work together with the towns interest in mind.

Building Inspector, Peter Hopkins –
·       Codes – Peter stated that it is his understanding that as of July 1, 2004 municipalities can adopt the State Building Codes, as needed.  We can utilize them to update the ordinances within our Town, with just a simple hearing.
·       Certified letters – Hopkins stated that he has two letters to be sent out this week for zoning violations – One is located on New Boston Road for a setback violation, the other on Forest Road for a failed septic.
·       Building Code Class – There is a four-day class on building codes, the 1st of October.  Hopkins would like to have Charlie Stephenson attend with him this year.  Hancock will pay for one of them, Hopkins asked that the Town of Greenfield pay for the other, Selectmen approved this request.  
·       Pero – Follow-up on the temporary trailer permit, currently no building permit has been issued for this property.  A letter will be mailed reminding them the permit is a conditional permit.   They need to have an approved septic before a building permit can be offered, they cannot just move a trailer onto the lot and assume residency.
·       Greenfield Inn – Hopkins reported he is still waiting to hear from Mr. Mangini to do an inspection.  Will follow up on the status, State has granted a reasonable extension.  Hopkins will ask what progress has been made.
Parks & Recreation Director - Molly Anfuso -
·       Fertilization/Insecticide – Anfuso has contacted three companies regarding fertilization of the track and plants.  Not sure whom she will hire, but she knows it will be an arborist.  Discussed perhaps they can also help with the pine tree referenced earlier.  Needs proper terminology as to fertilization will look to Selectman Rainier for direction.
·       Insurance – Briefed the Board of what was discussed with the local government center regarding insurance with the gymnastics program.   Anfuso will get a letter together from Molly, initialed by Selectmen, to be mailed to Mrs. Wozmak.
·       Recreation Flyer - Will be doing a separate mailing from the Spirit, it will be solely for the Recreation Department – will be piloting the printing – if it is not successful she will go back to piggy backing with the Greenfield Spirit.
·       Pop Warner – Pop Warner Football was here for three weeks – no outdoor lights at Oak Park, they can’t continue in Greenfield, though they really enjoyed it here, they will be back next year.
·       Building – The building is near complete.  Port-a-potties will remain until November.  Will keep one potty next year, will be more financially responsible than leaving the bathrooms open 24/7.

·       Sunset Lake – Beach is closing to the public tomorrow – 8/27/04.  The dock has been removed.  Road Agent, Fox will start working on the culvert shortly.  Sand will be placed in the spring.  
Fire Dept. – Molly Anfuso
        Anfuso reported on Fire Department in the absence of Chief White.
·       Used Ambulance – Have had a difficult time in their search for a used ambulance.  Four- wheel drive ambulance are hard to come by.  Chief White sent a spec sheet to the Finance Co.  hoping they can help research a vehicle that will fit our needs.
·       Boat – Have been working on drills, not in service at this time.  Internal protocols are being installed to define who/what is required to use the boat.  Monadnock Community Hospital is holding a boat safety course.  Chief is requiring everyone to take the course.  State law will require anyone driving a boat will need to take this course by 2005.

Selectman Rainier requested from Anfuso, by September 16, 2004 without fail, a list of rescue calls to Barbara C. Harris Center, as well as Crotched Mountain.
Road Agent, Duffy Fox -   
·       New Boston Road - New Boston Road nearly complete
·       Culvert – The Beach project will begin in the near future.
·       Meeting House - Drainage at the Meeting House will also be done.
·       Fire House - Work at fire house is being cleaned up
·       Misc. Culverts - As many culverts as possible are going to be installed.  These culverts have had approval with a previous culvert permit from the State of NH.
·       Winter - Going into winter sand prep/ fall grading / etc.
·       Sidewalks - Selectman Dumas asked Fox about the Sidewalks to Oak Park.  He noticed they are being filled in by grass, should we consider tarring them?  
Fox said the State has said they can possibly work on grading it differently. Eventually, as a long-term solution, it is going to need paving.
·       Truck – The new International will be here within two weeks

·       Equipment – The trackless worked great this past winter, Fox believes it will be good for quite a few more years.  The only place it had a problem was on the old sidewalk going south on Forest Road.
·       Library stonewall – Noticed some damage to the wall, it will be repaired, will need the equipment but won’t take much time.
Treasurer, Aaron Kullgren – Did not report at this time
Chief of Police, Brian Giammarino –
·       Budget – Reported that he needs to put new tires on the # 2 cruiser – vehicle maintenance will be close, but his budget overall is good.  
·       Grants – The Town did receive grants, however we were not able to use all of the DWI grant funds, we just did not have the manpower.
·       Radar – Giammarino stated that he has asked the State about getting funds for a new radar unit.  They said they would get back to the Department with a sure answer early next week.
·       Drug bust – There was a drug bust in Greenfield last Saturday, August 21, 2004.  The person was arrested for manufacturing marijuana as well as receiving stolen property.
·       Railroad – Selectman Dumas asked how has the summer been with the railroad?  Giammarino stated that one resident has made several complaints; Giammarino further stated that he has followed up on every complaint.  Upon investigating it has been found that the Railroad is complying with regulations.  There have been no accidents.

