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Selectmen Minutes 06/24/2004
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 24, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier, Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:50 Key staff/Dept. Heads – Monthly meeting –
Road Agent, Duffy Fox – Mr. Fox had two matters to discuss:     
Stainless Steel Tank - Fox has located a 2000-gallon, stainless steel tank, designed to make ice cream.  Fox would like to use $1,000 of the FEMA funds to build a chloride spreader. Selectmen approved this decision. Fox stated he would like to have a check up front to pay for the tank. Davidson suggested that to assure he get the check in a timely fashion, he should request the funds now, not to wait until he needs it.
Beaver problems - Fox asked what is the procedure for beaver problems, outside of the roads right of way, but affecting the town roads.  Fox will research this, as there are problems on Dunklee Hill Road and Holden Road as well.  Discussion followed, it was decided that Craig Morroco would be a good source of information.  Davidson will call NHMA on Monday and find out what other towns do in this situation.  
Selectman Rainier commented that the new flagpole looks good, as well as the recycling center.
Code Officer, Peter Hopkins
New Homes - There have been 12 new home applications, two were replacement homes.  
New Law - Hopkins has recently attended an Inspectors Meeting earlier this month.  New law says they cannot require a mobile home to be on a foundation.  However, Hopkins stated that he would continue to require a foundation.
Vacation - Hopkins will be out of town for next two weeks, Stephenson & Plourde will fill in for him.  

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

Zoning Violations – Hopkins stated he is in the process of getting letters out to those residents who have more than 2 unregistered, junk vehicles.  He is working towards taking care of the issues.  With regards to previous violations, he has received a response from one resident who received a notice of violation.  This resident indicated to Hopkins he was waiting to hear back from the zba.  The zba indicated to Hopkins that they were waiting for proof that this resident, is in fact, able to speak on behalf of the Trust before they will take any action.  Hopkins stated that as Code Officer he is staying out of the middle.  The Notice of Violation on Zephyr Lake Road is in compliance at this point, however neighbors are complaining that there is a covenance that reads, only domestic animals are allowed in that area.  A neighbor believes horses are not considered domestic animal.  Hopkins has not found anything stating horses are not a domestic animal and believes they are allowed.  Hopkins has asked for a certified plot plan from the owner of the property. Hopkins further stated the domestic animal issue is a civil issue, not the towns concern.
PSNH – Discussion regarding Psnh procedures followed.  A plot of where there are underground systems in town would be helpful.
Greenfield Inn - Greenfield Inn has not contacted Hopkins for an inspection, currently working on this.
Parks & Recreation, Molly Anfuso
Sunset Lake – The Board of Selectmen have signed the minimum impact permit.  A Public Hearing is scheduled for July 15, 6:00 pm.  Anfuso explained that the boat launch will not be done this year, some abutters are supportive, and some are upset about the work being done at the lake.
The waterfront(s) will be opening next week; swimming lessons will begin the following week.  Three lifeguards have been hired this year, hours have changed to 10:30 -4:00; Anfuso stated she doesn’t see the culvert being too intrusive.  There is a problem with people driving on the beach.  Anfuso stated that Mr. Pelkey has done a great job helping to fix up the beach, he repaired the lifeguard chair & dock; the beach has been raked, it is ready for the summer.
Lake restrictions – Anfuso called the State, she has reported that Sunset Lake has a 30 mph speed limit, except between the hours of 4:30 -7:00, when it is 10 mph.  Boaters can water ski if they continue in a counter clockwise motion.  Crotched Mtn. is aware of the work, which will be done at Sunset.
Ballet & Tennis will be starting up shortly.
Scottish Games -    Oak Park survived the games well.  

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

PRIMEX Seminar – Anfuso went to a seminar at PRIMEX on volunteerism earlier this week.  She met John Teague who was a presenter at the seminar.  Anfuso was made aware that as far as volunteering, it is more than just allowing people to help out.  Anfuso commented, “things needs to get things up to speed”.  There are no policies or waivers currently for volunteers.
Yard Sale – A reminder that the Parks & Rec. are having a Yard Sale on Saturday.
Selectman Dumas asked if Anfuso has had any problems with Alison or the gymnastics programs?  Anfuso responded by saying possibly – the potential problems are food, outside facilities being brought to Greenfield is not acceptable to Anfuso, the contract with Alison is nearly up and should be closely reconsidered.  Dumas asked that a meeting be set up with both Anfuso & Alison to discuss the situation(s).  
Selectman Rainier requested the number of rescue calls that have been made, he would like these numbers by next Wednesday.  
Recycling Center Supervisor, Frank Pelkey
Tonnage - Pelkey reported there has be an increase in tonnage this month, however it is normal for summer months.
New Bay -   Building addition is coming along nice.  
Burn pile - When it rains next, the burn pile will be torched.
Police Chief, Brian Giammarino
Budget – Giammarino reported he is keeping close eye his budget, currently 48% used.  
New Light Bar -  Giammarino traded the Town of Greenfield old radar for a new light bar with town of Richmond, not brand new but it is a very good light bar.  
Firearms Training - Firearms training will be held on Saturday the 26th in Lyndeborough.
Officer Emonds - Officer Emonds is working on his own at this time.  He has been working out very well.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

