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Selectmen Minutes 06/17/2004
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 17, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; Conrad Dumas
Absent:  Selectman, George Rainier
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson was taking minutes

Department Heads:

6:00 Public Hearing on Barn Preservation Easements….
At 6:00 pm the petitioner was not present for the hearing.
Present were Selectman Dumas, Selectman Brooks, Avitar Assessor, Jim Rice and Resident John Hopkins.
Selectmen waited until 6:35 at which time the petitioner was still not present.  Catherine Shaw had spoken with Ms. Torsen earlier in the day; Ms. Torsen asked Catherine what time the hearing was, Catherine read her the time from the newspaper ad.  Ms. Torsen indicated she would be at the hearing.
No action will be taken; this will remain on the agenda next week for discussion.

6:35 School Board Representative, Tom Weldon – Mr. Weldon briefly discussed the teacher contract.  As a housekeeping item, Mr. Weldon asked if a reminder could be put on the sign board, reminding residents to Vote on July 8th – 10:00am – 7:00 pm.  “Teacher contract vote”.  Selectmen approved this request.  
On – going matters:
Downtown Project –  
·       Punchlist with Mr. Lou DeGrandpre, VanDyke Construction –
 Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update – No update at this time  

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2004

Other Business:
Minutes -  Selectmen accepted the minutes of June 10, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & Invoices
·       State Inspection Station for Motorcycles – Shepherd Auto – Code Officer, Hopkins spoke with the Administrative Assistant, Davidson and recommended the Board of Selectmen sign the application for operation of an Inspection Station for Motorcycles.  Hopkins further stated that this business seems to be one that will have a fluctuating number of vehicles.  Peter supports the Motorcycle Inspection Station.
·       Abatement – Selectmen signed abatement for Linda Levesque for interest on a current use penalty – Ms. Levesque had been mailed the land use change penalty; her mail was being forwarded, the penalty we mailed was returned to the Tax Collector, the Tax Collector never forwarded the returned original bill.  Ms. Levesque is requesting no interest be charged, whereas she never received the bill.  She has paid the bill, less interest.
·       Notification for updated Revised Statutes was approved
·       Mel Hudson – Letter to be mailed requesting he contact the Selectmen regarding necessary repairs to the stonewall at Greenvale Cemetery.  Mr. Hudson did the work originally; trustees were given a copy of the letter.
·       Yield Tax Warrant
·       Letter to Window Master – Pre agreement regarding installation of 5 windows is the town office was signed and mailed to Mr. Voorhis.
·       Veterans Tax Credit – Louis Cadorette III

Mail –  
·       Legal Correspondence from Ransmeir & Spellman
·       Misc. Brochures were reviewed

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2004

Boston Post Cane – Deb spoke with Jane Winslow, she will speak with Jerry Adams and get back to Davidson on Monday.  
Minimum impact permit – A hearing for the minimum impact permit for Sunset Lake needs to be scheduled.  Discussion followed – The hearing will be scheduled for July 15, 2004 at 6:00 pm.
Deb discussed that though a new boat ramp was designed on the permit recently provided by Meridian, there are not immediate plans to replace the boat ramp.  It was included for future use.
Legal – John Teague would like meet with Selectmen – We will tentatively schedule this meeting for Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 5:30pm  - prior to Selectmen’s Meeting.
Meeting House Cleaning – The Church has provided a written proposal to take responsibility for the cleaning of the Meeting House, a copy for Selectmen to review was provided. No decision has been made; this shall remain on the agenda for next week.   Deb was asked to research with McGurty Maintenance, if we changed our agreement would it have any impact on our contract.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, June 24 at 5:45 pm, at which time there will be the monthly key staff/dept. head meetings.