Jim Plourde reported that the FEMA grant has made it to phase #2 –
Recycling Supervisor, Frank Pelkey -
·       Lighting – Pelkey recommended that a light be installed at the handicap parking. Deb will have the electrician look at it.
·       Outside outlet(s) – Recommended outside outlet for the wreath – electrician would look at this also. Pelkey also suggested a separate outside outlet for maintenance.
·       2005 budget – Repair chimney at Town Office – Selectmen instructed Pelkey to get prices for the repair – pointing up as well – Pelkey was further instructed to will be present when the mason is here looking at the job.
·       Voting booths – short one booth by State law – Pelkey will make one
·       Park Benches – when does he put them away, where does he store them? Selectmen instructed Pelkey to put them away before snow flies and store them in the old town office.   
·       Meeting House - The room behind the stage at the right (exit door) is a “disaster area” – Pelkey asked who is responsible for this area?  He needs someone to give direction as to what to do with all the “stuff”; he can’t work back there.  On going…. This will be discussed with Jarvis Adams when he attends the Selectmen’s Meeting in the next week or two.
·       Building – The new building is coming along – discussion followed – Selectmen asked Pelkey to track how many boxes of recyclables will be produced/week.  Lengthy discussion followed.  Selectman Dumas will look closely at the building on Saturday when he goes to the center.  Reconsideration of the layout of floor space needs to be looked at.  
·       Hazardous waste day – Only 13 people have signed up, Pelkey recommends putting it off for 3 years before doing it again.
·       Glass crusher – Pelkey stated that he has been discussing with other communities what they do with their glass.  They are all crushing and reusing on their roads.  Wants to purchase the crusher, no decision was made.
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson – These items were not discussed, will remain on the agenda until they can be discussed
·       Fuel bids – 2004/2005 winter bids have gone out – Rymes, Lorden, Draper, Irving, Allen & Mathewson were all mailed bids, as well as it was posted in the local papers.  An opening date of September 16th.
·       Benefits -  This needs to be discussed at a later date.
·       FLSA Changes –  
Time Cards – It is extremely important that employees report ALL hours worked!  A justifiable reason for dismissal is not accurately reporting hours worked.  No one is authorized to instruct an employee to under report his or her time.  Town could get fined if over 40 hours are worked and OT is not paid.  If an employee is only supposed to work part-time, that is what they should work unless otherwise budgeted and/or approved.
Time Card Adjustments – Dept. Head & Employee must sign any adjustments to timecards.

Classes – Employees do get paid to go to/from authorized classes.  In the event that a Department Head doesn’t let them leave early on another day, overtime pay will be paid if attending the class results in the employee working over 40 hours.  Department Heads need to pay attention to this.  (If an employee works within two departments, then overtime could be applicable)
Overtime Pay - Employee & Dept. Head can make a written agreement that if the employee worked over 40 hours one week/under 40 the following week (same pay period), the overtime pay will not apply until over 80 hours are reached.
Minimum Pay – ANY employee who reports to work, gets 2 hours of pay, unless the employee has been called prior to reporting to work, and told NOT to report to work.  Example:  Power outage/heat outage etc., you send someone home, they get paid for two hours.
Pre-Employment – Felony record conviction should be asked for PRIOR to employment.  Is the potential employee under investigation of a felony should also be asked.  (It is a question on our application, but not everyone fills out an application) Criminal record and MV record checks MUST be done PRIOR to employment, not after hiring, as we do it.  
·       Vacation – Deb requested vacation the week of September 6, 2004.


On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – see above -
UST –  MB Maintenance reset the current float to be at 98%; Mario will send a letter to the NHDES stating that we are up to code.

Other Business:
Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of August 19th,  Selectmen’s Meeting as written
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & Invoices
·       Abatements – Alice Teng – Court ordered - $2, 145.00
B & M Rail Road – Assessor Error - $11, 830.00
·       Intent to Cut – Piper – resubmitted, new forester
Mail –  
Follow-up:  MaryAnn Waterhouse  - Selectman Rainier called Mrs. Waterhouse, discussed with her that her driveway would be sealed by fall.  Road Agent, Fox reported that there is a lot of trash behind the Waterhouse property on the Town Property.  Selectmen instructed Fox to clean up the items that are on the Town property.
Theresa Creighton – Deb called Mrs. Creighton a couple times, will try again tomorrow, and need more information on the situation.  Would like to speak with Attorney Taft
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 5:45 pm.