Grants – The Town of Greenfield has received three grants, Federal & State funds.  We have received a grant in the amount of $2,100 for DWI arrests, $2,100 for Highway Safety Enforcement and the Greenfield State Park grant. Giammarino has written a policy on the Greenfield State Park Funds – The policy is that anyone can use it as long as it is on the weekend and on the officer must be on the mountain bike.  The patrolling must be done before dark.  Currently the Police Department has received $3,000.00 in revenues for alcohol related arrests.  Giammarino sought advice regarding the amount of pay for the officers for one of the grants.  He further discussed how the grant was written & is to be received; part-time officer are paid at straight time, full time officers are paid time and 1//2; Giammarino would like to see a $3.00/hour administrative fee taken from the funds, asking what the Selectmen think of this.  Discussion followed.  It was the Boards decision to allow the full-time officers the entire time and ½ and no administrative fees to be taken out of the grant money.  
Planning Board Chairman, Mike Kavanaugh
Master Plan – The Master Plan should be complete by the end of July.  Spoke with Conservation Commission, Karen Day after the last meeting, currently trying to get a larger map created on one piece of paper.  Apparently, the only way swrpc can do a large map is to tape two pieces of paper together.  
Secured Documents – Kavenagh asked if the Town have a policy regarding securing documents?  He commented, if not it needs to be addressed.  
Town Counsel – The Planning Board is preparing a list of questions for Attorney Teague, when the list is prepared they would like to meet with Attorney Teague in a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen.  Deb was asked to check with Attorney Teague and see if next week will work.  If it doesn’t we will work something else out.  
Sunset Lake Hearing – Chairman Kavenagh asked if the hearing scheduled by the Selectmen would suffice the Planning Board requirement?  Selectman Rainier suggested the Planning Board attend.  Deb will re-notice the meeting to include Planning Board.
Fire Department - Chief White was unavailable, Captain, Jim Plourde spoke on his behalf.
Rescue Boat – The boat has arrived, and checked out fine once inspected. All fire personnel will be trained appropriately to use the boat.  Loren will check into proper registration for the boat.
Fireman’s Muster – The Fireman’s Muster is scheduled for Sunday; July18th at 11:00 am for the parade, the Muster begins at 1:00 pm.  

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

5:45 Town Forester, Karla Allen –
Colburn Subdivision - There appear to be potential wetlands violations that are being addressed on this lot. Ms. Allen is waiting to hear from the State whether he filed a wetlands permits or not.  It doesn’t appear that he did.  Some of the issues that will be addressed are that Boulders that have been moved around causing erosion and alteration of terrain.   Ms. Allen will write to the Board of Selectmen and provide them with a written opinion after meeting with the State.
Freeman Lot – Ms. Allen mentioned she would like to meet with Mrs. Freeman to discuss the wetland crossings and buffer zones, etc. from a previous cut on her property.  Ms. Allen asked if the Board could write Mrs. Freeman a letter to get the ball rolling.   
Mitchell/Mason Subdivision - Selectman Rainier asked Ms. Allen if she has had an opportunity to view the Subdivision on 31 south? She stated she has not to this date.  Discussion followed that there is a significant amount of wetlands within that subdivision; a high intensity soil survey was completed for the subdivision.  The lots were not designed based on wetlands.
6:00  Uli Koch –  Mr. Koch apologized for the absence of either petitioner last week.  Selectman Brooks briefly explained the discretionary barn preservation, the risk of penalties.  Lengthy discussion followed, the impact this can have on the overall town, authenticity of the building must be considered, the percentage of risk, the Selectmen must visit the property, and the decision is discretionary.
Mr. Koch spoke stated that the barn is in need of a new roof; the shingles rapidly need repair. Outside boards are in need of repair, the repairs are very expensive.  Mr. Koch stated they were hoping the Town could help him to abate the expenses related to the preservation.  Mr. Koch stated that in consideration of his own tax rate, he does not think this to be a prudent choice at this time.  

 6:30 Planning Board members: Mike Kavenagh/Sheldon Pennoyer – RSA 91-A:3 II (a) -
6:30 PM - In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Brooks & Rainier.  Voted:  Brooks, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes
6:50 PM - In accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of the non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Brooks & Rainier.  Voted:  Brooks, Yes; Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes – No decision was made.
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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

8:00 – Mary Myers, Tom Myers – Mr. & Mrs. Myers are Co-Founders & Board of Directors of a local non-profit, alternative education school.  The school was created with a woman who also helps teach children with developmental challenges.  The school is fairly successful, has a waiting list, has a good group of balance, not just for challenged children.  It was suggested that the “Old Town Office” might be an option for the expansion of their school.  Currently there are 8 children in this alternative school.  Two teachers & two full time aids.  A few questions followed -
Does space need to be approved by state?  Mr. Myers explained Health Officer, Fire Chief and/or State Fire Marshall would need to inspect the facility.  
Selectman Dumas stated that this is Mr. & Mrs. Myers proposal; they need to do the research and report back to the Board their proposal.
Selectman Brooks discussed some of the challenges (i.e. septic, water & parking) with the building.
Open discussion followed, Mr. & Mrs. Myers will research the building and get back to the selectmen.
Monday afternoon at 12:00 Noon, Mr. & Mrs. Myers will meet with Selectman Rainier at the old town office to have an idea of exactly what is there.  

On – going matters:
Downtown Project –  
·       Punchlist with Mr. Lou DeGrandpre, VanDyke Construction – A meeting was held the week of July 10th,  with UEI, and Vandyke.  A mutual agreement has been met, the project should be complete within two weeks, the project was negotiated underbudget by $54,000.
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – Fox reported the two larger walls should be up tomorrow, trusses will be next week, roof thereafter.  Rainy days can be used after that to do finish work.  
Cemetery Stonewall – no acknowledgement from Mr. Hudson to date.
Meeting House Cleaning – Discussed proposal from the church – Mr. McGurty is on vacation, there is nothing to report from him yet.  This will remain on the agenda until Mr. McGurty and Ms. Davidson have an opportunity to talk.
Litigation – Selectmen reviewed the letter from Attorney Cairns –
Other Business:
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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of June 17, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P & Invoices
·       Veterans Tax Credit – Louis Cadorette III – this needs two signatures
·       Town Hall rental – Jenny Glover – Wedding July 16, 2004

Mail –  
·       Misc. Brochures were reviewed

Any other business that comes before the board:
Resignation - Virginia Martin resigned from Supervisor Of Checklist – Linda Dodge will be notified, she needs to appoint someone in Ms. Martin’s place.
911 Emergency number list -  Bennington Fire Department requested the Town of Greenfield Emergency # list, for mutual aid purposes. Discussion followed not to be given out for any reason other than emergency service personnel -
Meeting House
·       Regarding the Church cleaning the meeting house – As stated earlier in the evening, John McGurty is on vacation– he will get back to us- Selectmen briefly discussed their thoughts on the proposal from the church? No decisions will be made at this time, more information is needed.
·       Nell Conkright received the message from you regarding your only allowing the Greenfield Democrats to meet at the Mtg. House once, free of charge.   Ms. Conkright had said Greenfield is the only town that is oppose to them using their meetinghouse.   The GD’s also meet in Francestown, Deering & Bennington; they are predominantly Greenfield residents, she doesn’t understand, as it is her opinion “this is what the building should be used for”.  She requested that you reconsider your decision.  This organization alternate Towns every other week until elections; there are only a few more meetings.  The next meeting would be July 22, which you gave permission for, she asked that you reconsider.   Selectmen discussed this a bit further; they would like Ms. Conkright to meet with them to discuss it in person.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2004

Town Counsel – Attorney Teague will meet with you next Wednesday at 7:00 to discuss the Barbara C. Harris PILOT.
Boston Post Cane – Discussed this with the Historical Society, Jerry would like to attend, and he would like at least one Selectman to be present.  Discussion followed, all Selectmen supports a decision that Doris Mason will be the recipient of the cane.  Selectman Dumas will attend the presentation with Mr. Adams; July will be a good time for this presentation.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Wednesday, June 30, at 6:00 pm.